How I recently used vendoring in Go
Go 1.11 comes with experimental support for modules, which are more or less Russ Cox's 'vgo' proposal. Initial versions of this proposal were strongly against Go's current feature of vendor directories and wanted to completely replace them. Later versions seem to have toned that down, but my impression is that the Go people still don't like vendoring very much. I've written before about my sysadmin's perspective on vendoring and vgo, where I wanted something that encapsulated all of the build dependencies in a single directory tree that I could treat as a self-contained artifact and that didn't require additional daemons or complicated configuration to use. However, I recently used vendoring for another case, one where I don't think Go's current module support would have worked as well.
For reasons beyond the scope of this entry, I wanted a program that
counted up how many files (well, inodes) were used in a directory
hierarchy, broken down by the sub-hierarchy; this is essentially
the file count version of my standard du
based space usage
breakdown (where I now use this
more convenient version). Since this
basically has to manipulate strings in a big map, writing it in Go
was a natural decision. Go has filepath.Walk
in the standard library,
but for extra speed and efficiency I turned to godirwalk. Everything worked great
right up until I tried to cross-compile my new program for Solaris
(okay, Illumos, but it's the same thing as far as Go is concerned)
so I could run it on our fileservers.
That's when I found out that godirwalk doesn't support Solaris,
ultimately for the reason that Solaris doesn't support file type
information in directory entries.
I was able to hack around this with some effort, but the result is
a private, modified version of godirwalk that's only ever going
to be used by my dircount
program, and then only for as long as
I care about running dircount
on OmniOS (when I stop caring about
that, dircount
can use the official version). I definitely don't
want this to be the apparent official version of godirwalk
in my
$GOPATH/src hierarchy, and this is not really something that Go
modules can solve easily. Traditional Go vendoring solves it neatly
and directly; I just put my hacked up version of godirwalk in
, where it will be automatically used by dircount
not touched by anything else (well, provided that I build dircount
in my $GOPATH). When or if I don't want to build
with my hacked godirwalk, I can rename the vendor
temporarily and run 'go build
(According to the current documentation, the closest I could come
with modules is to replace
the official godirwalk with my own
version that I would have to set up in some tree somewhere. This
replacement would be permanent until I edited go.mod
; I couldn't
switch back and forth easily.)
This isn't a use I'd initially thought of for vendoring, but in retrospect it's an obvious one. Vendoring makes convenient private copies of packages; normally you use this to freeze package versions, but you can just as well use this to apply and freeze your own modifications. Probably I'll run into other cases of this in the future.
(I will elide a discussion of whether this sort of local change to upstream packages is a good idea or whether you should really rename them into a new package name (and thus Go modules are forcing you to do the right thing).)