That's the President of The United States rage screaming in all caps on the internet at 1am about an investigation which has already secured guilty pleas from and convictions of many of his closest associates because he's *SUPER INNOCENT* ladies and gentlemen.
Not just presidential... very-stably-geniusly-presidential one might say.
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And one more thing, he is the only sitting president not to visit the troops on the front line in modern history
Presidential bone-spurs I’m afraid.
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A vote for DEMOCRATS is a vote to kill Mollie. Think about it. -
A vote for the GOP is a vote for a pyscho maniac guy with a lot of guns to shoot up a school, or a club, or a concert...
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Okay, fine!You did't collude with Russia. You CONSPIRED with them!And yes there is a witch to be brought to justice for treason being committed on our country & that witch is YOU!Take off your gross straw-like rat's nest on your head, & you even look a bit like a Fat Voldemort!!
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Cmon now Mr President - the random all caps yelling should be a signal to you that maybe you should rethink your approach.
amazes me how people still following him and think he's a great president, goes to show how brain dead people are
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