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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Apr 29

    Mes publications de 2001 prochainement traduites de l'italien en anglais & français Version italienne dispo à la BU de Lettres & LVE Université-Caen Voyage au cœur d'une , Pays à forte émigration touchée à son tour par l'immigration face à une qui "botte en touche"

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  2. almost but not as good as "b 'daak shij?" in lebanon which doesnt mean "u want something before I leave?" . actually it just means 'bye'

  3. 2 hours ago

    Excellent report from Iraq, a must watch by on continuous presence and successful insurgency in . Political instability facilitates the resurgence of Islamic State in Iraq

  4. Qatar: un confidentiel du Figaro nous apprend la nomination d'un nouvel ambassadeur de l'émirat en France. Ali ben Jassim Thani al-Thani, membre de la famille régnante, succède à Khalid Ben Rashid al-Mansouri qui ne sera resté que deux ans à Paris.

  5. Alain Goma, 54 ans, est otage depuis 100 jours au Yémen. Le navigateur biterrois est en souffrance, selon sa soeur qui lui a parlé la semaine dernière. Ce n'est pas parce qu'il n'est pas journaliste que les médias doivent être silencieux sur son calvaire.

  6. 7 hours ago

    Face à l'État Islamique les Occidentaux n'ont guère fait dans la dentelle à et à , comment pourrait-il en être autrement à Idlib ? Voir "Comprendre la bataille d'"

  7. 6 hours ago

    The effect of Sistani's political rulings & opinions are entirely contingent on their expedient appeal--thus the massive response to his call to arms in 2014, and fizzle of today's calls to reason

  8. Sep 10

    "If nothing else, the soldiers could fight for one another" - critique du livre de , au plus près des soldats américains en Irak et Afghanistan

  9. 23 hours ago

    🇺🇸 #9/11 17th anniversary Workers still search for 9/11 remains, 17 years on

  10. 21 hours ago

    I remember when the Islamic State used to release many translations – in English, French, Russian, Turkish… – a few hours after the official speech in Arabic. Now it's 20 days

  11. 16 hours ago

    Crise libyenne : menace l’ et s’isole davantage via

  12. More than 8 million civilians are on the verge of famine in Yemen, and well over 110,000 Yemeni children died from preventable causes in 2016 & 2017, while the US-Saudi coalition bombs civilian areas & targets food production to starve them into submission

  13. 15 hours ago

    Suggestion: Since the US is anti al-Qaeda too, why not team with the Russian Air Force to carry out strikes against the group. This involvement also ensures close monitoring against the use of any CW on the battlefield.

  14. 6 hours ago

    “HTS [rebranded Al Qaeda] units keep providing security to Turkish convoys entering Idlib.”

  15. 6 hours ago

    The Basra protests dealt a probably fatal blow to Abadi's political career. Having cultivated few alternatives, the US will have little influence over the shape of Iraq's next government.

  16. 4 hours ago

    "Saudi authorities have arrested an Egyptian hotel worker who appeared in what officials described as an 'offensive' video eating breakfast with a female co-worker."

  17. 4 hours ago

    The good dictator: Trump's team is talking with North Korea about arranging another romantic summit with Kim Jong Un.

  18. Sep 8

    une partie de la vid de l’ Afrique de l’Ouest concernant des combats à Zari région lac // on remarque les tactiques d’attaques pr contrôler une position fortifié de l’armée au moins un transport de troupes blindés a été mis hors de service - plusieurs morts

  19. Sep 9

    In the 1970s the Shah sought to make Iran a military superpower

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  20. 21 hours ago

    IDPs in Hodeida talk about how the Houthis took their farms and turned them into trenches and mine fields and put the residents under siege and indiscriminate shelling. .

  21. Sep 1

    🇱🇧 🇮🇱 The maritime border dispute between Lebanon and Israel explained via


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