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  1. Pinned Tweet
    26 Aug 2017

    Tonight, Houthis killed my best friend, a true brother to me & one of 's fighters against terrorists. was the best of men.

  2. Retweeted
    14 hours ago

    رحمة الله عليك ياصدام ويازعيم يارموز الوطنيه والعروبه والشموخ حال الوطن ضاع بين الخونه والعملا وطامعين الدم والخراب

  3. 8 hours ago

    Anything to save himself.... you mean like "launch a nuclear war" anything?

  4. Retweeted

    العدنانيون والقحطانيون مكونان رئيسيان لمجتمع اليمن والجزيرة ، لايوجد فارسي ولا مجوسي ولا اصيل ولا قليل اصل . احصروا خصومتكم وأطروها ولاتحتدوا فتفقدوا رشدكم يرحمكم الله

  5. 13 hours ago

    Whose unauthorized Beltway wet dream of blood was this? Just Votel?

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  6. 13 hours ago
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  7. 14 hours ago

    The accused cannot also be the judge. This is the most rudimentary natural law of human civilization. Arabia –

  8. 15 hours ago

    On : coalition airstrike kills 30 civilians in , including 22 children, who were fleeing earlier bombing, Houthi rebels say

  9. Retweeted
    Aug 23

    1. coalition has repeatedly promised to minimize harm to -i civilians. report out today: Any steps taken not nearly enough.

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  10. Retweeted
    Aug 23

    Yemen: Coalition Fails to Curb Violations

  11. Retweeted
    Aug 23

    Children continue to die in . This time in , Al Duraihimi District. Please spare civilians form this conflict. Children are not a target.

  12. Aug 23

    Sublime irony, whether in the language of the Sioux. Comanche, Apache or any other Native American tribe.

  13. Aug 23

    On , a moving piece by , who is one of the top Yemeni journalists in my opinion. Hidden Wounds of ’s War : The war has reduced the country’s people to destitution, forcing many to beg for survival

  14. Aug 23

    The only true idiot is one who thinks himself clever, despite an abundance of evidence to the contrary.

  15. Aug 23

    First smart thing MBS has done since MBS. Arabia has called off both the domestic and international stock listing of state oil giant Aramco

  16. Aug 22
  17. Retweeted

    🔷 | المحافظ البحسني يؤدي صلاة العيد بجامع ذهبان بغيل باوزير ويتفقد أحوال المرضى بمستشفى الغيل ( صور )

  18. Aug 21

    Eid has been cancelled in .

  19. Retweeted
    Aug 20
  20. Aug 20

    Nothing personal, but I am not entirely comfortable with the possibility of being owned by Saudi Arabia. Millions of cars worldwide that can be driverless driven via central Tesla tech control sorta smells like a filthy-rich ISIS jihadi's wet dream.

  21. Aug 20

    Eid has been cancelled in Yemen. Too many Yemeni sons have been sacrificed already.


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