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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Apr 29

    Mes publications de 2001 prochainement traduites de l'italien en anglais & français Version italienne dispo à la BU de Lettres & LVE Université-Caen Voyage au cœur d'une , Pays à forte émigration touchée à son tour par l'immigration face à une qui "botte en touche"

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  2. 1 hour ago

    The U.S. decision to abandon the nuclear deal with is bad news for crude oil importers, good news for exporters, and complicated news for those with more entwined relations with Tehran.

  3. C’est dommage de voir tomber dans le piège d’une opération de propagande 🤦🏻‍♂️ il s’agit juste d’un F-5B avec avionique modernisée. Un avion conçu dans les années 50 et mis en service en 1964... il y a 54 ans 🤪

  4. 18 hours ago

    [À relire] notre entretien avec "De tous temps, les peuples ont bougé. Aujourd’hui, en effet, il semblerait que la parenthèse sédentaire soit en train de se fermer et que tout le monde devienne nomade"

  5. 6 hours ago

    Au-delà des déclarations ni la France ni l’UE n’ont eu la volonté et le courage de s’opposer au diktat des États-Unis. Constat d’échec absolu

  6. 8 hours ago
  7. 1 hour ago

    Inside the ’s war on in . The military says it is winning the battle against but some question their methods. They deny of course any collusion with AQAP but still doubts remain.

  8. 10 hours ago

    Or rather, until Iraqi government kicks them out (again).

  9. 11 hours ago

    Passionnant. Un officier écrit des articles sous pseudo sur un blog de défense réputé. Très critique sur l’US Air Force et en particulier son système d’avancement. Le chef d’état-major de l’Air Force lui répond et lui propose un poste. Autre pays, autre culture.

  10. 7 hours ago

    Major judicial blunder in that could have disastrous consequences: a jihadist that was accused of planning a terror attack in and sending men to fight in and along jihadi groups, was freed because judge forgot to extend detention

  11. If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!

  12. 20 hours ago

    Cose che capitano. Russia is preparing to search for a nuclear-powered missile that was lost at sea months ago

  13. 10 hours ago

    Guerra di parole. Iran: se Usa ci attaccano noi colpiremo i suoi alleati nella regione, Israele incluso.

  14. 9 hours ago

    Il mago delle bombe di al Qaeda forse ucciso in un raid aereo in Yemen. Intelligence convinta, esperti cauti

  15. 7 hours ago

    Signe notable d’un changement à la tête des . La photo officielle de la cérémonie de l’Aid 2018 publiée par les médias officiels montre au centre à la place du gouverneur de et contrairement à l’usage protocolaire depuis l’absence du président .

  16. 2 hours ago

    Trump aide Bolton: Putin told U.S. he can't get Iranian forces out of Syria In Jerusalem, U.S. national security adviser says U.S. not considering recognition of Israel's sovereignty over Golan Heights

  17. 2 hours ago

    Arabian prosecutors are seeking the death sentence for five human rights activists, including a woman who is thought to be the first female campaigner in the country facing execution, rights groups have said.

  18. 7 hours ago

    Iran unveils what it calls a "domestically-produced" fighter jet. It's actually a warmed-over version of the US-made F-5, which first flew during the Eisenhower administration.

  19. Aug 21

    's foreign minister wrote in USA Today that his country is "committed to being an ally." The Turkish government forced the United States to negotiate for a year to use Incirlik air base for direct combat operations against the Islamic State.

  20. 5 hours ago

    L’ réajuste sa stratégie en Alors que le gouvernement syrien contrôle désormais la plupart des régions déchirées par la guerre, le rôle de l’Iran, en tant que principal allié du président Bachar al-Assad, semble être en pleine mutation.

  21. 9 hours ago

    2/4 and its allies must be able to rely on a loyal population because of the solidarity it provides at the level. The attempt to reduce the numerical advantage is real, but it has had limited results


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