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    19 Nov 2016
  2. 10 minutes ago

    Sadr’s Sa’iroon bloc and Amiri’s Fatah bloc call for PM Abadi to resign due to situation in Basra

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    4 hours ago
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    If SAA withdraw from Qamishili, Turkey will attack the next day

  4. Retweeted
    Sep 4

    Panahi was caught with a large cache of weapons and ammunition and admitted to planning to carry out attacks on security forces in the area. It was also discovered during his interrogation that multiple members of his family are stationed with Komala in Iraqi Kurdistan

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  5. Retweeted
    Sep 4

    Panahi was captured in June 2017 after crossing the Iraqi border and attempting to enter the city of Sanandaj with three other Komala members. Stopped at an IRGC checkpoint, Panahi was the only survivor of an ensuing shootout and was promptly taken into custody

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  6. Retweeted
    Sep 4

    In recent weeks, Ramin Hussein Panahi, a Kurdish Iranian national on death row, has been variously described by Western human rights groups as a 'political prisoner' and 'prisoner of conscience'. Here he is, heavily armed, with members of the Kurdish separatist group Komala

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  7. 51 minutes ago
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    Sep 6

    يطل الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" سماحة السيد عند الساعة التاسعة مساء الأحد 9 أيلول عبر قناة "المنار" في مقابلة أجريت بمناسبة استشهاد نجله الشهيد ، وستخصص إطلالته للحديث عن المناسبة واستشهاد ابنه.

  9. Sep 6
  10. Retweeted
    Sep 6

    Mihraç Ural 'ı defalarca öldüren ve haber yapan sazanlar içindir bu tweet. Azıcık araştıracak beyniniz olsa fotoğrafın eski bir fotoğraf olduğunu daha önceki bir suikaste ait olduğunu çok kolay öğrenebilirdiniz. Ural bir yerlerde yine yaptığınız bu saçmalıklara gülüyordur kesin.

  11. Retweeted
    Sep 6

    ممثل دوله رئيس مجلس النواب رئيس حركه امل الاستاذ نبيه بري الوزير علي حسن خليل قدم واجب العزاء باسم دولة الرئيس و قيادة حركه امل للوزير سليمان فرنجيه والنائب طوني سليمان فرنجيه بوفاة عمه روبير فرنجية

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    التصدي لعدوان إسرائيلي استهدف بعض مواقعنا العسكرية في طرطوس وحماة

  13. Retweeted
    Sep 2

    The pope should focus instead on the catastrophe of child abuse in his churches by his own priests

  14. Retweeted
    Sep 2

    القوائم الفائزة في الانتخابات البرلمانية العراقية تعلنان تشكيل كتلتين كبيرتين في البرلمان المقبل قبل انعقاد الجلسة الاولى له الاثنين. رئاسة الوزراء ستذهب الى الكتلة التي لديها اكبر عدد من المقاعد.

  15. Retweeted
    Sep 2

    الحكومة توصل ماء يشتعل للناس ماء للشرب والاغتسال ولسقي المحاصيل و .... ماء كلمة ملوث لا تعبر عنه.

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    Aug 30

    A simple request to my followers. Donate ten dollars to . Then ask ten of your friends to do the same. If 1000 of us take on the challenge, we can meet our goal to raise $10,000 for UNRWA in this crucial time.

  18. Sep 2

    Around 200,000 people are reportedly participating in the funeral march for the leader of the Donetsk People’s Republic [DPR], Alexander Zakharchenko, who was killed in a terrorist explosion on Friday in Donetsk. - TASS

  19. Sep 2

    More than 4 million students went to more than 15,000 schools throughout the country today on the first day of the new school year. More than 50 schools rebuilt in East Ghouta to receive students however 7,000 schools remain damaged or outside of state control

  20. Sep 2

    The moderate Opposition install gallows in Harem city in north-western Idlib countryside, to execute anyone who calls for reconciliation with the Syrian state and Army

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