Kenneth Reitz is a well-known software engineer, international keynote speaker, open source advocate, street photographer, and electronic music producer.

Kenneth Reitz is a senior member of the Developer Relations team at DigitalOcean and serves as a Fellow at the Python Software Foundation. He is the former product owner of Python for Heroku (6+ years) as well as a former Board Member of the aforementioned PSF. He is well-known for his many open source software projects, specifically Requests: HTTP for Humans.


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The attention to detail Kenneth puts into his code and best practices is something that everyone can aspire to achieve. With his help, I have gone from novice to a full-time developer in under a year.
— Shane McDonald, Ansible / Red Hat (@anatomyofashane)
Many thanks to @kennethreitz for his ongoing effort making things that inspire us. #positivepython
— Corey Benfield, HP (@ lukasaoz)
Your contributions to the Python eco-system and the overall development community, are really helpful and inspiring.
— Levi Gross (@ levigross)
Thank you @kennethreitz for saving us from the horrors of urllib with the beautiful Requests library. #positivepython
— @mattdevs
There’s a frood who really knows where his towel is.
— Mike Pirnat, American Greetings (@mpirnat)
If you want an insight to software as a craft, you can’t go wrong with Kenneth Reitz.
— Mahdi Yusuf, Gyroscope (@myusuf3)
“His photos are the only ones I’ve ever seen some value in.”
— Name Withheld
What sort of accolade can I give to Kenneth that hasn’t already been given by someone with much more clout than I?
— Trevor Tomesh, PhD Student
Give it up for Humans, Kenneth Reitz is a champion of making things work #positivepython
— Ernest Durbin III (@ EWDurbin)
Every time I get the opportunity to hang out with @kennethreitz I’m sad when it’s over.
— Bo Jeanes, Covidence (@bojeanes)

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