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How many types of SP borneo are there?

How many types of sp Borneo exist? they are caught in so many locations and many types are shown. Here I will try to round them up so we can analyse. ABCE possibly the same variant, CD possibly same. E Maybe a tank raise fish or young fish with the bars not or haven't fully sticking together yet. 

The characteristic of sp Borneo is black patch near the tail when mature, stout body, short and slim head, the band will stretched all the way to the bottom like full bar. Most of the time the fins are black.

The main problem why ABCE is undetermine is simply because nobody know how does the ABCE baby fish look like lol. I tell you... Its not a joke, even Indonesian cannot answer you this.  The below is type D found in central Kalimantan. Only D is identified and recorded from baby to adult.

So to those chasing for sp borneo baby pandai2 lah. Dun buy anything ppl say... Use your eyes and your knowledge given. 

For type ABE I'm still working on it. Until baby to adult pictures are found we cant be sure.

I do however suspect they are only 2 variant of the sp Borneo ABCE & D stand alone.

This could be an oddball or a tank raised fish unless more of this patterns are found I would classify them as just oddballs.

Pictures are collected on the internet over a span of few years and unfortunately I\ve lost tract of whom they belong to, if so happened the owner viewed my blog pls leave me a note and I'll gladly credit the picture to your name. Apologized.


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