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And if you were to see other than that then advise us. We cannot see your sons be slaves for the Kuffar servants for them and their followers and yet keep quiet from them. …
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O Muwahideen in
#Iraq#Syria#Afghanistan and all over the world Be aware that this strength and this weapon and military might are but munitions for you. For we are from you and you from us if you were to see good from us then it is for Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
You will find no hope for the weak and oppressed except through the Mujahideen. …
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You will find that nothing saddens them but the victory of the Mujahideen. You will find that nothing frightens the Ṭawaghīt wears out their sleep and disturbs their lives but the presence of the Mujahideen.
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This is a fact and whoever denies it outwardly will not be to deny it within themselves. You will find that nothing
#enrages the Kuffar and the Munafiqīn on earth but the actions of the Mujahideen.Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
O people If one of you today was to be unbiased for the sake of Allah and was to reflect in his own mind on the state of the Ummah of Islam today they would find that it is void of any stances of pride and honour except in the actions of the Mujahideen...
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They bequeath their families and parents nothing but prisons displacement and deprivation. But in spite of all this distress and hurt you see them throbbing with honour exuding
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The Mujahideen have sacrificed everything in the path of Allah to give victory to the Religion of Allah and to assist the oppressed. The Mujahideen gained nothing from this world but fighting imprisonment fractures and
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The time has come O Muslims to gather around the Mujahideen look and reflect contemplate and think the Mujahideen never fought one day to seek positions or thrones or debris of this
#world that is perishable....Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
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It will bring nothing upon you but shame and disgrace. It is time for you to know that democracy is nothing but a tool and method by which the tyrants are empowered and by which they wage war upon the Religion of Allah.
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It is time that you disbelieve in democracy which will not bring better than what it has brought upon you in the past lean years.
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All praise is to Allah the Mighty the Strong and may blessings and peace be upon the one sent with the sword as a mercy to the worlds.....
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