Don't be fooled. Those who identify as alt right, altfurry, raider, or third option are either a Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer.
Unless they renounce their hate group, they should be rejected. Let them know that they do not represent our community.
#NazisGetOut -
Freedom of speech is a pillar of our liberty, but if you allow it to protect hate speech, then many more freedoms are lost.
#NazisGetOut -
Likewise, if you allow Nazis and hate groups to infiltrate our community, then you place our unity and diversity at risk.
#NazisGetOut -
Protect your friends, fandom, liberty. Speak out against hate. Remove it from our home. Reject it and those who promote it!
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woah, cut myself on that edge
Heh. I remember being this young and naive... Don't worry, kid. One day this mess will be yours to inherit. Until then, just enjoy life.
im sorry but i was talking about the image, not the message.
All the same.
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You misunderstand,
@Quigglo. This poor Nazi-Sergal tripped on his flawed ideals. We're just picking him up and guiding him towards the exit.Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
Thanks for the intelligent addition to the conversation. We'll take it into consideration.
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Its unfortunate and true that when we forget our history we are damed to repeat it. A good many of alt right are deniers of the Holocaust. Other extremists around the world too. Bet they don't get that they have alot in common w/ jihadists.
I'm just glad that many still recognize the threat that these movements pose and are actively doing something to halt them. When I made this original post a year ago, I had no idea the fight against hate would be this big or successful. We still have a ways to go, but I'm proud.
Unfortunately we have witnessed the normalization of hate in this country. It goes all the way to the top. When people stop the its not my problem attitude and speak out (voting is a good start) change will begin.
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As an LGBTQIA friendly fandom, the tolerant OVERWHELMINGLY outnumber the intolerant... So Nazifurs: GET LOST!
#ThisIsMyFandomThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
I stand with you Carcin! Myself and all the other sergals who hate seeing our community represented with hate will stand by you always.
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It's becoming a bit annoying to always see sergals drawn as nazis. They get a lot of shit.
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