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Mes publications de 2001 prochainement traduites de l'italien en anglais & français Version italienne dispo à la BU de Lettres & LVE Université-Caen Voyage au cœur d'une
#Italie, Pays à forte émigration touchée à son tour par l'immigration face à une#Europe qui "botte en touche" this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Alexandra De Corato Retweeted
Syrian refugee girls get new hairdos by volunteer hairdressers in camps near the Turkey-Syria
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Saudi Arabia's public prosecutor is seeking the death penalty against prominent Islamist preacher Salman al-Awdah on terrorism-related charges, activists and his family said on Tuesday. …
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Alexandra De Corato Retweeted
BREAKING: An Emirates A380 in quarantine at JFK Airport right now awaiting CDC officials after about 100 passengers became ill with fevers over 100 degrees and coughing. Flight 203 had just arrived from
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Le retrait US de l’accord sur le nucléaire iranien & l’imposition de sanctions contre Téhéran ont suscité une large condamnation Hors les annonces diplo de l’UE France Allemagne & GB n’ont convaincu ni la partie iranienne ni ls gdes entreprises européennes,2610 …
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Absolutly outrageous:
#SaudiArabia Seeks Death Penalty in Trial of Outspoken Reformist Cleric Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Alexandra De Corato Retweeted
Criticism of De Mistura for his "humanitarian corridors" proposal to help civilians fr Idlib go to Gov controlled Syr: By
@RonanLTynan "IDLIB - Open Letter to UN Syria Envoy de Mistura re proposal about "safe corridors" that would put civilians at risk" …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Alexandra De Corato Retweeted
My latest interview:w/Syrian fighter in Iraqi-led group Harakat al-Nujaba', which has Syrian contingent on registers of Syrian army 4th Division for purposes of taswiyat al-wad' etc. Also the group participated in last Ghouta battle but didn't publicise it …
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Alexandra De Corato Retweeted
A very alarming story from Egypt today: Press Syndicate organizing a trip to Taba for journalists & families. The 4 Christians journalists that registered were called & told they had to cancel, whole trip going ahead. Reason: Security forces unable to secure Copts in S Sinai
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L’Iran signe un accord sur son rôle en Syrie pour l’après-guerre - Téhéran et Damas signent un accord de coopération militaire. … via
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Alexandra De Corato Retweeted
Parce que la France, sa langue, sa culture et ses valeurs doivent rayonner partout dans le monde, j’ai écrit à
@JY_LeDrian pour demander la réouverture de l’Institut Français de Naplouse en Cisjordanie !#Sé
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Alexandra De Corato Retweeted
Israel Reveals Extent Of Anti-Iran Military Ops In Syria - The Media Line …
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Alexandra De Corato Retweeted
#CultureSelection in@monaco_hebdo 1072 ! Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Les services israéliens aident les Français et les Belges à contrer un projet d’attentat contre l’Opposition iranienne via
@Lopinion_fr@jdomerchet … V/@mestrateThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
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“No peace for
#Iraq is foreseeable, whether the#US candidate wins or loses.. As long as#Trump and his warmongering team are in the#White_House, we can expect difficult years ahead in#Iraq & the#Middle_East” Another informative reading by@ejmalrai …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Alexandra De Corato Retweeted
Another good reminder by
@ejmalrai - Damascus it to regain control of#Idlib and the West can't change the new dynamics in the Levant …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
The brother of Saudi King Salman has made rare public criticism of the war in
#Yemen, blaming the monarch and powerful Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the devastating conflict.@The_NewArab] …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Alexandra De Corato Retweeted
Un bas-relief
#persan remis à l’#Iran par les USA. Estimée à 1,2 millions de dollars, l'oeuvre a été rendue, après avoir été volée à#Persepolis en 1936 … Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Alexandra De Corato Retweeted
- 40 enfants pulvérisés par un tir de la Coalition arabe au Yémen le 9 août dernier. - La Coalition arabe rend un rapport fake qui l'exonère de ses responsabilités. - Le 4 sept., la réaction de la diplomatie française se résume à "prendre note" et "acte". …
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Alexandra De Corato Retweeted
"Whether one views him as a war criminal, politician, revolutionary leader, or tyrant, there is no dispute that in the past 15 years, the controversial Abdul Malik al-Houthi has risen to prominence in
#Yemen." …@InsideArabia@tkarasikThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
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