• ”oh it feels like it was only yesterday I was wiping your bottom for you when you used the potty!”

Melanie Herring / Purplekecleon / PK / PapayaKitty / GlitchedPuppet / Floraverse / Forbidden FloraAbusive, manipulative SJW artist whose NOW EX-husband fucks dogs and teenagers

Discussion in 'Animal Control' started by MayMay, Oct 28, 2014.

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Animal Control is for the furry fandom, its members, subcultures, and communities.

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  • @Golden Compass, @InLivingTuna, @yawning sneasel, @Feline Darkmage


So what's your deal, anyway?

  1. I used to be a fan of PK's and was already a Kiwi

    140 vote(s)
  2. I made an account just to post in this thread

    192 vote(s)
  3. I was never a fan of PK's but this shit fascinates me

    606 vote(s)
  4. This thread is a fucking circlejerk trainwreck and I wanna watch

    486 vote(s)
Article Available:
The Lolcow Wiki has an article on Melanie Herring
  1. Marl is scum and absolutely capable of raping his wife. Dont think many here would object to that

    Marl is scum. Dog(lol)shit trash heap of a human being. No one here is questioning that. People are questioning why, given his scummy nature, and the logs of multiple people talking about his behavior, pk and eevee seemed happy before right fucking now to live with him and to defend him and to attack the other people he victimized if they weren't also in on his scummy shit. ESPECIALLY now, considering all of pks talk about how he didnt give a shit about boundaries

    I dont have any issue believing pk was abused and even raped by marl, considering his nature. My issue comes with how pk and eevee treat other victims of his abuse. If they are, somehow, just NOW realizing what a disgusting fuckface he is, then now would be the time to say sorry
    • Agree Agree x 21
  2. Holly fucking shit, how this people seriously do it? :story:

    I might do another long long post but I'm just gonna resume everything in this little message for our "I totally not read their forum!!" guy:

    Eevee: Instead of playing game why don't you grow a pair and either stop looking at the thread for the sake of your sanity or, come here yourself and talk to us directly.

    I promise you, as much as it doesn't seem like it we are way more human than you and your fiancé :)

    also LMAO, @Hardinthepaint, seems like you hit a weak spot :story:

    With everything said and done who would've had thought that what was needed for him to go full ape was to make some tech remark :story:

    EDIT: Words
    • Feels Feels x 4

    NotSoAceCat It's not a phase mom!!!11

    • Like Like x 3
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    #21163 CallieMarie, Yesterday at 11:07 PM
    Last edited: Yesterday at 11:15 PM

    CallieMarie Salted squid is a delicacy in some places

  3. Having someone send screenshots of posts on here doesn't make Eevee better cause Eevee is still choosing to look at the posts sent to them.

    Could easily say "Hey, no, I'd rather not see this."

    But instead Eevee chooses to look at them and rant.
    • Agree Agree x 5

    Hoodie I was on twitter once

  4. Not to beat a dead horse(cock), but

    This shit keeps writing itself.
    • Like Like x 1
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    Privileged Millennial

    Privileged Millennial How can it possibly get worse?

    • Informative Informative x 7
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 2
    • Feels Feels x 1

    AFewRegrets Rhodes deserved better

  5. I'm sorry, but this made me snicker; The Youtube part.
    It's sad, because it's true.

    Don't quote me on this one, but I believe Glip don't believe much in therapy.
    Again, I have no backup for this, but it does leave a great question as to why they have not looked to find experts to help them.
    What I do remember right, is Glip mentioning Anxiety, and Panic Attacks and pretty much common Mental Illnesses that appear when under stress.

    Side note; It's been mentioned afore, but just because life has been mean to you, doesn't mean you can be mean for others.
    So yeah, Eevee, Glip.
    You are free to think of us whatever you want, be it the closest things to demons on earth, beasts with no heart or feelings, and what else you wish.
    But for someone who wishes to move on, you certaintly cling to the past.
    Learn from the past, so you can forge a better future.


    Your popularity was based on Pokemon, so you've probably come across this qoute before.
    • Winner Winner x 9
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Feels Feels x 1
  6. You know that meme, "Man loses last bit of hope he didn't realize he had left"?

    I just lost the last little bit of sympathy I had for him that I didn't even know I had.

    You say we twist words then do so yourself in a Twitter rant. Well done, you hypocrite.
    And no Opa, I don't hate you. I just don't care about anything that may happen to you in the future. Hatred is reserved for those who are truly vile. Marl for example.
    • Feels Feels x 8

    KiwiLedian Making Poke and praying for a Mega

  7. Why are Opa and Eevee getting so worked up over the photos of his daughter being archived anyway?
    If we are to believe Eevee, they are just a long string of numbers anyway...
    • Winner Winner x 16
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 3
    • Like Like x 1

    Observatory Proud Ameri-kin

  8. If you really want to boil it down, a picture of PK's gross furry porn and a picture of Opa's kid are made of the same kinds of 1's and 0's. :heart-empty:
    • Winner Winner x 3
    Galaxy Harasser

    Galaxy Harasser NO. Magenta horsecock is foreboden.

  9. Same with that game you lot were supposedly still working on too~
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 1
    B Stands for Hugbees

    B Stands for Hugbees I'm not your friend, I'm your secretary

  10. Then again, Opa, Glip and Eevee

    Which photos are you even talking about? I know there are some archive, no more than whatever a single tweet (made by his own father) is allowed to post.

    And no opa, nowhere is stated that you took CP pictures of your child you dense moron, it was sugested that your clique is acting like if said photos were on that subject, overeacting over merely innocent pictures that honestly and most probably half the forums have already forgotten.

    So who's the one twisting things here? stop sucking glip's ass and think straight for godamn second.
    • Agree Agree x 11

    NotSoAceCat It's not a phase mom!!!11

  11. you don't have to do the thinking for them dude, let them fuck up on their own lol
    • Agree Agree x 7
    Power Armor

    Power Armor Have fun online!

  12. Opa we literally said and did nothing you said we did, pull your head out of your ass.

    I also wanna add re: the autism thing. I’m pretty goddamn sure that everyone on this site has something about them that someone else on here could theoretically mock them for. But that’s not why we’re here. We don’t go powerleveling about stupid shit (by and large), so thinking that we’d tear ourselves apart just because we found out “OOOOO YOU’RE A FURRY!!!” or “OOOO YOU’RE NONBINARY!!!!” about someone is just you projecting your own anger at us.

    If you’re gonna come after the site, full tilt because some people on here don’t respect the pronouns of every person who identifies as trans, then people are going to laugh at you for comedically missing the point of why we have anything on here. Whether or not we’re politically correct, we have evidence of some very abusive, dangerous people, and that’s way more important than respecting the feefees of every person on the internet.
    • Agree Agree x 13

    Jangarango Get in line, ladies

  13. People who bitch about this site act like they never talked shit about another person in a controlled group before. Come off your moral high horses, jesus fuck.
    • Like Like x 10
    • Agree Agree x 6
  14. Anyone reading @Starberry's post in the screenshot Opa attached can actually see right there that it doesn't say what Opa is claiming.

    But yeah, sure, it's a formulated attack. Why the fuck not. I love how they're wildly spinning the shit we're saying out into a crazy spectacle. Everyone loves a good train wreck which drives more people here to see it themselves.

    And then, oh shit, context.

    Again, I said a lot of the people here are former Floraverse fans. How many are people who came to look at what was going on in this thread and realized there's a lot more going on than they thought? Show of hands.
    • Agree Agree x 10
    • Like Like x 1
  15. If this were another reality where Kiwifarms didn't exist, the same shit here will still happen anyway but in a different forum or in some other form on another social media website. If I didn't know any better, I would never have guessed these two have actually spent 10 years on the fucking internet yet learnt nothing about how it works.

    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 2

    Duosion Used to be a pair of floatin' psychic buttcheeks

  16. All she had to do was make a genuine apology to the people she called liars and she couldn't even do that.
    • Feels Feels x 7
    • Winner Winner x 1

    A.Shitposter Citizen of Neo-Kiwifarms

  17. Was given this information regarding archiving Mastodon links:

    The archive.st site I shared earlier works as well, but it's new so who knows how long it will stay, but you can still get way back machine and archive.is to back up the archive.st pages so there is that at least.

    Just passing the information along since mastodon is their new crying room of choice, so it all needs properly archived.
    • Informative Informative x 4
    • Semper Fidelis Semper Fidelis x 1

    fartknocker settle down, beavis

  18. you don't turn gay but sometimes you realize that you are gay when you see a penis go in a vagina and think "fuck, that is just awful. this is absolutely not for me" and the fact that she draws so much piv just adds to it.

    IANAL but I think the statute of limitations in nevada (assuming that is where Glip was raped) is four years for sexual assault based on this https://law.justia.com/codes/nevada/2010/title14/chapter171/nrs171-085.html

    quoting just part of the page here

    • Informative Informative x 3
    • Feels Feels x 1
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