At FWA, on Saturday night, a shit-filled diaper had been thrown into the middle of the hotel hallway. Into the MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING HALLWAY. It was probably there for hours before someone picked it up. And I've also heard rumors from a reliable source that someone took a dump in the elevator.
This goes beyond simply looking past a weird fetish, OK? Whoever did it didn't care about the impression it left of the furry fandom, they didn't care who it pissed off. They were jerking off to the fact that perhaps hundreds of people walked by that night and were disgusted at the sight of their feces. Gave you a big, sloppy boner, didn't it, you fuckball?
I don't care anymore if there are "good" babyfurs. Shit like this has to stop. I hear all the time that not all babyfurs do this kind of thing and are actually disgusted at the people who do. Well, WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU? You should have been kicking this guy's ass.
I want it to be known that if you are one of these fecalphiles and I EVER see you at a convention throwing feces into a public place, I will beat you within an inch of your fucking life. Ok? I'll toss you down thirty-nine flights of ass-kicking that you can't even imagine. I don't care how long I have to spend in jail. When I'm finished with you, you'll be the Hunchface of Notre Dame.
So before you think it's going to be sexy to expose your fecal matter to an audience, you'd better reconsider. Because I go to a lot of conventions. And if you happen to do it when I'm watching, the next meal you're going to have will be your own teeth.
If you think I'm kidding, try me.
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February 24 2007, 03:44:06 UTC 11 years ago
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February 24 2007, 11:17:28 UTC 11 years ago
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February 24 2007, 03:46:39 UTC 11 years ago
February 24 2007, 03:58:44 UTC 11 years ago
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February 24 2007, 03:49:47 UTC 11 years ago
That's unacceptable, also to the hotel staff whom the con rented the place for.
That's stupid, most furries are like immature children who can't see past the scope of their own convoluted world.
February 24 2007, 04:28:11 UTC 11 years ago
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February 24 2007, 03:49:55 UTC 11 years ago
Then again, in my building at work, on my floor that is only reachable by employees, I can't believe how disgusting "normal" people are to the bathrooms. I mean, why is SHIT on the wall? Why is snot? What the fuck is wrong with everyone? Do people just go nuts when they finally aren't in their mother's house and just start throwing shit around?
It's disgusting. I'll join ya with the ass kicking.
February 24 2007, 10:34:03 UTC 11 years ago
One lady wrote a slanderous message in the womens room about a manager that had made her mad. What's so bad about that you may ask she wrote it in blood...yes THAT blood ><.
People are so sick at times.
8 years ago
February 24 2007, 04:02:21 UTC 11 years ago
February 24 2007, 14:11:40 UTC 11 years ago
February 24 2007, 04:07:17 UTC 11 years ago
I'd say you should make them eat what they "leave in the hallway" like that, but knowing some people and furs, that'd just get them even more boner-fied.
Shitbrains, the lot of 'em.
Lizard Rat out.
Acting 13 Years Old and Not 3 in Albany NY
February 24 2007, 10:47:19 UTC 11 years ago
February 24 2007, 04:21:55 UTC 11 years ago
Yeah, it sucks the big one, and yeah, something ought to be done about it. There are babyfurs out there who do put their foot down about that sort of thing, because such behavior is disgusting and completely uncalled for. Obviously. Can't argue with that, wouldn't want to argue anyhow.
February 24 2007, 12:28:09 UTC 11 years ago
I'd be there holding the guy down for ya foxie. This just seems like the last incident, the Dragoneer one..
February 24 2007, 04:26:27 UTC 11 years ago
Hahaha I love that expression.
Speaking of going down flights, you were at FWA; did you hear about Tumbles the Stairdragon?
February 24 2007, 20:01:31 UTC 11 years ago
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February 24 2007, 04:31:19 UTC 11 years ago
Another thing that pissed me off this year at FC, I was at the bar ordering a drink and this younger guy comes up talking to the bartender in an annoyed manner "you never gave me my change"
bartender/waitress "your tab was 27.40"
dick "Yeah I gave you $30!"
o.o bartender/waitress "you mean the $2.60?"
dick "Yeah you owe me change"
I went back up to her after he left and said, that was fucking lame and gave her a $5. She was surprised and asked how I knew. Told her I had friends who were servers before.
Now do I really need to explain why this situation was lame or does a normal person understand?
February 24 2007, 08:14:44 UTC 11 years ago
Just fuggin learn to round up to a number thats far enough people, no whipping out calculators to find out what 15% is, just double the number and move the decimal one place to the left and thats 20%, you either tip a little more or a little less based on how good your service is. Carry singles and fivers, dont be stingy with hotel staff, they have to put up with you and _they make your food_.
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February 24 2007, 04:34:12 UTC 11 years ago
Which leads me to believe that this incident can not be blamed on a babyfur. Most plausibly, it was someone wanting to get a laugh out of disgusting other people, meanwhile giving babyfurs even more of a bad reputation. There have been similar incidents in the past, not to mention several hundred rumors that have been blamed on us, and save for a couple exceptions, the rumors are untrue and the perpetrators were not babyfurs.
February 24 2007, 12:24:51 UTC 11 years ago
Would you kindly explain to everyone here, then, what a babyfur is/does?
11 years ago
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February 24 2007, 04:34:31 UTC 11 years ago
C'mon, 2. You, being in the furry fandom, should have a bit more understanding that just anyone can shit in a diaper, throw it in the lobby, and sit back to watch the fireworks as everyone blames it on babyfurs.
I kinda expect better then this from someone who's seen this very thing before from the other side of the fence (something awful trolls pretending to be furs come to mind).
Blame it on the people resonsable, don't bigot against a whole group because you -assume- it was babyfurs because a diaper was involved. I know far too many good and responsable babyfurs who would be right there knocking the snot out of the person who did this, if only because they have more of a reason to be pissed then anyone else.
Oh, and hey, hope your things up north are going well for ya. Miss chatting with you, catch me online sometime. :)
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11 years ago
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February 24 2007, 04:37:49 UTC 11 years ago
Babyfur Training
February 24 2007, 04:44:11 UTC 11 years ago
If they want to act the part, they can get treated like it.
They should be thankful they aren't potraying military furs and pull that shite. What we did to guys in the Marines that simply didn't bathe would scare the hell out of you. Shit in a common area? Oh hell. If you weren't eating and shitting through a tube for the next two weeks, you got off easy.
Re: Babyfur Training
February 24 2007, 05:49:23 UTC 11 years ago
Re: Babyfur Training
11 years ago
Re: Babyfur Training
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Re: Babyfur Training
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Re: Babyfur Training
11 years ago
February 24 2007, 04:53:48 UTC 11 years ago
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