Pseudo-Independent (aka
Medical control ploys
['Independent' used to mean that. 'Charity' has been abused also. You can see it exposed with Sense about Science "Sense About Science is an independent charitable trust." 'Donations' don't count. These outfits like IOM are used in Authority ploy. ]
& Quackbusters "Experts"
"Nonprofit" Groups Sense about Science
[August 04, 2008] Every Child By Two: A Front Group for Wyeth By J.B. Handley
[Aug 2008] Voices for Hiding Vaccine Risks: Follow the $$ By Barbara Loe Fisher
[July 2008] How Independent Are Vaccine Defenders?
The Good Thinking Society
Every Child By Two
[You can see the marketing benefits of shills] Ciba spends millions of dollars to sell parent groups and doctors on the
idea of using Ritalin. Ciba helps to support the parent group, CH.A.D.D.,
and organized psychiatry. The U.S. Department of Education and the National Institute of Mental
Health (NIMH) push Ritalin as vigorously as the manufacturer of the drug,
often in even more glowing terms than the drug company could get away with
legally. Vital Information About Ritalin, Attention
Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder and the Politics Behind the ADHD/Ritalin Movement
Summarized from Talking Back to Ritalin by Peter R. Breggin, M.D.
In Washington, D.C., issues are no longer simply lobbied. They are "managed"
by a triad composed of (1) public-relations experts from firms like Burson-Marsteller; (2)
business lobbyists, who bankroll politicians, write legislation, and are often former
politicians themselves; and (3) phony grass-roots organizations - I call them
"astroturf groups" - that the PR industry has created on behalf of its corporate
clients to give the appearance of public support for their agendas.
Hill & Knowlton set up an astroturf group called Citizens for a Free Kuwait to make it
appear as if there were a large grass-roots constituency in support of the war. The firm
also produced and distributed dozens of "video news releases" that were aired as
news stories by TV stations and networks around the world. It was Hill & Knowlton that
arranged the infamous phony Congressional hearing at which the daughter of the Kuwaiti
ambassador, appearing anonymously, falsely testified to having witnessed Iraqi soldiers
pulling scores of babies from incubators in a hospital and leaving them to die. Her
testimony was a complete fabrication, but everyone from Amnesty International to President
George Bush repeated it over and over as proof of Saddam Hussein's evil. Sam Zakhem, a
former U.S. ambassador to Bahrain, funneled another $7.7 million into the propaganda
campaign through two front groups, the Freedom Task Force and the Coalition for Americans
at Risk, to pay for TV and newspaper ads and to keep on payroll a stable of fifty speakers
for pro-war rallies. WAR ON TRUTH The Secret Battle for the American Mind An
Interview with John Stauber
other program that the CDC has is called a partnership program. Basically
they give grants to private organizations—even creating private organizations in
some cases—supposedly to spread education, meaning the CDC party line. But in
effect by spreading around this money the CDC creates and buys influence with
organizations that do not appear to be connected to the CDC, at least
officially. So for example, the CDC has thrown this money around to medical
groups such as the American Red Cross, to hemophilia organizations, to gay
rights and AIDS activist groups
are enormous lists, and I'm only just beginning to uncover many of the
organizations that are funded under this partnership program with what they call
community-based organizations. See, the idea is—the CDC puts it in slightly
different language. They say, well, these organizations can reach their
constituencies more effectively than we can. That's code language, of course,
for saying that it's more believable when it seems to come from private
organizations without a conflict of interest
......I haven't yet been able to
prove ACT-UP. I can document the connection with several AIDS activist groups. I
don't want to name more until I can prove them.........On
the AIDS activist, gay rights side of the AIDS debate, as it has been publicly
constituted, they have funded the National Association for People with AIDS. It
is a militantly pro-gay rights organization, but coordinates a good deal of the
AIDS activist movement
They simultaneously fund Americans for a Sound AIDS Policy, which has advised
the religious right, and was the primary advising group to William Dannemeyer,
Congressman. So the CDC was financing both groups at the same time, and the fact
is that while the two sides debated on red-herring issues, so to speak, they
agreed on one thing, and that is that we needed stronger public health measures,
and that the CDC were good guys. This is an example of the sort of thing they
fund. The funds could range anywhere from, I gather, a few thousand or a few
tens of thousands of dollars, all the way up to millions of dollars, as in the
case of the Red Cross. It depends on what level of money is required to buy off
a group. Some of these groups were created entirely by CDC funding
example, Americans for a Sound AIDS Policy. So the CDC, with its EIS officers,
and with its partnership program, has created circles of influence far beyond
its own immediate existence, where much of its influence is not recognized as
coming from the CDC. Thus we have what appears to be a groundswell of support
for any CDC position, which is in reality orchestrated by the Public Health
Service and particularly by the CDC.
To illustrate how they use this in AIDS, quite simply
the EIS network was heavily involved in identifying the first AIDS cases, which
were not even a cluster. The first five AIDS cases did not know each other. They
had no connection to each other. They hadn't even been connected sexually
through anonymous sexual encounters or anything that we know of. But they found
all five and defined it as a cluster arbitrarily. From there they went on to
redefine diseases that existed in hemophiliacs, in intravenous drug users, in
Haitians, in Africans, wherever they could go, for the purpose of making the
AIDS epidemic appear to be infectious. The dominant view among those few
scientists looking at AIDS from the very beginning was that it must be caused by
drugs, particularly by poppers, which were wildly popular in the homosexual
community. This was the view they were fighting, and they had to make AIDS look
infectious. They did it through these kinds of cluster studies, by redefining
diseases in other groups. The EIS was instrumental in that, and the partnership
program, since 1984, when it began for the AIDS project, has been instrumental
in creating what appears to be a spontaneous support for the public health
activist viewpoint of AIDS, and for blaming it on a virus, from all sectors.
I must also say that this why the virus hunters paid
attention to AIDS—because the CDC brought it to their attention and made it look
infectious, and meanwhile the virus hunters, who dominated the NIH and the
universities funded by the NIH, jumped on it and picked their own favorite
virus, a retrovirus, on which to blame AIDS.
It is this Public Health
Service, which spends many billions of our taxpayer dollars, that has in one
sense or another created this HIV hypothesis, and which defends it to the last
drop of blood. I think the only way we're going to ever deal with this and
really to break the hold of the HIV hypothesis, and prevent future calamities
like this, which will be inevitable, is to start cutting back the Public Health
Service radically, perhaps abolishing some agencies."---------Bryan
Ellison Interview
[Feb 2002 UK] Downing St---MMR - support
[Feb 2002 UK Government] Independent experts agree that on all the evidence available, there is no link between MMR and either autism or inflammatory bowel disease Downing St--MMR - The facts
"On April 6, 2000, nine national nonprofit organizations issued a joint statement on the importance of immunization to the prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases"--AMA statement
Albert B. Sabin Vaccine Institute
American Liver Foundation
Children's Liver Alliance
Every Child By Two
Hepatitis Foundation International
Immunization Action Coalition
Latino Organization for Liver Awareness
National Educational Association
Parents of Kids with Infectious Diseases
Wellcome Foundation
"The Bombay Gazette, 17th July, 1891, reports the opening of the New Leper Asylum at
Sehore, Bhopal, towards which Her Highness the Begum of Bhopal has contributed
munificently, and has promised an annual grant of 4500 Rs. for the expenses of
maintenance. ........This benevolent lady, the Begum of Bhopal, Nawab Shahjeham, has been
persuaded to extend vaccinations in her province, upon which she spends 5000 rupees
yearly, employing 35 vaccinators, who performed 38,000 vaccinations last year, thus
unwittingly spreading the fell disease (leprosy) at the point of the lancet, and helping
to fill the wards of the hospital which her benevolence has established."---William Tebb 1893
Now, the kind of effect that has is often subtle. In the case of NPR, one
thing that happened was that the foreign editor, named Paul Allen, saw his next
evaluation be marked down, and the use of this story was cited as one of the
reasons for his being marked down and he felt that he had no choice but to leave
NPR and he left journalism altogether. These were the kind of prices that people
were starting to pay, all across Washington. The message was quite clear both in
the region and in Washington that you were not going to do any career
advancement if you insisted on pushing these stories. The White House is going
to make it very, very painful for your editors by harassing them and yelling at
them; having letters sent; going to your news executives - going way above even
your bureau chiefs sometimes - to put the pressure on, to make sure if these
stories were done they were done only in the most tepid ways. And there also
was, in an underreported side of this, there were these independent
organizations, who were acting as sort of the Wurlitzer organ effect for the
White House attacks. Probably the most effective one from their side was
Accuracy In Media, which we find out, from looking at their internal documents -
the White House internal documents, was actually being funded out of the White
House. There was - in one case we have because we have the records, the White
House organized wealthy businessmen, particularly those from the news media,
from the conservative news media, to come into the White House to the situation
room where Charlie Wick, who was then head of USIA, pitched them to contribute a
total of $200,000 to be used for public diplomacy and the money is then directed
to Accuracy In Media and to Freedom House and a couple of other organizations
which then support the White House in its positions, and make the argument that
the White House is doing the right thing and that these reporters who are
getting in the way must be Sandinista sympathizers or must not be very patriotic
or whatever we were supposed to be at the time.
So you had this effect of what
seemed to be independent organizations raising their voice, but, the more we
kept finding out, the more we found at that these weren't independent
organizations at all. These were adjuncts of a White House/CIA program that had
at its very heart the idea of how we reported the news in Washington and how the
American people perceived what was going on in Central America. I'm not sure
this has ever happened before - I can't think of it, but it was a remarkable
change in the way that the government, as I guess Ross Perot might say, was
coming "at" the people rather than, you know, being "of" the people.
[1993] Fooling America.
A talk by Robert Parry