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File (hide): 476ba64199a0295⋯.jpg (43.43 KB, 856x480, 107:60, 1493988651130.jpg) (h) (u)


1f4406 (8) No.81870>>81922 >>82282 >>82358 >>82448 >>82564 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

I am currently taking art school, and one of the things I learn was the use of references. When drawing, you need to use models or books to understand the proportions and body structure. With normal hentai, its easy to find any adult women thanks to the internet. But what about for lolicon? Do they use flat adults? Do they use their imagination? Are there "how to draw lolicon" books? How can they get the body proportions of children before puberty?

While I know most drawfags here use lolicon manga as references, I'm more talking about the ones in Japan specifically, the ones who made those images in the first place.

1eaf39 (1) No.81877>>81892 >>82090


And I'm not even joking.

There are nude and non nude models too.

402bae (1) No.81883

> How can they get the body proportions of children before puberty?

You re not very smart are you? you can get that just from pictures from Google, but actually there are books about it (body proportions) for artists.

d3f5c1 (2) No.81887

Learn proportions by using references that aren't illegal. I.e. diagrams by other artists, clothed photographs

c219af (1) No.81888>>81913

I always assume they just buy dolls and anatomy books for reference.

655e50 (1) No.81890>>81892 >>81900 >>82367

CP. Most of them. Its no secret at all (but many weebs here won't admit). If you don't believe me, check out Asian news. Many loli artists and lolifags have been busted for CP possession and making headlines across Asian countries. Disgusting.

My suggestion is, never draw naked children, for whatever reason. Loli is and always in the grey area of acceptance. Unless you are an extremely famous artist who have achieved a significant contribution to the creative industry, or a politifag that can stand side-by-side with Trump or Merkel. Remember, this is not year 1752.

1f4406 (8) No.81892>>81900



Is there any actual evidence outside of jumping to conclusions?

671fb6 (1) No.81894>>82099 >>82116

File (hide): c61678fc8f1190f⋯.jpg (87.32 KB, 1000x733, 1000:733, aliens.jpg) (h) (u)

> What references do japanese lolicon artists use?

741538 (1) No.81899

Google: 'anime body drawing reference' or 'hentai body drawing reference' or even 'lolicon body drawing reference'. There are a lot of links and diagrams you can try. And don't forget, practice, practice, practice.

781fe7 (3) No.81900>>81902 >>81911


There was a discussion about this not long ago here. But I dont think the thread is still alive because BO is a fag and deleted a lot of stuff.

Taking out the fact that possession of CP was not illegal until recently, you can check pixiv or similars that you can find people drawing references to CP videos or even scenes.

Like he >>81890 its not secret, but its bullshit what he said about a LOT of artist been busted for CP, it was just the Rurouni Kenshi author. And dont listen to his CURRENT YEAR shit. Draw what you want, just dont be Natis.

adabcb (1) No.81901

well, it is known that some artists use CP for references (and you can see it in his style) but most of them dont use it, specially who focus more in kawai than the body.

d3f5c1 (2) No.81902>>81909


>Draw what you want, just dont be Natis.

What do you mean by this?

781fe7 (3) No.81909

File (hide): 436154f788626c0⋯.png (586.26 KB, 670x772, 335:386, 1484347804258.png) (h) (u)

>mfw Natis thread got deleted.


Natis is a loli artist that downloaded CP and go arrested because of that. He posted what was happening to him here.

1f4406 (8) No.81911>>81916


What about people who draw the Manga, specifically Comic LO? They are the ones who go into an actual publication and businesses. I don't care about some random Pixiv artists.

5e81dd (1) No.81913


They must have bought dolls with opposable joints. I've seen artbooks with anatomical references as you mentioned.

781fe7 (3) No.81916>>81979 >>81997 >>81999

File (hide): b567f68f755456a⋯.png (222.19 KB, 1041x405, 347:135, teardrop.png) (h) (u)


>random Pixiv artists

You know, these random pixiv artists are the same Comic Lo artist and doujin artists. All of them have pixiv accounts too.

You can deny all you want, but just look at Higashiyama Show's Implicity, Quzilax's doujins, its quite obvious. And I'm not even talking about how possession of CP was not illegal until 2 years ago.

Well, its still up to you to believe or not, Im not gonna force you. But you're just looking away from the truth.

c8018f (10) No.81922>>81979 >>82049 >>82051

File (hide): e16897674939916⋯.jpg (69.15 KB, 718x264, 359:132, a.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 77f3e31e01317f7⋯.jpg (114.56 KB, 819x362, 819:362, loli tomodachi.jpg) (h) (u)

>>81870 (OP)

I'm sure there's a lot of legal ways to study child's anatomy. Just look up some nudist pictures or some medical books.

However, some loli artists definitely enjoy(ed?) CP and referenced it in their works, like PTHC socks that Rustle drew 10 years ago, or dialogue between two guys in Quzilax story where they discussed how it's not illegal to watch CP but only distribute (it was true at the time). Also apparently Mochi recently referenced a CP(?) pic in his C92 doujinshi (https://nhentai.net/g/206910/22), according to someone from that Natis thread. Looks pretty legit. It happens. Just be sure to not justify your search for CP with this.

1f4406 (8) No.81979>>82000



How far does this go? Is it EVERY lolicon artist or just a few bad artists? Because I heard even in Japan theres that "2D isn't real" mentality, and I think there was a time were Rustle mentioned editors making sure there is no traced CP.

d0e4af (1) No.81997>>82234


Higashiyama Show did what now? How do you know this?

dc7a0a (1) No.81999

File (hide): 863c28eb581514b⋯.png (55.72 KB, 223x208, 223:208, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c27102661ff1cb6⋯.png (46.47 KB, 268x317, 268:317, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 98a8641601b86e2⋯.png (49.68 KB, 327x321, 109:107, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): cb1f23cb0b6f78e⋯.png (46.28 KB, 271x247, 271:247, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ee7da2f8bdbc653⋯.png (170.44 KB, 622x367, 622:367, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Implicity seems really high quality. I've noticed he tends to have very little examples of that terrible Picasso mouth habit that most lesser artists do. What is there is very benign and forgivable.

c8018f (10) No.82000

File (hide): d43fc2dc86133e2⋯.jpg (1.89 MB, 1414x2017, 1414:2017, 03_003.jpg) (h) (u)


>just a few bad artists

Excuse me?

653f6e (1) No.82002

Why does the references have to be from CP? Why not just y'know american beauty pageants or something?

afe72e (1) No.82032>>82082

Lets just say that most modern loli artists traced or learned anatomy from previous generations. but I can safely and confidently say that earlier generation artists were most likely to use CP, or at least real life nude underage models. during that time, there is no such thing as age-of-consent bullshit so people are free to draw naked toddlers without any backlash. trust me, ask your baby-boomer gramps

812a47 (1) No.82049>>82073


yeah man just type "naked children reference" into google images

you definitely won't be put on a list just because you're an "Artist"

f4e638 (1) No.82051>>82071


You seem to know an awful lot about this.

c8018f (10) No.82071

File (hide): 9ea83f53b4fc59b⋯.png (88.63 KB, 482x458, 241:229, talk.png) (h) (u)


I've been a fan of lolicon for a long time and it's interesting to me. I'd love to talk to lolipedo artists about their preferences, their views on 2D\3D, what they were thinking when deciding on putting the references in their work… That'd be really fun.

9ccc0e (1) No.82073

File (hide): 3e4c1f48fd60835⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 1421379394889.gif) (h) (u)

3f8d83 (1) No.82082>>82083 >>82106


Look, not every artist need to go for CP to draw. You just need to study anatomy and then when drawing apply the right proportions like legs size, torso thickness, head size and such. How many artists do you really know to say that? Just because the guy has a good understanding of anatomy doesn't mean he's in possession of CP.

b7e72d (1) No.82083>>82358

File (hide): 96212fde72cd5b9⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, example.jpg) (h) (u)


Just a quick example

c5746c (1) No.82090


nice try feds

45e366 (1) No.82091>>82092 >>82116

These sort of discussions will never yield anything, unfortunately, because you simply can't post proof, should any actually exist. It always comes down to "I know a guy who knows a guy who heard on 2ch that so and so traced CP" or "you'll just have to trust me".

4fdcbc (1) No.82092



de8be1 (1) No.82099



ee9bc1 (1) No.82106


I did say "most likely" which means not all of them. But definitely many of them. Saying you're a lolicon but not having any curiosity to look at the real thing is like saying that you're moving to Jerusalem but too afraid to live side-by-side with sandniggers.

1f4406 (8) No.82116>>82118


I honestly just want to know if there exist drawing books on the subject. Like a "How to draw lolicon" type of stuff.


Western Lolicon artists draw from Japanese Hentai Manga. I want to know the source of lolicon reference from basic lolicon artists.

de7766 (1) No.82118>>82119


Child nudist and "artistic" photography was legal in Japan until not so long ago as well as certain types of idol videos. The production was banned around two decades ago but the possession of such material was still legal up until a few years ago.

1f4406 (8) No.82119>>82120 >>82271


Doesn't that take away from the "2d is harmless" narrative since they are using real sources that are now illegal? Even when it was legal to own, its still rape and illegal to some degree

0ee74c (1) No.82120

File (hide): e6734e383a5eb10⋯.jpg (24.26 KB, 442x266, 221:133, 1miqdy.jpg) (h) (u)


>its still rape

Pic related, OP face when he was typing that.

0ea799 (1) No.82234>>82246


That's pretty old but it's real. ~2012 Higashiyama got caught tracing CP. This shouldn't surprise you though lots of artists even like Rustle leave clues of pedo holes in their images. Japan also has very new pedophilia laws. It wasn't until a few years ago that possessing cp finally became illegal. And that wasn't too long ago thus lots of loli artists used it for drawing and reference. If I am not mistaken, Japanese Preteen Suite from Higashiyama had traces on the 4th page with colored panels.


c8018f (10) No.82246>>82263 >>82275 >>82296 >>82653


>4th page

That's my favorite thing he's ever drawn

e890d4 (2) No.82263>>82273


What has been lost to the moderation????

ce9e44 (1) No.82265>>82272

I saw some fag referencing this thread to conflate loli to cp.

Most artists just change proportions.

596ed2 (1) No.82271


Child porn laws don't have anything to do with preventing harm or rape

eae6aa (4) No.82272


Guilty as charged.

eae6aa (4) No.82273>>82274 >>82275 >>82279 >>82296 >>82653


This I assume?

c8018f (10) No.82274>>82275


Hol up, why was this(my) pic deleted? I'm sure it's not traced. You can't just delete pics like these without any proofs. It's from a famous loli tank that is hosted on every hentai sharing website ever! Not to mention it's very well drawn and is a crime against good taste to delete it.

9a2cb5 (1) No.82275>>82277 >>82279 >>82283




Page 4 is traced

this image is just the cover and is Not Traced from CP

So the rule about 'based on actual minors' is Safe for this particular image.

OK mods?

eae6aa (4) No.82277>>82296 >>82381 >>82653


This? :^)

eae6aa (4) No.82278>>82296 >>82381 >>82653

Also this?

e890d4 (2) No.82279


>Page 4 is traced

how do you know it was traced? this is higashiyama show we were talking about. oh wait…



8a302e (2) No.82282

>>81870 (OP)

wikimedia commons

8a302e (2) No.82283


>Page 4

The one that has a fully clothed girl with a loli get it? in her mouth?

56da37 (2) No.82296






c8018f (10) No.82305>>82310 >>82323

File (hide): 36cd6e7c3451076⋯.jpg (565.82 KB, 1690x1600, 169:160, 0001.jpg) (h) (u)

>unironically deleting Show's work


e6df3a (7) No.82310>>82312 >>82313 >>82315 >>82320


>Talk about tracing

>Mention a specific artist that traces

>Post a cover from a doujin of his that is claimed to feature one or more traces

>Post a couple pages and imply that they're traced

<What the fuck why are these images getting deleted?

Guys please. They're getting reported for traces/possible traces and I have to make that call based on the context given here.

e897ea (1) No.82312>>82322

File (hide): 1d80d899795a02b⋯.png (23.48 KB, 797x454, 797:454, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


No. Fuck that. You don't just remove stuff based on a rumour. Even if it was true, you should remove the one actual pic at best and even that only if somebody was stupid enough to make a single image that combines the trace and the original.

If you can't tell from looking at them which picture is traced, clearly they don't need removal.

56da37 (2) No.82313>>82322

File (hide): e4ab90dc7a228a8⋯.jpg (47.55 KB, 395x395, 1:1, get a load of this guy.jpg) (h) (u)


So, they were deleted because some darknet pedos claimed that Show's artworks were traced from real CP?

6ad159 (2) No.82315>>82322


I've got a much better idea for you. Ban the stupid fucks who come to this board to talk about CP instead.

c8018f (10) No.82320>>82322

File (hide): 54516f95b4afa5d⋯.jpg (198.07 KB, 958x820, 479:410, 14792320103352.jpg) (h) (u)


My dude, i thought you were just a western pleb-lolicon with a garbage taste and a complex, don't tell me you're an idiot as well. Show's work is sacred and without proof you shouldn't touch it. Claiming stuff is traced without any evidence is just wish-fulfillment, you should know it by now.

e6df3a (7) No.82322>>82339

I apologize for my mistake; I'm trying my best. I thought it would be better to play it safe.


>you should remove the one actual pic at best

That's fine.

>only if somebody was stupid enough to make a single image that combines the trace and the original

That's not. If it's traced, it's not allowed regardless of whether or not the original is attached for comparison.


Because of some claims, the context of the posts, and my own judgement based on that.


>Ban the stupid fucks who come to this board to talk about CP instead.

Including a portion of this thread for saying that some art is based off of it? I can't just pretend this hasn't happened at all, but anyone who claims it's the standard is an idiot and anyone advocating for it can get the boot.


>without proof you shouldn't touch it

You're right; I should be asking for verification first.

e6df3a (7) No.82323>>82342 >>82369


Someone also keeps reporting this one for tracing.

6ad159 (2) No.82339


>Including a portion of this thread for saying that some art is based off of it?

And? If they're just bullshitting they deserve the boot, if they actually know they deserve the boot even more. Why are you covering for people who came here to shitpost about CP?

f786b5 (1) No.82342


Then you should understand by now that those reporters are either trolls or Show's hater, right?

6ad459 (1) No.82358

>>81870 (OP)

If you can't imagine a loli anatomy, It means you don't have an ability to draw loli. Simple as that. See this >>82083.

1f4406 (8) No.82366>>82368 >>82370 >>82377 >>82401 >>82448 >>82576

File (hide): 4df70638a931159⋯.png (159.44 KB, 313x319, 313:319, 7678.png) (h) (u)

OP here. All I just wanted to know was how Lolicon artists draw their content because, like I said, there needs to be a reference.

However, most of everyone in this thread bring up CP as the go to answer. I am aware of the laws at the time in Japan, but I also keep hearing how 2D doesn't "hurt anyone". At this point, I don't know what to believe regarding the subject.

3e6552 (1) No.82367


kek. pretty sure >>>/lebbit/ went that way.

2c0acd (1) No.82368


That you supposedly came here to listen to shitposters on an anonymous imageboard sounds more to me like you already made up your mind. Nobody apart from the most flagrant of idiots comes to a place like this to be convinced of anything.

0970ec (1) No.82369


I'm sorry to inform you but every single piece of Zun's original art, Touhou fanart and art of bunny girls in general is traced from CP. This is all true.

Please remove such images.

6ef1b4 (1) No.82370


>wanted to know was how Lolicon artists draw their content

>started a thread that would lead to flame war

>never expecting someone would claim CP tracing as one of the methods

you are either gullibly pure or has been living in a cave all this time

4dfca5 (2) No.82377

File (hide): 7b07635c8596965⋯.jpg (164.95 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 142880525571.jpg) (h) (u)


Damn man, if you gonna study art, then you must know that all forms of art have come from one thing in common, that is the man itself. So we cant ignore that lolicon came from the desire of man want to fuck real children.

Even so, the art in itself is art, so drawing the loli in no way is hurting someone unless you are some kind of esquizofrenic that cant understand what is real or not. Drawing a dick in some kids butts, wont make you put your dick on the a real kid butt.

"Ah… but the CP…"

You wanted to know how nips drew lolis, and its true that there are artist that use CP for it, but that wont make their drawings real. It just something they based and that dont mean that you need to do the same thing if you dont want.

204d8b (1) No.82381



Why did my posts got deleted?

e6df3a (7) No.82384>>82386 >>82387 >>82388 >>82397 >>82486

Maybe I should delete this thread entirely if everyone's just gonna talk about cp.

4dfca5 (2) No.82386>>82391


You are such a overprotective bitch.

c8018f (10) No.82387

File (hide): ce5385384f1a339⋯.jpg (152.18 KB, 535x745, 107:149, yeah.jpg) (h) (u)

1f4406 (8) No.82388>>82389


I just wanted to make a thread talking about how non-cp using lolicon artist do their work. But apparently asking that leads to this. Last I check, everyone else though "lolicon is harmless". So I just don't know anymore

99e224 (1) No.82389


Lolicon killed my bird

5f2efc (12) No.82391


People who are too stupid to leave 3D at the door don't deserve nice things. You seem aware of this principle, at least, so what would compel you to think this thread isn't applicable?

f849f2 (1) No.82397>>82406

File (hide): 3dd93f3396761e7⋯.png (762.72 KB, 603x800, 603:800, calm down rustled bro.png) (h) (u)


That won't help. It'll only make things worse. There is nothing wrong with people talking about CP. You need to calm down, retard.

d24295 (1) No.82401>>82402


As an artist who occasionally draws lolicon art I can tell you that I've never used references based on real kids.

I use pictures with adults in the positions I need and then I adapt the proportions based on anatomy.

I don't trace because the end result is not that good and it's impossible to achieve the right proportions.

I don't know if japanese artists use it or not but that's speculation at best. I doubt someone who's not an artist can really tell if the guy is really good or if he's tracing.

But that's just my opinion.

c4a07f (1) No.82402


I mean, that Rustle clue is pretty telling…

f94cf5 (1) No.82404


>I sucked until I started referencing CP, therefore everyone else must too!

Yeah, you sound like a stupid piece of shit, feel free to fuck off any time.

e6df3a (7) No.82406>>82407


>There is nothing wrong with people talking about CP

>3. This is a 2D lolicon zone. Pedophilia discussion is not welcome.

Clearly this was a mistake.

fd2e40 (1) No.82407>>82409 >>82523 >>82653

File (hide): 77b6f6773dd28a8⋯.jpg (408.97 KB, 719x837, 719:837, Untitled-1.jpg) (h) (u)


You're right that rule is a mistake along with a couple others I could mention.

Asking people not to talk about pedophilia on a board whos english translation means pedophile is about as retarded as ousting a huge segment of your already pathetic userbase because you don't like the same style of drawings that they do.

I've remained here for this long but this stupid fucking ban is the straw that broke the camels back for me, hope you enjoy being even further overtaken by /delicious/ because I'm not going to beat your dead horse of a board with one more fucking post so long as you act like this.


e6df3a (7) No.82409>>82415


You won't be missed.

ef13aa (1) No.82415>>82418


You may have banned a Cop you know?

e6df3a (7) No.82418>>82420 >>82431


Being a cop doesn't make it okay to admit to and advocate using cp as a reference for art. Pedos aren't welcome.

a79be0 (1) No.82419

File (hide): 427265d03b485e8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 6.42 KB, 300x300, 1:1, score one for the good guy….jpg) (h) (u)

8f71f9 (1) No.82420>>82576


Jesus Christ, this board is doomed with a BO as retard as you.

da5231 (1) No.82431>>82523


Dude, almost everyone here is a paedo.

d690da (1) No.82448

>>81870 (OP)

>you need to use models or books to understand the proportions and body structure


> there needs to be a reference.

not really.

just tweak how you draw your characters until they look like a cute loli,

and compare it with other artists work to see where you make mistakes, where you can improve, what kind of stylization they use that you like, etc

anyone bringing up cp or tracing is a retarded shitposter.

d3fd0d (1) No.82482

Pretty easy. Just look in anatomy books. Of course, there aren't real naked children in there (for the most part), but they were drawn based off of hours of meticulous study of real human bodies (dead or alive). So that's probably the best place to go if you're looking to draw lolis. If you already draw normal hentai it probably isn't too hard to adapt. Just give them a flatter chest and you can take your references from clothed people from there on.

Besides that, there are still plenty of old artists (I'm talking renaissance) who drew young naked women and I can see that being a good source as well.

89a4e7 (2) No.82486>>82487


Maybe you should let someone else moderate the board.

8ch just hasn't been the same since the /hebe/ purge.

5f2efc (12) No.82487>>82488


You're right, /hebe/ was an essential containment board that kept idiots like you from thinking they had a home here.

89a4e7 (2) No.82488>>82490


Yes you'll be ever so accepted by society for your views and interests.

5f2efc (12) No.82490


As always, people like you completely miss the point. How can you possibly think this is about virtue signalling? You're not welcome here because, for whatever reason, you're unwilling or incapable of using this board for its intended purpose: discussing and posting 2D. There are probably former /hebe/ users here who understand this perfectly well and have adapted, why are you too stupid to do that?

9d066f (14) No.82517


He's banning that because it isn't about the best way to draw it but rather this whole thread stinks of trying to associate 2D with real CP, either with the intent of trying to legitimize CP as something like 2D or trying to make it out that 2D is just as bad as real CP.

Now no ones know which of the two is the real intention except the posters themselves but no one likes it because no one wants to be associated with pedophiles when all they want to do is appreciate lolicon art without getting persecuted further AND without actually aiding real pedophiles from gaining ANY legitimacy.

432bfa (2) No.82518>>82523

Saying "lolicon are different from pedophilia" is like saying "tigers and lions are different from cats".

9d066f (14) No.82520>>82522 >>82523 >>82548


It's not moral, it's scientific proof sex harms kids.

If you really like to fuck kids this board isn't for you and you deserve to go to jail. Drawings are drawings, just like how video games are just video games.

432bfa (2) No.82522>>82524


>Drawings are drawings, just like how video games are just video games

If you ever get caught possessing lolicon drawings, good luck using that argument in the court

5f2efc (12) No.82523


The only person in this thread who I see banned so far was literally advising anons to do something illegal, you think this is the only board that bans people for that?

>I'm sure theres plenty of people that just adapted to how shitty 4chan has become but that doesn't mean the changes to 4chan have been great and nobody should complain about them. The problem is that this board and hell this entire site is now run by an egomaniac that demands it to be his way or the highway, I think its safe to say that we all left 4chan to get away from that shit to begin with so how can you defend that kind of behavior when you refuse to go to 4chan because of it?

Exactly, we came here, a site which quite notably stands for nothing except allowing people to run their boards however they wish. /loli/ is currently being run how I always wished, so why exactly should I want to advocate against it or leave?


>Looks to me like the intention is to help loli artists draw the best lolis

It's been nothing but shitposts since cp tracing got brought up, and since it''s demonstrably false that you need illegal references to draw good loli, saying that they're just bringing it up to help artists is pure sophistry.

>I don't know where you're getting the idea that they're trying to push some pedo agenda




>the only argument against it I see is a moral one

You can say that about >>82520 but my argument is that /loli/ is being run as a microcosm of /a/ culture (which it was since long before this site), so complaining about 3D advocacy being disallowed is pointless.

9d066f (14) No.82524


>theres just as much proof that violent video games turn you into a murderer

You know as well as I do there's none of that.


>If you ever get caught possessing lolicon drawings, good luck using that argument in the court

See, that's the thing. This is why lolicons disavow pedophiles. We just like to appreciate lolicon art and not fuck real kids, but everyone thinks otherwise, even actual disgusting pedophiles.

5f2efc (12) No.82531


Yes because telling someone to use CP as a reference is definitely not the same as telling someone to possess CP. Seriously nigger?

>8chan was advertised as a free speech platform

A community can and should moderate itself however it's owner wants. The point of 8chan is that you don't have to stay on a board if it isn't run the way you want, board schisms are a feature, not a flaw. "Censorship" does not apply here because your use of the platform (8chan) is not restricted based on the rules of a single board. That you can't seem to understand the difference between restrictions on what you can say in a community you voluntarily participate in and government-mandated restrictions on what you can say tells me you're a reactionary idiot who thinks community standards are censorship. You would be much more at home on /b/.

5f2efc (12) No.82533


Legal nudism is irrelevant to this discussion because that's not what the guy who got banned was advocating, the conversation was about CP references in loli. Are you too stupid to even follow a conversation?

I bet you're one of the same pieces of shit that claims /a/ on 8chan is poorly moderated despite the fact that it's the only major board to retain it's intended userbase. What do I have to gain? From what, the board being ran the way I want? That's a joke of an argument. What do you have to gain by staying on a board where you aren't wanted and insisting you should be?

5f2efc (12) No.82537


The whole thread started going wrong when people started throwing out accusations of tracing CP, though. At that point it's not even a matter of justifying it as reference. In the first place what people here would want to learn to draw (and are talking about) isn't non-sexualized candid situations of nudism, it's porn. If you're just talking about anatomy, none of this would have even come up, there are resources available without even dipping into nudism.

729571 (1) No.82539>>82541 >>82545


This is a joke. You can't even understand the distinction between "this doesn't belong on the board" and "I am morally outraged by this". Not one person here denies that a lot of lolicon artists are pedos or have viewed CP (it was legal there until recently for fuck's sake). Last reply you get from me, you're honestly much stupider even than the guy who got banned, and you'll probably follow him before long.

5824c4 (1) No.82541


It wasn't legal there, it was different from what you consider as such.

9d066f (14) No.82544


>the connection between 2D and 3D will never go away

Only because there are people like you who gave up the fact that "drawings are not real" because its "easier" for you to just admit to wanting to fuck real kids than to actually combat the idea.

Newsflash buddy, not everyone is a disgusting delusional monster like you. Morality is important if we want to preserve and protect our hobbies and letting in actual molesters and child fuckers in our hobby is just plain wrong and a recipe for disaster. If you want western shit so much then go to that /delicious/ board instead. We don't want your kind here.

9d066f (14) No.82545


>it was legal there

No it isn't. Nudity, sure. But actual child fucking is illegal.

9d066f (14) No.82546


>WHY "this doesn't belong on the board"


1. This is now for eastern/japanese art only.

2. You don't own the board.

c8018f (10) No.82548

File (hide): 67b64234a18488f⋯.png (173.41 KB, 800x607, 800:607, 136234.png) (h) (u)


Pedos who aren't for sexual contact with children are no different from lolicons. They're just perverts with nasty fantasies. It's not illegal NOR immoral!

0b20fa (1) No.82549

Rustle diddled my anus when I was 12 legit.

9d066f (14) No.82556


>armchair psychology

>proceed to post a long diarrhea of things that never happened

Nice try nerd.

6c304e (1) No.82564

File (hide): 1bd91211f7535b9⋯.jpg (24.18 KB, 300x425, 12:17, trollbait.jpg) (h) (u)

>>81870 (OP)

Good job, OP. Good job, indeed

65aac9 (2) No.82576>>82580 >>82588 >>82653


>wanting to be a honeypot for actual pedos

If you wanted to own the board, fbi, then you would've claimed it.


>there needs to be a reference

Yea, just like all those spaceships, aliens, and huge titty oppai lolis, right?


>I don't know where you're getting the idea that they're trying to push some pedo agenda but I don't see it.

>thats real fucking rich coming from a board for people who jack it to drawings of kids getting fucked.

Way to out yourself kike.


>advocating for use of actual children

>b-but give me an actual reason m-moralf-fag

I'm not attracted to the real thing you fucking pedo. Anime is an ideal and can have specific details and unrealistic proportions. Try finding a reference to use for leggy lolis; I'll pay you millions if you find someone with the proportions of an Elin.


At least now you admitted to being a pedo.

d89a67 (2) No.82580


>Yea, just like all those spaceships, aliens, and huge titty oppai lolis, right?

you sir, are a huge idiot. that makes all of your other counter arguments invalid.

81d216 (1) No.82588>>82590


I'm not going to waste my time arguing if the BO is just going to act like this is /pol/ where we all have to preach to the choir all day every day.

This thread has been shat all over now and nobody looking through it will even be able to understand what half the discussion was about so forget it.

I just wish people like you would exit your hugboxes once in awhile so we can actually talk on neutral ground instead of in this shit hole.

If this board didn't still have a couple artists stupid enough to do free commissions here then it would have no purpose whatsoever, any other place on the internet is better for images and you can't even have a simple discussion here so what purpose does this place serve?

65aac9 (2) No.82590>>82591


You keep talking about discussion but only keep pushing "just accept they're children and that you're a pedo".

Leave gladly.

e5b867 (2) No.82591>>82592 >>82593 >>82605


Thats been at the heart of lolicon discussions for as long as lolicon has existed, and if there was a thread devoted to that where we could go at it without fear of being banned for wrong think then it would do nothing but help the boards pathetic level of activity right now.

If you're perfectly fine with the way the board is now great more power to you but I've been here for years and its a shadow of its former self just like 8chan in general is a shadow of its former self.

If there was any new ship to jump to I wouldn't hesitate but there isn't, this is where chan culture dies and I hate to see it go.

5f2efc (12) No.82592>>82595


>this is where chan culture dies

It was dying years before this shit excuse for a site ever existed. But sure, by all means, be nostalgic for a glorified pol/v bunker that's barely been around 4 years. I just wish /a/ and its tangentially related boards would establish themselves on a better platform, 8chan has been a trainwreck from the start.

d89a67 (2) No.82593>>82595


>chan culture dies

chan culture has been dead for many years already when summerfags invaded halfchan and flooded it with tumblr and reddit cancers. 8ch was meant to remedy that but over the years even this place has been invaded by normalfags. the original 4chan and 8ch was meant to be a containment of the worst materials on the net. and that includes CP. i'm not advocating pedo culture but on my day, people used to treat CP differently. just like any other porn, people took it with a grain of salt. but since mainstream media like facebook and google has been advertising chan boards to the masses, normalfags poured in and shit happened. fuck i missed those days when chan boards were truly the darkest place on the net, when people didn't whine like a baby when they found something they don't like.

e5b867 (2) No.82595


You clearly weren't here during 8chans heyday, it was like reliving 4chans glory days all over again and I hate that I took it so for granted.

It may be a glorified bunker for /pol/ and /v/ now but it used to be far more than that.


It wouldn't be so bad if those kind of normalfags weren't also running the show here now.

Its one thing to be surrounded by normalfags and feel like this isn't the same community anymore but its a whole different story to be banned by one because of your refusal to act like a normalfag to fit in.

I stayed on 4chan despite it being flooded with normalfags because I could still say what I wanted, it was the mods all being replaced by SJW mods that finally killed it for me.

It just makes me sick to see it all going wrong, watching the era of true internet freedom end and be replaced by this kind of shit.

I honestly do fear for the future of the internet, its bound to get worse from here on out.

9d066f (14) No.82605>>82641 >>82653


>Thats been at the heart of lolicon discussions for as long as lolicon has existed, and if there was a thread devoted to that where we could go at it without fear of being banned for wrong think then it would do nothing but help the boards pathetic level of activity right now.

So you can go there to legitimize yourself being a pedo? Go screw yourself. If you want to argue so much then do it somewhere else that can make more impact, like going out and try to legalize pedophilia in your country. That way, you can oust yourself and get rekt by the cops.

And for anyone who is arguing that hating pedos are SJW shit guess what: SJWs actually support pedophilia. Maybe go back to 4chan and talk with the pedofriend mods there.

2e2cfb (3) No.82641>>82660


It has nothing to do with pedo activism and everything to do with me disagreeing with the 2D only group and feel that they're being disingenuous.

The fact that I basically told you my entire life story and your only response is to act like I made the whole thing up isn't really changing my mind about that.

96ad1c (1) No.82653>>82655 >>82656 >>82660


You talk as if lolicons have special privileges and won't get rekd by cops if they catch you.


I find it quite interesting that some weebs are being prideful that eastern loli is much more "realistic" than their western counterparts but when people start to make comparison with cp, they quickly denied the relationship. kek
















I have foreseen that this will happen eventually since the purge. People will always start talking about CP once you break the balance. Good job killing the freedom of speech, Tewi. Enjoy your cesspool, weebs.

2e2cfb (3) No.82655>>82656 >>82660


>I find it quite interesting that some weebs are being prideful that eastern loli is much more "realistic" than their western counterparts but when people start to make comparison with cp, they quickly denied the relationship

Excellent point, they want to have their cake and eat it too.

f5c7d1 (1) No.82656>>82660



No chan boards have ever been the place to exercise actual logic. When posts like


are made, they are always swept under the rug in favor of contradicting the most relevant troll post. Social skills go down the drain and then everyone is a loser.

86ce6b (2) No.82660>>82661 >>82671 >>82675 >>82676


>let me project my pedophilia onto everyone

>if you disagree with me you're being disingenuous!

Not how it works. Not everyone here suggests or agrees with using 3dpd to draw. Some have already pointed out that it's been an issue with specific artists. Yet simple, legal anatomy study and practice are the norm.




>I find it quite interesting that some weebs are being prideful that eastern loli is much more "realistic" than their western counterparts but when people start to make comparison with cp, they quickly denied the relationship.

What, western as in calarts shit is too cartoony? No fucking way. Or are you next going to say that weebs enjoyed Natis's art for being so realistic that we banned it?

You said we "pride" realism, right?

>muh consistency

One post/id/dumbass doesn't represent the fucking board, not when you can so conveniently ip hop and make your own strawman if you like or quote out of context or just quote whatever old post suits your argument.

2e2cfb (3) No.82661>>82675


If you aren't disingenuous then why do you feel the need to quote things I never said and argue against that instead of what I actually said?

Just like how I wasted time trying to help you understand my point of view with my entire fucking life story only for you to hand wave it away as made up instead of addressing it directly.

Is it really that hard to see how you come off as disingenuous?

5e40a4 (1) No.82671

9d066f (14) No.82675>>82676 >>82685


Are you confusing >>82660 as me? And to think you aren't any dumber.

Why should anyone believe your story anyway? What actually makes that real?

As for being disingenuous, so sorry that you can't believe that there are lolicons who actually hates real pedophilia because for different reasons. Not everyone is like you/supposed to be like you, dumbass.

As for that fucker arguing for "free speech" pedophilia isn't part of it.

fec897 (7) No.82676>>82678


>Are you confusing >>82660 as me

he didn't explicitly said that you are him but the level of stupidity is pretty much equal so i can understand how people can get confused.

>there are lolicons who actually hates real pedophilia

just like how there are many pedophiles that actually hate child rapists. well, your argument isn't part of free speech either.

0550ae (2) No.82678>>82679 >>82688


Pedos are child rapists. Go fuck yourselves.

Lolicons =/= pedophiles because they don't obsess over fucking real children. We're (yes, I'm not being ironic) ETHICAL than you.

fec897 (7) No.82679>>82680


Ok sure whatever. As long as you're happy with your delusions. I'm not supporting pedo culture anyway but seeing your self-denial about lolicon being different from pedophilia really makes me think that you aren't worth debating. People just going to get stupider arguing with you so I'll stop here. Let's hope you don't get any trouble with cops, okay? Because telling them "Hey, faggots, I'm a lolicon, not a pedophile. We're different!" won't work on them (Or anyone else lel)

0550ae (2) No.82680>>82682


>runs away

Yes, please never come back. We don't need to debate here.

fec897 (7) No.82682


Nope, I'm here to stay. This isn't your ugly grandmother's board lel

18c5c7 (1) No.82684

Hahaha! This thread is pure gold.

8dfaae (8) No.82685>>82687


I don't even look at IDs, I've been through half a dozen in this thread and I expect the same from others. If you honestly bareback this board let alone this site with dataminer jim at the helm then prepare your anus thats all I can say.

But regardless its every one of you 2D only faggots that are disingenuous, every time I argue its always the same shit.

Avoiding addressing any point I make while calling me a child rapist and banning me and deleting all my posts constantly. You all know very well the reason this board has to be a hugbox is because if open discourse was allowed you'd just make fools out of yourselves like you're doing now.

I go through the same shit with the faggots from /pol/ too, they're just so inept at arguing their points that the board needs to be a hugbox in order for them not to be BTFO at every corner.

5f2efc (12) No.82687>>82690 >>82691 >>82695 >>82702


When you open every "argument" with the premise that your opponents are liars, what exactly do you expect to accomplish other than stirring shit up? The one being disingenuous here is you, because you seem to have no interest in actually having a discussion. Everyone dismissing you is merely returning that sentiment.

If you want to 'settle' this, then I'd present this hypothetical: We all wake up tomorrow and any moral or legal stigma surrounding sexualization of anything is gone. Now, do you choose the real thing or 2D? I'd choose 2D, I'm guessing you'd choose the real thing. You've been talking about your life story over and over as though it's supposed to be relevant to anyone other than you, why would you assume that? Has it occurred to you there are people who have been exposed to cp for a long time without developing an aversion to it and chose 2D anyway? Has it occured to you there are people who consumed 2D without feeling the need for something else?

Since for some inexplicable reason you seem to value ancedotal arguments, here's one for you. I've been exposed to CP (thanks to things like old /b/ and later moderating an imageboard that had both a loli and a jb/models board) since I was younger than some of the actors, and I never developed this so-called 'disgust mechanism' for anything other than hurtcore. These days, my porn stash is about 50/50 loli and not, and surprise, every bit of it is 2D. I don't even remember the last time I fapped to a real person, grown or otherwise. Do you think I fit with your narrow view of all the people on this board who think the scope of this board should be exclusively 2D?

You seem obsessed with the idea of the board becoming a 'hugbox', but you'd probably also call the /a/ here a hugbox, and it seems like your criteria for that is that you wouldn't be able to say whatever the hell you want. If a hugbox is any community that punishes invasive behavior for the benefit of a core userbase, then sign me up.

c8018f (10) No.82688

File (hide): 2ba280be64fdbd5⋯.png (830.38 KB, 792x792, 1:1, 36373856734.png) (h) (u)


>Pedos are child rapists


Merry Christmas to my favorite /loli/ board, by the way.

8dfaae (8) No.82690>>82694 >>82706


When every argument I make is ignored in favor of calling me a child rapist I stop making arguments and start calling my opponents disingenuous instead, but I guess I'm insane because I'm actually going to address your points and pretend that you might address mine in return even though I know hell would freeze over first.

When it comes to waifufags such as yourself who apparently have no interest in 3D at all yeah you're fucking delusional what do you want me to say?

Until theres a sexual orientation for people who only want to fuck drawings i'll always see it as an excuse for some underlying reason for why they hate real women.

Be it their inability to interact with them or them being jaded from past experiences or what ever, its that kind of shit that makes them claim 3DPD and not the fact that they're only attracted to drawings.

The underlying reasons may be different when it comes to lolicons saying 3DPD but the fact remains that they've deluded themselves into thinking that somehow their brains are wired to only get sexual stimuli from lines on a piece of paper when anyone could tell you thats as ridiculous as it sounds.

As for /a/ I've never been there and after hearing about them banning people for grammar mistakes I never plan to, it may or may not be a hugbox but its definitely rulecucked to hell and back by the sounds of it.

fec897 (7) No.82691>>82694


You probably hugging a lifeless waifu pillow right now. What a sad Christmas you're having huh?

9d066f (14) No.82694>>82697


>Until theres a sexual orientation for people who only want to fuck drawings

It's called being a waifufag

>some underlying reason for why they hate real women

why do you prefer children over adults? You see adults are shit, right? I see real women are shit, not worth my time.

>its that kind of shit that makes them claim 3DPD and not the fact that they're only attracted to drawings

You're projecting. Drawings are attractive and it's your problem if you don't believe us. You project too much and assume everyone is just like you.

>As for /a/ I've never been there

That explains it. You haven't seen much waifufags so you can't accept one when you see one. The fact that there are people who likes anime so much that some are sexually attracted to it is alien to you.


Not him but I'd rather hug a daki than real women.

9d066f (14) No.82695


To him, moderation to keep the peace is a hugbox. So be it. I came here for the lolis, not for any arguments anyway.

8dfaae (8) No.82697>>82698 >>82701


Waifufag is a made up term, there hasn't been any research done on people to see if they can be only sexually attracted to drawings and I think you and I both know thats not the case anyway.

I prefer children over adults for the same reason a gay man prefers men over women.

You on the other hand prefer 2D over 3D because you think women are shit and not worth your time, it has nothing to do with sexuality at that point only your delusional opinion on women probably from having never interacted with that many in your life or only having heard about them through jaded mgtows.

I'm not saying drawings aren't attractive, I've been a regular on this board for years because I find them attractive.

What I'm saying theres no way in hell the brain would ever be wired to have an exclusive sexual attraction to drawings, waifufags exist because of reasons like yours in that they think women are shit, not because they aren't sexually attracted to women.

They clearly are or they wouldn't be obsessing over the women from their favorite chinese cartoons.

Same goes for lolicons who claim 3DPD, theres underlying reasons for why they claim that and it has nothing to do with sexuality.

When it comes to not having seen much waifufags I'm on a god damn imageboard and basically grew up enveloped in chan culture so I have PLENTY of experience with waifufags and I know the kind of person they are.

9d066f (14) No.82698>>82699


There's no need for us to identify our sexuality to "2D waifufags." We call this "having a fetish."

Must of your post is projection. If we use your logic then you don't like adults because you "never interacted with that many in your life or only having heard about them through jaded" pedophiles. Crazy right? But everyone won't get through life if I. they don't interact with women, 2. they don't interact with adults. So stop projecting.

>What I'm saying theres no way in hell the brain would ever be wired to have an exclusive sexual attraction to drawings

Yes? This is an acquired taste. The same with you not being born a pedophile and choose kids much later in your life. The same with gay people not being born gay and choose being gay, whether or not they'll admit it.

And no, you clearly don't. You may not want to admit to it, but you probably have avoided interacting much with waifufags just like the rest of the world does, because you think we're weird. We've already accepted that no one will be able to understand our "2D only" taste. As you can see here, nobody else is arguing here except for us, probably because they've blocked this thread already and marked you as a troll.

Also you don't find drawings attractive: you find the subject of the drawing attractive. You don't appreciate how a drawing is well made or how well the graphic artist did his 3D models, only the fact that the subject is "a child" or a similar form of it. This is how we differ from you.

There's not much to say on the matter because no matter how much people would try to argue with it the fact still stands that we see 3D is PD and that we like the 2D version above all else.

8dfaae (8) No.82699>>82702


Its not simply a fetish if you claim its the only thing you're attracted to. In one post you claim the sexual orientation for people who are exclusively attracted to drawings is called being a waifufag and now you're trying to play it off as simply being a fetish so which is it?

Its not projection its by your own admission when you say women are shit, or do you think you're just so enlightened by your own intelligence that you think all the men in loving relationships with women are wrong and you're the only one that knows what women are really like?

When it comes to me I'm perfectly fine with women I even have a few friends that are women but I couldn't see myself fucking them just like I couldn't see myself fucking any of my friends that are men.

For you its different, I'm sure you'd be perfectly fine fucking women if you weren't deluded into thinking they're some kind of horrible creatures that will ruin your life. If they were as pure and perfect as your fake waifus written up by middle aged japanese men then I'm sure you'd be just as eager to fuck them as you are eager to fuck your waifu that will never be fucked because they don't exist.

Why do you think people choose their sexuality?

You think I would choose to be a modern day witch during the witch hunts forced into a life of celibacy over the same type of moralfaggotry that was used against gays and interracial couples in the past?

Nah fuck you man you have no idea what you're talking about, just because you chose to shun women and only fap to drawings doesn't mean sexuality is a choice you retard.

When it comes to being attracted to drawings or not I STARTED with lolicon and wouldn't even admit the connection between lolicon and 3D early on much like a lot of the faggots on this board so don't tell me about myself and that I only like lolicon because I'm a pedo because you don't know shit about me.

fec897 (7) No.82700

Oh boy, before this fags are arguing about CP, now they are arguing about the meaning of waifu. What's next? I can't wait

5f2efc (12) No.82701>>82707


Obsession with something born out of a mind's ideal superseding the real thing has been around since the Greeks, probably earlier. 2D is simply better because every bit of it is made deliberately, anything 'natural' (including real people) can't entirely have that aspect.

9d066f (14) No.82702>>82707


Sexual orientation and fetish aren't exclusive: your sexual orientation can be your fetish, or your fetish can be your sexual orientation, either way, you choose it.

>For you its different, I'm sure you'd be perfectly fine fucking women if you weren't deluded into thinking they're some kind of horrible creatures that will ruin your life.

Not really. Women are human creatures and are forever imperfect, compared to drawings.

In a similar way, if women are forever kids you'd fuck them right away.

>You think I would choose to be a modern day witch during the witch hunts forced into a life of celibacy over the same type of moralfaggotry that was used against gays and interracial couples in the past?

Yes? For lolicons there's a way to survive a witch hunt and we call that "hiding your powerlevels." This tradition goes way back to a time you're socially persecuted for watching weird-ass cartoons from Japan. Weebs are persecuted but can they choose not to watch any more anime, they just don't.

>When it comes to being attracted to drawings or not I STARTED with lolicon and wouldn't even admit the connection between lolicon and 3D early on much like a lot of the faggots on this board so don't tell me about myself and that I only like lolicon because I'm a pedo because you don't know shit about me.

Don't play dumb. Those who would argue that they cannot understand people who would prefer drawings because the brain is hardwired not to would by default fuck real kids rather than drawings. That makes you a pedo. You only like lolicon because you like the subject (which are kids), you cannot like the art itself because, as you project,

>theres no way in hell the brain would ever be wired to have an exclusive sexual attraction to drawings

meaning that yours isn't and cannot comprehend to liking just drawings. Like >>82687 asked:

>We all wake up tomorrow and any moral or legal stigma surrounding sexualization of anything is gone. Now, do you choose the real thing or 2D?

You would choose 3D since your brain thinks it can't be made to just like drawings. We would choose 2D instead.

fec897 (7) No.82703>>82704

>wall of texts

>not a single credible citation in sight

Stop making up "logics" guys. You're hurting 'real' science

9d066f (14) No.82704>>82705


Nah, I'm done with this. There's nothing to gain from arguing any further if your opponent cannot comprehend one aspect I'm arguing for because his brain refuses the very notion. I'm hiding this thread,

fec897 (7) No.82705>>82707


One can't simply hide this golden thread. Except Tewi. He must be enjoying his holiday with a waifu pillow somewhere because he has been silent since 2 days ago.

86ce6b (2) No.82706>>82708


When you keep regurgitating the same thing over and over and ignoring arguments, calling it all "delusions", we'll all get fed up and think you're disingenuous. I'm not calling you a pedophile to avoid your arguments, I'm calling you a pedo because you're a projecting sack of shit that can't do anything but insist everyone here is lying.

It's hard to get it through your thick skull that not everyone that's into loli is actually into 3d kiddies and you keep handwaving that away.

It's been clear from the start you've never been posting in good faith.

Keep calling everyone deluded as if that's an argument. Maybe you'll feel less guilty convincing yourself that you're in similar company when everyone fucking hates you for being a nuisance.

8dfaae (8) No.82707>>82709


Doesn't make them any less attracted to the real thing sexually.

The only reason we got off on this waifufag tangent is because both waifufags and 2D only lolicons claim that 3D is PD and that they're only sexually attracted to 2D and I think thats ridiculous because nobody is only attracted to drawings, the drawings are just a representation of real life and thats what they're actually attracted to regardless of whatever delusions they have to convince them otherwise.


Your sexual orientation can't be your fetish thats retarded, look up the definitions.

How can human creatures that are are imperfect be capable of making drawings that are perfect in every way?

Or you're just full of shit and putting drawings on this gigantic pedestal and you're really just obsessed with smut made by japanese perverts to make your willy big?

If you honestly believe that people would willingly choose a life of persecution then its no wonder you're running with your tail between your legs because thats an indefensible position if I've ever seen one.

Man the mental gymnastics waifufags have to go through to justify their delusions is just mind boggling, I may be a pedo but at least I'm not a fucking waifufag holy shit.


He permabanned at least 5 VPN IPs yesterday, you'll notice the huge portion of the discussion is replying to deleted posts because of that bitch boy.

Too bad for him his mod tools are completely useless so I'll stop when I want to stop he can't moderate this shithole 24/7.

8dfaae (8) No.82708


I will keep calling you delusional because I was delusional in the past and now that I see things for how they actually are I'm being met with the same retarded arguments I used to use and I feel like I have to correct you because I wish someone would have been able to correct me.

I don't see how you can just listen and believe when a waifufag says he has no sexual attraction to women whatsoever and hes only attracted to drawings of women, it just doesn't make any sense to me at all and he clearly is only fapping to 2D as a choice because of some misconceptions about women and not because he isn't sexually attracted to them.

Looks to me like theres a handful of people who agree with me and a handful that agree with you, quit trying to speak for everyone and make it out like I'm invading your safe space and literally everyone hates me because thats clearly not the case.

5f2efc (12) No.82709>>82710


I saw those bans, they weren't even by the BO. You sure you're not just beneath even trying to get rid of?

8dfaae (8) No.82710>>82713


The public board log is disabled (go figure) so I can't see how you're so sure that none of my bans were from the BO.

8dfaae (8) No.82712


Those uguu eyes definitely warrant their own sexual orientation, I can totally see how someone would want to fuck the one on the left but find the one on the right disgusting and unfuckable.

I concede.

5f2efc (12) No.82713


>I don't even know basic site features of a site I claim to have used for years


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