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  1. Pinned Tweet
    30 Apr 2017

    Some beautiful traditional Kurdish music with Iranian Rastak group ! The music is simply hilarious.

  2. 44 minutes ago

    If Mike Pence was born in Egypt, he would have been a member of the Muslim Brotherhood or even the more extremist groups. But he would also have been removed in a US approved military coup if he was ever elected into office.

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  3. 47 minutes ago

    Pence is only a step away from presidency but he doesn’t need presidency to do the damage. He has already done lots of damage in Middle East and elsewhere around the world all guided by a political ideology that is inspired by a peculiar interpretation of Christianity

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  4. 49 minutes ago

    Mike Pence is more extremist and conservative, both in terms of religious views & social values, than any Muslim leader elected into office. Most damage done by Trump is actually designed by Pence & the rest of the extremist elements in the administration

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  5. 2 hours ago

    The ethnic-nationalism of 1930s Europe at least was genuine. The guys were genuinely crazy. They were seriously nationalist nutters. This new wave of far right is fake. The only thing real about them is their love of Putin.

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  6. 3 hours ago

    The gutless hypocrites on the far right in Britain are silent on the Russian attack on their county. Not only that, they continue to spread Russian propaganda. Then they shamelessly make questioning British Muslims belonging a matter of national debate.

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  7. 6 hours ago

    The far right hates immigrants but not the immigration crisis. If they cared about Europe, they would be pressuring their boss Putin to stop Idlib offensive because that means another refugee crisis. But no, they are busy praising Putin/Assad!

  8. Retweeted
    Sep 8

    Parsi Priests got zero chill.

  9. 8 hours ago

    When corrupt despots in Middlr East want to show off their governance skills

  10. Retweeted

    State election poster from AfD in Germany promises "Muslim-free schools." The historical echoes are deafening at this point.

  11. 18 hours ago

    Among the many versions of Talal badru alayna (The full moon rose onto us), a popular song sung in the love of Muhammed, the Turkish style is the best. But this performance from the cute children of the French Canadian Choir is best I have seen so far.

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  12. 18 hours ago

    To this day, this scene from Mustafa Akkad Al-Risala (The Message) remains the best depiction of the moment Prophet Muhammed entered Medina. Unfortunately, Akkad was killed by terrorists who kill Muslims in the name of the religion Muhammed brought.

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  13. 19 hours ago

    1440 years ago, a man and his best friend started a dangerous 340 km journey from Mecca to Medina to escape religious persecution. Today, at least 150,000,000 men and boys are named after that man, Muhammed. Happy New Islamic Year to all lovers of Muhammed.

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  14. 20 hours ago

    The future of democracy in the Middle East is dependant on whether Western democracies find see democratic although not perfect governments that might be dominated by religious parties temporarily a better ally or the current authoritarian regimes.

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  15. 20 hours ago

    My dream for Iraq is a decentralised democracy where minority rights are protected, individual liberties maintained & elected officials respond to no one but the electorate. But is it a realistic vision for today's Iraq? Not. But it isn't an all or nothing game.

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  16. 21 hours ago

    Western liberal democracy wasn't born overnight. It is the result of centuries of internal dynamism and conflict between opposing forces. It's utterly bizarre to expect other societies adopt liberal democratic forms of government overnight just like what they do to imran Kha now.

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  17. 21 hours ago

    Many a time, democratically elected governments in Middle east have been sacrificed for a utopian and unrealistic expectation for liberal democracy. The result has been the death of democracy and birth of authoritarianism with a liberal facade. Look no further than Egypt.

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  18. 21 hours ago

    While Western policymaking circles have generally been understanding of this fact in Iraq & in Lebnon to some extent, they haven't been able to maintain this nuanced view to democratisation elsewhere.

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  19. 21 hours ago

    Democracy isn't a one size fits all. Societies have to negotiate their own forms of democratic governance. Do i want a clergyman tell me who should be the prime minister? Absolutely no. but what if we needed that to avoid a civil war? Then may be the answer will be different.

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  20. 21 hours ago

    The role played by the Najaf myarja'yah represented in Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in the current political balancing is a very curious case of how democracy is very context specific.

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  21. 22 hours ago

    Given the Western far right movement is backed up by Western & non-western actors w/ huge money & strong propaganda machines, in both mainstream & alternative media, it's a miracle Swedish far right hasn't won over 20%.


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