I would like to see trump survive 10 months without electricity....
Id like to see him survive a week without money
I’d like to see him nailed to a tree
I'd like to see him six feet under.
I’d like to see him in the trenches of Afghanistan.
I wouldn’t like to see him at all.
id like to see him fall off the top of a high building
i'd like to see him kabobed on the spire of trump tower
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Quoting directly from
@BBCJamesCook Here is the official George Washington University report which estimates that 2,975 people died. http://bit.ly/2OjRDNB Here is the Harvard University study which suggests the number may have been as high as 4,600.http://bit.ly/2OjREB9 -
Hospitals had 3 days of generator pwr, then no electricity. All the babies in NICU died, all adults in ICU died, anyone needing dialysis died. Without clean water or medications , ppl died from simple infections, water borne diseases, and then from thirst. 1/2
2/2 Roads and bridges out, no food, no roofs, often no homes - ppl starved to death, died from exposure, pneumonia, mold inhalation. 4,000 is a low death count. I know, I was part of a crowd-sourced team - we mapped roads, bridges, power, cell towers, water, and deaths.
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Don't forget Puerto Rico immigrants to Florida, in the
#FLGov race@AndrewGillum's opponent,@RonDesantisFL is one of these nut-jobs who worships Trump. He even brainwashes his kids to worship him. Now THAT is creepy! Florida doesn't need some cult worshipper as governor.pic.twitter.com/S9q92nGRzP -
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You are literally denying the death of 3000 people just because of you’re pathologically fragile ego. Your malignant narcissism is a disease that’s ravaging America...
if he can't show respect to 911 victims, what chance do hurricane victims of a place he does not realize is part of america stand? I can't wait to hear his excuses for botching this one up.he already sent over 10 million of femsas money to cage kids. coz that is who he is. an ass
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3000 Souls are on your conscious
He doesn't have a conscious.
Or a conscience!
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