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  1. If US is serious about “economic isolation” of Russia if the Idlib offensive commences, one way forward: threaten to expose Putin’s personal wealth through the assets and bank accounts his oligarch bagmen control if he goes ahead with the attack...

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  2. 2 hours ago

    Rachel Maddow highlights just a few passages from Bob Woodward's new book, "Fear: Trump in the White House," that describe exchanges in the White House that are worthy of their own books, if not at least a lot of further journalistic inquiry.

  3. 3 hours ago
  4. 11 hours ago

    You can only hate this treasonous piece of orange excrement...

  5. 17 hours ago
    Replying to

    "Assad AND we burned the country"

  6. 18 hours ago

    one picture summarises the dictatorship of Al-Assad

  7. On this day, a tiny town in Newfoundland took in 6,700 passengers stranded during . They didn't care about politics or who the President was. They opened their homes and hearts to complete strangers, in their most difficult hour. It's what Canada does. 🇺🇲🇨🇦

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  8. 18 hours ago
  9. Sep 9

    95 straight months of job growth. 21 months of . Do the math.

  10. Sep 10

    Me: *throws you down a pit* You: my leg's broken Me: I'm sure you have proof. I'll wait You: YOU THREW ME DOWN A PIT Me: so sick of people always bringing up pits You: YOU THREW ME DOWN ONE Me: wow victim card much You: A PIT Me: that talk's exactly why you got thrown down a pit

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  11. 23 hours ago

    You can’t argue that this happened years before Trump and that Trump inherited a great economy which is - despite his chaos - thankfully still growing.

  12. Sep 9

    A guy at Target wearing a Dallas Cowboys hat and a MAGA t-shirt was buying a 65 inch TV so I said “Man, you’re really gonna be able to see the players kneeling on that thing.”

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  13. Sep 10

    Idlib will decide if Erdogan is a man of his word or a coward. There is no other option.

  14. Sep 9


  15. Sep 9
  16. Sep 9

    When Americans wear t-shirts that say "I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat," they are saying they'd rather have this than in a country where people can freely express disagreement with their government 👇🏾

  17. Jul 1

    MAKE A STAND: Help PUSH Plot to Destroy Democracy to #1 ⁦⁩ to send a message that our American Democracy will not go softly in the night. Go git it. Read it. Review it!

  18. Sep 9

    To the people of : always sing the national anthem of Russia whenever Putin’s thugs in uniform (or without uniform) appear. Always!

  19. Sep 8

    ICYMI ===> How much barely hidden state terrorism -- including unleashing a weapons-grade nerve agent on civilians -- does Putin have to inflict abroad before the West seriously pushes back? Asking for a friend.

  20. Sep 9

    The Putin puppet of got killed last month in . Now the Putin puppet in shared the same fate. Has anybody seen ?


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