That's EAC or Easy Anti Cheat, the problem here is due to the solution keeping the whitelist in the game folder so it takes a patch for it to be updated and the thing can't just download the newest "definition" file from their server or something.
(The files in the certificates folder.)
When possible I just forego multiplayer and rip that stuff out, it'll disable online play but I'm not too big on it anyway though this isn't a solution for everyone.
Nor does it work in every game, For Honor uses a server side check for example so removing EAC prevents logging in and playing the game, Wildlands and Far Cry 5 in turn either lack or have checks against disabling the thing even if disabling it then also removes online so it needs altering the files a bit to undo those.
And early on Watch_Dogs 2 and a few others had "-eac_launcher" or variants thereof to disable it without going to these lengths, I preferred that but apparently it must have been exploitable or something because that switch seems all but gone now in current games using Easy Anti Cheat.
Far Cry 5 is pretty heavily invested online though, arcade and the entire silver bar currency even if co-op and multiplayer itself isn't too big, weekly challenges and unlocks as well. (Some outfits usually but they finally also unlocked the desert eagle, bp2 and beretta and the next should start in about an hour with the unpacked game files providing some clues to what's left, like the MG.)
EDIT: And of course once game support is done with and over there will be no newer whitelist files so you have to remove it to use newer versions of ReShade or other utilities with the game, one of the bigger drawbacks to that setup really.