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  1. Pinned Tweet
    17 Oct 2017

    now sweeping trhe rest of Al-Raqqa to purge the last remnants of islamofascist ISIS forces

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  2. 4 minutes ago

    The other side of the coin of this thread is how the accounts reporting the genocide were shut down by , , etc.😒 I imagine most moderating stuff were Buddhists that didn't mind getting rid of the Muslim minority.

  3. 10 minutes ago

    I guess this is a case of the grey wolves guarding the henhouse.😒 /End

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  4. 10 minutes ago

    With that said, I'm not saying that it's your duty to apply for those jobs if you know Turkish and you want to let the truth come out, because if you read the article, those jobs horrible. What I'm saying is Social Media companies have a duty to keep an eye on these moderators.

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  5. 17 minutes ago

    *Turks & others

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  6. 23 minutes ago

    So, this is the problem with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc., the fanboys of the abusers are the ones in control of the flow of information. Here's what I got in less than 10 seconds in Google.

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  7. 30 minutes ago

    So, these people are there watching, reading, and blocking content or accounts. Is almost like they found a loophole! They get hired to be neutral, but they aren't, they have been raised to think that there are no Kurds, Armenian & Greek genocides are a hoax, and to love Turkey.

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  8. 37 minutes ago

    Now, imagine tech companies are looking for moderators to moderate stuff coming out of Turkey & related to Turkey, and they post jobs. Who get to fill those positions? Turks others that can read Turkish, but the vast majority are still very nationalists & can't accept criticism.

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  9. 41 minutes ago

    1. Ok, so accounts get banned/deleted when they report abuses, murders, or even war crimes committed by Turkey while those pro-Turkish accounts displaying & making fun of the victims stay up & never get taken down. Read this old article:

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  10. Retweeted

    This is despicable and disgusting behavior on this couples part. When you fundraise for someone else it’s not your job to withhold money and police them. When I setup the GoFundMe for and his daughter, he had full control over the funds. Only way to do it.

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  11. Retweeted

    Fox News returning to its bread and butter. Race-baiting and manufacturing bigotry.

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  13. Retweeted
    Aug 23

    Why we need more black men in medicine. I had a patient this week who came in with left leg weakness over the last week. Younger black guy in his 30s. Brain MRI clearly indicates multiple sclerosis. So we all go in during morning rounds to give my man his diagnosis.

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  14. Retweeted

    My new article looks at US-Turkey relations, how the recent crises developed and why Turkey is reaching out to Russia

  15. Retweeted
    17 hours ago

    Slowly rising from the rubble, Raqqa rebuilds in the face of funding uncertainty via

  16. Retweeted
    Aug 23

    The Pastor is not the only US Hostage in Turkey | In our piece, & I remind that Brunson is only one of many pawns in Erdogan’s , a strategy of imprisoning Western nationals to extract diplomatic concessions.

  17. Retweeted
    17 hours ago

    Crazy Rich Khaleejis: a movie about how rich families in the Gulf funnel massive amounts of money accumulated through literal slave labour to fund Salafist death squads across the world.

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  18. Retweeted
    16 hours ago

    Please follow for news about Turkish war crimes in Afrin:

  19. Retweeted
    20 hours ago

    Saudi Arabia open new front on the border. Now pro-Hadi and southern forces deployed on 8 border fronts. Offensive operations are only in Hayran and Baqim districts.

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  20. Retweeted

    More children being massacred under the watchful eye of the US and UK.

  21. Retweeted
    Aug 23



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