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Ragıp Soylu Retweeted
#Idleb Province, today. Since the early days of#Syria’s revolt, this town distinguished itself by the sharp humoristic tone of its slogans. Cheerful protests, under threat of imminent military operation, are once again a testimony to the high spirit of its Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Zarif and Khamenei have been trying to score points against Americans all day by sharing the pics of Turkish officials. Now it seems,
@SecPompeo took the bait, and responding to Khamanei about the Palestinian issue. Meanwhile Turks don’t trust Iranians a Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Ragıp Soylu Retweeted
This is such a weird tweet given news the US is cutting even more aid to the Palestinians -- including funding to cover cancer treatments: … …
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US State Department condemns the violence against diplomats in Basra, without naming the nationalities of diplomats... Iranians!
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And Turks are known not to easily abandon places when they have spilled blood for it
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Erdogan hints that if Assad goes on an onslaught against Idlib, Turkey won’t tolerate it. Also in Tehran: in order to illustrate the gravity of the situation for Turkey, Erdogan said while establishing observer stations in Idlib, Turks were martyred. Turkish blood spilled
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Turkish Treasury Minister Albayrak: • Trump’s brazen use of sanctions were a wakeup call for markets • Merkel/Macron called on this dangerous act • Deeper economic cooperation needed around the globe against unilateral steps …
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Erdoğan posted a series of tweets just now on Tehran summit. Turkey stands its ground on Idlib, it
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Turkish public news agency AA: “Turkish officials and Russian officials weren’t aware that Iranian TV was still broadcasting Tehran discussions following the opening statements.”
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HTS and allied groups met tonight in Idlib and said they would release their final decision on Turkey’s disarmament call tomorrow morning, according to
@ahaber Correspondent in Hatay. He also said Russians kept bombing east of Idlib following the Tehran summitThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
After burning Iranian consulate in Basra, now protestors reportedly preparing to attack US consulate …
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• Coalition Spox denies that SDF closed crossings, “SDF very busy preparing a plan to liberate MERV” • Sources suggest this is part of the new anti-Iran strategy • State Dep: Amb Roebuck who visit Syria frequently serving as an advisor to SE McGurk …
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Very strange: Erdoğan/Rouhani/Putin didn’t have closed door meeting together in Tehran. Instead, Iranians broadcasted the actual discussion live, that’s why the world was able to see Erdogan’s ceasefire proposal. Normally, there would be an opening statement and rest
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Turkey, Iran and Russia joint statement following Tehran summit. No mention of ceasefire in Idlib, there is also no mention of any tangible mechanism to prevent bloodshed in the area Via this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Rusya’dan ne kadar dost olacağını bu zirvede gayet net bir şekilde gördük. Erdoğan da, Rusya ve İran ile işbirliğinin sınırlarını çizdi: İdlib’te makul çözüm olmazsa, revize ederiz
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This summit is a mess. Clearly there is no deal. Erdoğan is arguing with Rouhani and Putin live on television. Erdoğan mentions about civilians, then both responded by saying civilians are used as human shield by terror groups in Idlib, or a pretext to protect terrorists
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Erdogan, during the press conference with Rouhani and Putin, recited a poem belonging to famous Iranian poet Saadi: “If you have no sympathy for human pain, The name of human you cannot retain.” Via
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Wow, After Erdogan’s call for ceasefire, Putin says Nusra/ISIS reps aren’t in the room so it is isn’t possible to do that. Erdoğan responded, “then we should issue a call to Nusra/HTS from this room that they should turn in their weapons”
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Erdogan: • Turkey won’t leave Syria until the political and territorial unity of the country is secured • Turkey is concerned by US aid to terror groups YPG/PYD • A real victory in Tehran today would be a declaration of ceasefire in Idlib. • Turkey wants a reasonable deal
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Erdoğan: • Attacking Idlib will lead a massacre, calamity. • Turkey understands the terror threat emanating from Idlib. Resolving it requires patience and time • Idlib is a test on Astana process, will determine the fate of our future cooperation with Iran/
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