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Welcome back sur mon blog de Bagdad à Jérusalem, l'Orient indiscret (après une longue absence, c'est vrai...) >>
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Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Le frère du prince saoudien
#MBS qui heureusement vit à Londres condamne «la guerre dévastatrice au#Yemen » Tous ceux qui ont osé élever la voix contre la guerre au Yémen ou le blocus contre le Qatar ont été condamné minimum à la prison ou à la peine de mort en Arabie Saoudite. …Show this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
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Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Israel's Military Censor forced the
@Jerusalem_Post to remove an article based on IDF sources confirming Israel supplied salaries, light weapons & cash to Syrian rebels (via@JudahAriGross)Show this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Assad issues decree releasing draft-age Syrian men already exempt from military service from having to seek approval for foreign travel from conscription office. Old law suddenly implemented, caused confusion and trouble at borders.
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Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Les "bases françaises" autour de la Libye, carte par
@Stratfor … Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
#SaudiArabia’s public prosecutor is seeking the death penalty for a prominent Sheikh, Salman#AlOdah who has criticized the way the monarchy is governed but he is really a#MuslimBrotherhood fixture, a terror organisation in the#KSA. this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
#Iran gives European parties to nuclear deal until early Nov (ie start of US sanctions against its oil industry) to come up w/ ways to offset the impact Suggests may otherwise pull out Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
The intra-Jihadi Sa'd al-Hunayti saga continues Al-Maqdisi writes that HTS will 'release' al-Hunayti to
#Turkey despite promising his actual release months ago. Abu Fath al-Farghali (HTS) rejects the rumour saying that al-Hunayti will stand trial in a HTS shariah Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
@CrisisGroup on the role of US pressure in convincing the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons to halt terrorist attacks at the end of this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Tony Blair Institute confirms donations from Saudi Arabia, made through Media Investment Limited, a subsidiary of Saudi Research & Marketing Group. An earlier report suggested the amount was £9 million: …
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Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
A video of a senior
#SaudiArabia royal speaking to protesters in#London stirred controversy about potential discord in the ruling family ranks, forcing the prince to issue a clarifying statement: the king and the crown prince are responsible for the state Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Au-delà, la vraie question, ce n'est pas le contrôle territorial de Daech, mais la capacité d'action du groupe terroriste ou de ses amis, comme Al-Qaida, ici où là-bas.
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Ou alors dans la zone désertique frontalière syro-irakienne. Daech n'aura plus de territoires certes, mais il se cache tjrs dans des grottes dans les montagnes de Hamreen en Irak. Et quid des "vrais-faux" Daech à Idlib mon général?
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Optimiste le général François Lecointre qui affirme que Daech n'aura plus aucun territoire au Levant "avant la fin de l'année, sans doute à la fin de l'automne". Le chef d'état-major ne dit pas comment soumettre les dernières poches djihadistes ds la vallée de l'Euphrate par
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Georges Malbrunot RetweetedThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
Georges Malbrunot RetweetedThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Actual quote from Nikki Haley: If Assad and Russia want to take over Idlib, "they can do that. But they cannot do it with chemical weapons." …
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Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
A precipitous US pullout from north-eastern
#Syria could unleash competing forces as they scramble for advantage. Instead, Washington should provide the#YPG the time, space and leverage needed for negotiations w/ Damascus. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Ce que j'aime dans ces discussions inutiles sur les religions c'est vos interprétations qui ne servent qu'à diviser les gens ! Personnellement vous pouvez pas savoir à quel point j'en ai absolument rien à foutre de vos sectes
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Macron et la Syrie: "Le president zigzague entre le cynico-realisme et la morale". Ma position developpee ds 28 mn sur Arte mardi. Il est prisonnier de la posture morale de ses predecesseurs, meme s'il essaie parfois de s'en ecarter. Resultat: 1 discours quasi inaudible.
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