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    دعوة للشباب العربي! كيف ستخلق تغييراً اجتماعياً أو اقتصادياً إيجابياً في بلدك؟ ينظّم مسابقة بحثيّة تتيح لكم الفرصة لمشاركة أفكاركم! لمزيد من المعلومات:

  2. Sep 4

    Thread Upsum and have trained hundreds of fighters who will be joining the offensive on the W. - Axis. The deal was forged in August and immediately put to work.

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  3. Russian state propaganda is pissed because the wrote a true piece about . Of course, the designated terrorist group HTS is also a “rebel” group and of course they enjoy support among some hundred thousand civilians - like Hezbollah does in Lebanon.

  4. 21 hours ago

    Telegram channel Directorate 4: “more than 35 strikes have already been struck on positions of mainly “Islamic Party of ” - the from . IPT is one of the groups, which controls Jusr ash-Shughur area.” Interesting, Turkish observer post is nearby this area

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  6. 21 hours ago

    Update5: SANA also confirmed that Banias' explosion was a result of an Israeli airstrike, eight civilians were injured as a result. According to a local source Israeli warplanes attacked an empty building of the Syrian Defense Factories.

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  9. مالي اسمع جعجعة و لا ارى طحنا ؟ 🤔

  10. When tweet about noting that there is zero presence of military personnel in province..

  11. Sep 3

    You don’t fight bigotry and Islamophobia with threat of violence or arming activists. That’s recipe for chaos, division & conflict. Hasn’t worked in Middle East, won’t work here. Here is hoping the civil discourse is louder than arms and bigotry, and ultimately triumphs in US.

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  12. Middle East Union where is the ? Adding & ... maybe later on? no borders and free movement of people and capitals! Bye - bye Sykes Picot agreement...

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  14. Sep 2

    FM has arrived in Damascus to hold talks with top Syrian officials

  15. Sep 2

    The looming battle for Idlib, the last major rebel bastion in , sidelined all other issues at news conferences following recent talks in Moscow between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his counterparts from Syria and Saudi Arabia.

  16. Hello world! The plan to create a crescent seems to be manifested in steel!

  17. Sep 2

    Thread: So it seems on Saturday engaged on the battlefield with Assad regime militias in the protected zone surrounding the US special forces base in al-Tanf . No casualties were reported, but to give you a better idea of Obama era Defacto quixotic policy

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  18. Sep 2

    : large column w/ tanks & artillery arriving at crossing w/ Greater . Destination unknown.

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  19. one of the most logical analysis that I think it makes sense to everyone: to dissolve itself as a response to the pressure or to go into a "battle" with some sort of faction and surronder to it

  20. Smh.... the lack of cohesive strategy at its best....

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