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  1. Pinned Tweet
    May 1

    the fact that the US can't find a place for the Alawites, even in their statements, is a disgusting form of sectarianism and say everything about the US bad intentions towards an entire religious group .. a reminder Alawites are the biggest minority in Syria

  2. Retweeted

    | military source in Tiger forces to me : The Battle of Idlib begin

  3. 15 minutes ago

    kiki challenge near Idlib, Syria 🤣🤣🤣

  4. 45 minutes ago

    Number of SAA casualties in al-Haskkah clashes is now confirmed at no less than 11, while the SDF's security forces lost one fighter only

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  5. 1 hour ago

    For any one who thought an agreement can be reached with the SDF, they just killed two SAA soldiers in al-Haskah for no real reason.

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  6. 13 hours ago
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  8. 20 hours ago
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    This summit is a mess. Clearly there is no deal. Erdoğan is arguing with Rouhani and Putin live on television. Erdoğan mentions about civilians, then both responded by saying civilians are used as human shield by terror groups in Idlib, or a pretext to protect terrorists

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  10. Sep 6

    Golani prefer to see Idlib leveled to the ground over accepting these terms

  11. Sep 6

    Basra protesters should never stop what they are doing until contracts to build power stations, water stations, waste management facilities are singed right in front of their eyes in their city with U.N. observation, the Iraqi government is lying.

  12. Sep 6

    I need this reporter in my life

  13. Sep 6
  14. Retweeted
    Sep 6

    leaders are selling property in including restaurants and farms ahead of the approaching regime offensive: “the most prominent leaders of offered their property for sale in secret, so as not to spread panic among their elements”

  15. Retweeted
    Sep 6

    أيّ السرطانَين تفضّل: أم ؟ مقالتي في

  16. Sep 6
  17. Sep 5

    I believe that Op-Ed was written by Mattis, only him have a clear conflict with Trump and only him would dare to do such thing. I truly hope he will get kicked out as soon as possible. Mattis lacks any morals what so ever.

  18. Sep 5
  19. Sep 5

    I'm amazed that some people are shocked by these info, did they forget all the Iranian-made weapons in Afrin? give the SDF another year and they will be smuggling weapons to Lebanon. Welcome to Syria.

  20. Sep 4

    Today Israel start to hit civilians in Syria, in the future there will be a book titled: "Israel Policy On Syria: Making Another Hezbollah."

  21. Retweeted
    Sep 4

    In regards to Baniyas, a source said that they’re not sure if it was an Israeli airstrike or a Syrian air defense missile going off target


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