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Forecasting the race for the House
5 in 7
Chance Democrats win control (72.3%)
2 in 7
Chance Republicans keep control (27.7%)
# Our forecast for every district
The chance of each candidate winning, with all 435 House districts shown at the same size
Solid D
≥95% D
Likely D
≥75% D
Lean D
≥60% D
<60% both
Lean R
≥60% R
Likely R
≥75% R
Solid R
≥95% R
Party flip
>50% nonincumbent party
= one district
Party flip
>50% nonincumbent party
= one district
Our latest coverage
# How the forecast has changed
We'll be updating our forecasts every time new data is available, every day through Nov. 6
Chance of controlling the House
Seats controlled by each party
Popular vote margin
# How the popular vote for the House translates into seats
How various breakdowns in the national popular vote correspond to the most likely distributions of House seats by party, according to our forecast
Higher probability 
Democrats are favored to win a majority of seats if they win the popular vote by at least 5.3 points
# How the House has swung historically
Our forecasted seat breakdown in the House for 2018 and the change in the breakdown for every House election since 1924
How this forecast works
Nate Silver explains the methodology behind our 2018 midterms forecast. Read more …