I can agree with that. It's frustrating to see someone say hateful stuff and own it. And I'm conflicted, here, because the same person in question has also been so supportive of other minorities and even granted me a personal kindness without my asking. It's right to hold ppl...
...accountable for what they do or say, but at what point does the constant pressure one flaw make us blind to the good? It's a moral question I have to ask myself every day, and there's no easy answer. Sometimes a corrective action can do more harm than it fixes.
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Replying to @CarcinLoring @scootiebutt
wow, no. look, I’m sorry, I was entirely with you up until the “one flaw” thing. If someone hates Muslims, I don’t care what other good they’re doing or what other groups they might not hate, the hate they do harbor is still wholly reprehensible
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Like... hatred for an entire ethnic group is not “one little flaw”
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I get the impression that the majority of furries are willing to forgive her because she’s reformed on the transphobia, and decide that the islamophobia just doesn’t matter because by demographics vastly more furries are trans than Muslim. And to me that is selfish
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Replying to @JUNIUS_64 @scootiebutt
Don't take me the wrong way. I moved into a general means of speaking but I didn't know how to say that within the character constraints. I meant the fandoms takes on small personal issues in general.
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Replying to @CarcinLoring @scootiebutt
you’re good, the clarification is def appreciated, I was misreading that to apply to the individual case. And I can readily admit that it’s on me that I get so bothered about one little person doing something shitty, when there are bigger issues to deal with
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What I’m most upset about is the overall trend in furry, where people escape responsibility by hopping accounts and hoping everyone just forgets. Maybe focusing on an individual case is a bad way of addressing it, but I’m really not sure how else to address it
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Replying to @JUNIUS_64 @scootiebutt
I get it. I can't stand the argument that one's account is not a reflection of their irl person. It absolutely is. At the same time, tho, taking on a new persona brings the opportunity for change. It's an empty shell to fill, and you can bring your hard-learned lessons into it.
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I've also seen the fandom continue to beat people down for their mistakes after an apology and attempts to improve have already been made. Sometimes one has to escape the lashing long enough to have the room to be better. A new face is a way to accomplish that if allowed.
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you’re right about that. In this specific case I’ve seen no apology or remorse or attempt to grow past the Islamophobia but there have been many other cases where people will beat a dead horse. Especially with ex-furry raiders/ ex-alt fur/ ex-extremist situations
I try to tell people dealing with that that they should still take pride in the strides they’ve made, even if other people refuse to see them, but the culture really does have to change because an unforgiving environment is not conducive to growth
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I don’t see myself ever ceding on the “apology and acknowledgment of prior wrongdoing as a prerequisite to forgiveness” thing but it’s important that we as a community start handling things a lot better than we have been after that point
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