We @CrisisGroup will release a detailed report on the same question on Sept 5. Meanwhile, I also wrote on #Turkey's dilemma as it lost its bet on #Assad's removal, and must now deal with the fallout. Also in @TheAtlantic.https://bit.ly/2BQST9r
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Yep, thus this is a bit misleading: "With the Trump administration poised to pull U.S. troops out of his country" Also negotiations Damascus-Kurds came after statement by Assad, not in response to Trump statement 'I leave Syria statement' which was in April.
For some, a US withdrawal and regime-YPG reconciliation is wishful thinking.
What do you think what will happen?
@michaeldweiss -
I don’t. US has too much invested already and ISIS is a long way from defeated. When even McGurk talks about prolonged US presence you know withdrawal is a fantasy. But one assiduously pushed by Assadists in DC now.
for now the team in admin arguing to stay in, & that is everyone minus Trump, has won the argument.
@realDonaldTrump is not into this rolling back#Iran argument. He does not want 2pull out early & have a repeat of Iraq 2011. this can change depending on his whims - 1 more reply
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