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Thread by @atomicthumbs: "A former Tesla employee, who worked on their IT infrastructure, is posting in a subforum of a subforum, a little-known place for funy comput […]"

57 tweets, 16 min read 12 hours ago
A former Tesla employee, who worked on their IT infrastructure, is posting in a subforum of a subforum, a little-known place for funy computer forgotten by time. His NDA has expired.

He has such sights to show us. Join me and I will be your silent guide into a world of horror.
(cj: forum-specific slang, abbrev. "computer janitor")
(Last post by this user in the forum thread so far. Will add further posts to the Twitter thread.)
(Note: I didn't write any of this, and intentionally cropped out his username because I'm not sure he would want it being spread around on Twitter. All I did was take screenshots and make a thread.

buuuut, if you want to see the things I *do* do...)
Here's a link to the thread.…
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