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Everybody Dance Now





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Published on Aug 22, 2018

Comments • 185

Whoa this is amazing! I think I'm most impressed with details like the wrinkles on the guy's shirt and pants
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Nerd sat around computer room "I can't dance" Second nerd: "I can fix that, with my computer, computers can fix everything" Good work lol
I hope everyone is ready to not be able to trust video evidence within the next decade or so. Nothing will be able to be proven as truth.
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Ellon Musk
imagine hackers hacking into video feed and making everyone dance, funny way to distract from a crime
Do Trump and go viral
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Jorge Gamaliel Frade Chávez
Amazing!! There are a lot of implications with high impact, and of course a lot of applications for intelligence, psychology, security, education, etc etc...
Hot Grill
I need the underlying tech for this, I have an idea for a bad mobile app the kids will love for a week.
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I wonder how long before we start seeing this tech in films? Might help with reshoots for example.
Arjuna Krishna-Das
The end of photographic or video proof of anything. CGI anything in real-time. Brilliant for those performing false flags. The makers of this video missed a trick though - they should have used very very old targets (ie truly impossible reality), thus showing off the technique far more impressively.
Snap's next acquisition, dudes!
The subtle jitter and absence of motion blur makes this seem like stop motion animation
Job Sebastián
What is the name of the first song of this video? In the second 0:14
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Dinesh Condur
Wow, it also got shadows alright! Looking forward for some open source resources!
Jerry Mander
This comment section smells like vodka, cubicles and misery.
Very impressive results. Are you planning to release your code?
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Bob Salita
Finally, I'll be able to do fouette turns.
MAD engineer
there is more to achieve for AI than this anyways truly amazing
Crazymuse AI
I agree with Andrej Karpathy's tweet "That's the only way I can dance " :) Awesome work guy :) Its even generating soft shadows correctly!
Christopher Birnbaum
nothin wil be real
Ruslan Ibragimov
Вы в танцах!!!
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