[–]▶ cb7fe4 (2) No.12036411>>12036434 >>12036480 >>12036679 >>12036702 >>12036923 >>12036993 >>12037008 >>12037228 >>12037302 >>12037310 >>12037394 >>12037478 >>12037497 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
>A man who served as an armed guard at a death camp in occupied Poland and is believed to be the last known Nazi collaborator living in the United States has been arrested and deported to Germany. At the order of President Trump, ICE agents removed 95-year-old Jakiw Palij from his home Monday in Queens, New York. ABC News reports Pajil was removed by wheelchair from his home and didn’t answer any questions. He is said to have made a “pained howl” as agents moved him from his wheelchair onto an ambulance stretcher. The Trump administration released a statement after Pajil landed in Germany early Tuesday, saying: “President Trump commends his administration’s comprehensive actions, especially ICE’s actions, in removing this war criminal from United States soil.” Palij is accused of working at the Treblinka death camp, where as many as 900,000 Jews were killed in its gas chambers.
▶ cb7fe4 (2) No.12036432
▶ 2d4b48 (3) No.12036434
>>12036411 (OP)
Wtf I hate ice now
▶ ba5afc (1) No.12036439>>12036444 >>12036994
Did he have a green card?
▶ 2d4b48 (3) No.12036444>>12036529 >>12037153 >>12037545
Exactly what kind of trick is this? Always with the tricks. Like I give I fuck what war he fought in or whose side he’s on. If you are here illegally, you need to go.
▶ 052fec (6) No.12036447>>12037424
Do they ever defend themself in court?
This is an honest question, do they ever defend themself? Or are they (((actors)))
▶ 000000 (3) No.12036454>>12036460
> Jakiw Palij
Typical German name
▶ 052fec (6) No.12036460>>12036528 >>12036708
>Typical German name
Ukrainian. Why are all (that go on trial) """"Deatch Camp""""" guards born outside Germany?
▶ 4e3e04 (1) No.12036480
>>12036411 (OP)
>nu/pol/ will defend this
▶ 4c2ee7 (1) No.12036528>>12036561
because the alleged death camps were outside Germany, brainlet
▶ e9df83 (2) No.12036529>>12036537
> Like I give I fuck what war he fought in or whose side he’s on. If you are here illegally, you need to go.
i bet you would send white boer children back to die in south apefrica too schlomo
▶ 2d4b48 (3) No.12036537
Why would they be here illegally and not under asylum status? you <<<fucks>>>
▶ 052fec (6) No.12036556
scientist predict what americans look like in the future and it's beeautiful
▶ 052fec (6) No.12036561>>12036709
>because the alleged death camps were outside Germany, brainlet
Does that hinder you in using german personnel? The army outside germany was made of mostly germans wasnt it? by your logic it would be made of foreigners
▶ 56c530 (15) No.12036571>>12036581 >>12036588 >>12036767
If he's here illegaly why shouldn't we send him back
▶ 2c0eb3 (2) No.12036581>>12036587
Because he's white and did the world a favor keeping jews in camps. Why should whites be deported before non-whites at all if ever?
▶ 56c530 (15) No.12036587>>12036595
>Yeah he probably broke the law but he's white so who cares
▶ b9b6ac (3) No.12036588>>12036660 >>12036662 >>12036678 >>12037197 >>12037204
i dont even care about some nazi collaborator, I just fucking hate mutts, but soon you wont exist, look at the average american kindergarden class, LOL
>inb4 shitskin, my country neighbours germany
▶ f6889c (15) No.12036595>>12036598 >>12036608 >>12036853
Nobody here should give a shit about laws. Laws are merely a means to an end. That end is securing the existence of our people and a future for white children.
▶ b9b6ac (3) No.12036598>>12036609
this, laws today are just to keep the muddled race of goyim slaves at bay, pathetic parody of democracy
▶ 56c530 (15) No.12036608>>12036609 >>12036634 >>12036767 >>12037083 >>12037446
>>white guy shouldn't be sent back
>>but the Mexican should
>Rules for thee but not for me
▶ f6889c (15) No.12036609
In fact the 14 words should form the constitution for the ideal White ethnostate. That's all that is required. Any other law is merely a clarification of how the 14 words should be enforced.
The modern (((legal system))) holds little to no moral worth in and of itself.
▶ b9b6ac (3) No.12036634>>12036641 >>12036650
yep, if youre a born roman you are automatically superior to any barbarian nigger, nigger
▶ f6889c (15) No.12036641
I bet he's one of those (((/r/The_Donald))) faggots who still believes that racism is bad
▶ 56c530 (15) No.12036650>>12036659
>He's the same race as me so basic laws shouldn't apply to him
The guy was probably on welfare or some form of government assistance
▶ f6889c (15) No.12036659
>He's the same race as me so basic laws shouldn't apply to him
>The guy was probably on welfare or some form of government assistance
You have no sauce for that statement, am I right? Even if that statement were true, he would have deserved it because he performed service to the Third Reich (although he probably never killed any jews because the holocaust didn't happen).
▶ 7cbd36 (1) No.12036660>>12036666
statistics are high that that school might be shot up.
▶ 218ae5 (1) No.12036662>>12036767
At the very least they probably are all Christian. Europe can't say the same about their shitskins.
▶ f6889c (15) No.12036666
of course it will be
▶ 56c530 (15) No.12036674>>12036678 >>12036682 >>12036708 >>12036767 >>12037380
Germany declared war on The US first, what were we supposed to do, not go to war with them?
▶ f6889c (15) No.12036678>>12036701 >>12037505
What's the political situation in France now, by the way? Is it as cucked as the Jewnited Cuckdom?
The US provoked Japan by cutting off their supplies even though they were supposed to be neutral. Japan had no choice but to attack the US to get supplies, and since Germany was allied with Japan they helped.
▶ 55c30d (1) No.12036679>>12036688
>>12036411 (OP)
Is Trump looking for outrage? Is he trying to make normies feel bad for the old man? Is he trying to make them question the holohoax?
▶ e9df83 (2) No.12036682
US was blowing up german ships and uboats, and supplying britain that germany was trying to blockade
so you tell me who is ZOG and who is trying to free themselves
▶ f6889c (15) No.12036688>>12037000 >>12037026 >>12037539
dumb faggot
just accept that trump is a civnat boomer who is not ideal but the best of the two candidates (((they))) permitted
▶ 56c530 (15) No.12036701>>12036716
>declare you want to steal western colonies, including the philippines which is owned by the US
>take indochina, proving you intend to see it through
>western powers pass embargo, demanding withdrawl from indochina
>say you'll stop with indochina and keep it demilitarized
>cry foul when you get caught red handed militarizing it to prepare for more invasions
>attack the US
The embargoes were justified
▶ cae6fb (1) No.12036702
>>12036411 (OP)
"If you want to see how evil humanity really is just observe how they treat their young and old"
▶ 51229f (3) No.12036708
Read >>12036674 's post carefully.
>Why are all (that go on trial)
They aren't. Why do you make baseless assumptions like that?
▶ 1cba17 (1) No.12036709>>12036860
perhaps they wished to staff less critical positions like this with the local populous. reduces suffering and resistance to rule by giving the occupied territories jobs. saves your manpower for activies not suited for xoxols
▶ f6889c (15) No.12036716>>12036727
attacking the US was after the embargoes, you dumbfuck.
regardless you can keep arguing these things for ages like historians tend to do.
The real question is, do you want to have allegiance to the only 20th century nation which has eradicated jewish influence within it, or a country which has become a kike puppet after (((Woodrow Wilson))) sold it over to the kikes by creating the (((Federal Reserve)))?
Allegiance to the (((US government))) after 1930 is an allegiance to jews.
▶ 56c530 (15) No.12036727>>12036741 >>12036750
>>>12036701 (You)
>>attacking the US was after the embargoes, you dumbfuck.
Read my post again, this time very carefully
>>The real question is, do you want to have allegiance to the only 20th century nation which has eradicated jewish influence within it, or a country which has become a kike puppet after (((Woodrow Wilson))) sold it over to the kikes by creating the (((Federal Reserve)))?
>It's the Jews fault Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
▶ 7a0b9c (1) No.12036732>>12036740
I wonder how long it will take before someone unironically uses the terms "rulecuck" and "moralfag" in this thread
▶ 78161c (1) No.12036740
Well, you're on /pol/, so moralfaggotry is kind of implied, isn't it?
▶ f6889c (15) No.12036741>>12036747
>enforce embargo and ALSO demand withdrawing from a region which provides Japan with necessary resources
then the attack was justified, no? And since the US government was beginning to be influenced by the kikes (through the use of (((media))) which was jew controlled), that leads to the fact that the kikes did provoke Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor.
▶ 56c530 (15) No.12036747>>12036754
>It's the Jews fault Japan invaded a country and didn't demilitarize afterwards
▶ 55f67b (2) No.12036750>>12036755
>jews doing everything they can as per McCollum's memo to provoke Japan into attacking so they have a tangible casus beli to send whites to death and supply Soviets is not fault of Jews.
Thank you Ilya Ehrenberg, your dream became a reality!
(((All european cities will be reduced to ash and rubble, Europe will be turned into a desert; Bolshevik Moloch will triumph and reach out to United States of America - a superpower with a common goal, Jewish world domination)))
▶ f6889c (15) No.12036754>>12036770
>if you don't demilitarize while in your own territory then (((we))) will step in and ensure (((peace))) in the region goy!!
Sounds like (((Versailles))) tier.
▶ 56c530 (15) No.12036755
>>jews doing everything they can as per McCollum's memo to provoke Japan into attacking so they have a tangible casus beli to send whites to death and supply Soviets is not fault of Jews.
>Invading and militarizing numerous countries and declaring your intent to invade Western Colonies totally isn't justification for an embargo
▶ f7a986 (8) No.12036767>>12036773
Yeah that's a good question, why aren't we deporting the literal
of spics in the US illegally?
>Already arguing in hypotheticals.
The reality of the situation is millions of based spics and niggers get to stay illegally while whitey is evicted, you won't acknowledge this because it screws with your narrative.
Go back to your "liberation theology" board, civcuck.
The US was supplying weapons and ammo to a communist hellhole that was genociding white Christians. Fuck your dindu attitude faggot.
▶ 55f67b (2) No.12036770
Fucking based
Giving away china to (((communism))) and 2/3rds of Korea to (((them))) was much better than ebil Japanese occupation, by the way, 2 nukes weren't enough, just annihilate anyone non jewish white I mean.
FDR was absolutely based, seized property of innocent people and put them in camps, all as a means of defeating evil totalitarian ideology that put g-d's chosen in camps to be turned into soap and lampshades with masturbation machines!
▶ 56c530 (15) No.12036773>>12036781 >>12036789
>How dare the US lease armaments to the enemy of a hostile country
▶ d87a99 (9) No.12036774
Good for him, Germany is better.
▶ f6889c (15) No.12036781>>12036785 >>12036796
>avoiding the argument
>implying that giving anything to the (((soviet union))) could ever be a justified move
>it's ok to deport an old white guy before millions of spics
▶ 56c530 (15) No.12036785>>12036794
>You disagree with me so you must be a Jew
▶ f7a986 (8) No.12036789>>12037131
commie faggot
▶ d87a99 (9) No.12036790
Show us your genetic record.
▶ f6889c (15) No.12036794>>12036811
>avoiding the argument yet again
that's why I know you're a jew
if I didn't know that before, I sure do now.
come on, go home >>>/israel/
▶ d87a99 (9) No.12036796>>12036804
If he is here illegal, he should not stay.
▶ d87a99 (9) No.12036800
Can you show us your genetic record?
▶ f6889c (15) No.12036804
I shall reiterate.
Nobody here should give a shit about laws. Laws are merely a means to an end. That end is securing the existence of our people and a future for white children.
▶ e7049c (1) No.12036806>>12037049
We all know Trump's kiked, we had long threads about it when he was first running for the Republican nominations. Better Trump, as long as he builds the wall and deports spic, than Hillary or Jeb!
▶ 56c530 (15) No.12036811
>>The mutt wasn't even factually correct.
>>Lend Lease started before the decleration of war.
Never said it didn't why don't you read my post again
>If you disagree with me you must be a Jew
▶ d87a99 (9) No.12036822
Where is your record? And nice shop, kike.
▶ d87a99 (9) No.12036834
Same picture every times, this butthurt mutt must really hate americans.
And nice shop, kike.
▶ 58c49a (1) No.12036841
"Muh demoralizing thread". Nine, you must not turn your face from reality and retreat into fantasy. There is no 1488d chess.
Your fellow whites enmass support this. No matter what, the holo's will never give up their religious rite of blaming America for the caust. If they have to reanimate corpses or blame the children of camp guards they will. Just remember kissenger is a free man, the commanders of the raid on the use liberty aren't even facing extradition.
▶ 34a4b8 (1) No.12036853
▶ d87a99 (9) No.12036856
Because they are old, kike.
Now show us your genetic record.
▶ 000000 (3) No.12036860
Most Ukrainians were happy when the Germans came and freed them from the bolsheviks. They also gladly helped them in rounding up their domestic kikes and bolshevik collaborators.
>Japanese Declaration of War
>By the grace of Heaven, Emperor of Japan Emperor Shōwa, seated on the throne occupied by the same dynasty from time immemorial, enjoin upon ye, Our loyal and brave subjects:
>We hereby declare War on the United States of America and the British Empire. The men and officers of Our Army and Navy shall do their utmost in prosecuting the war. Our public servants of various departments shall perform faithfully and diligently their respective duties; the entire nation with a united will shall mobilize their total strength so that nothing will miscarry in the attainment of Our war aims.
>To ensure the stability of East Asia and to contribute to world peace is the far-sighted policy which was formulated by Our Great Illustrious Imperial Grandsire [Emperor Meiji] and Our Great Imperial Sire succeeding Him [Emperor Taishō], and which We lay constantly to heart. To cultivate friendship among nations and to enjoy prosperity in common with all nations, has always been the guiding principle of Our Empire's foreign policy. It has been truly unavoidable and far from Our wishes that Our Empire has been brought to cross swords with America and Britain. More than four years have passed since China, failing to comprehend the true intentions of Our Empire, and recklessly courting trouble, disturbed the peace of East Asia and compelled Our Empire to take up arms. Although there has been reestablished the National Government of China, with which Japan had effected neighborly intercourse and cooperation, the regime which has survived in Chungking, relying upon American and British protection, still continues its fratricidal opposition. Eager for the realization of their inordinate ambition to dominate the Orient, both America and Britain, giving support to the Chungking regime, have aggravated the disturbances in East Asia.
>Moreover these two Powers, inducing other countries to follow suit, increased military preparations on all sides of Our Empire to challenge Us. They have obstructed by every means Our peaceful commerce and finally resorted to a direct severance of economic relations, menacing gravely the existence of Our Empire. Patiently have We waited and long have We endured, in the hope that Our government might retrieve the situation in peace. But Our adversaries, showing not the least spirit of conciliation, have unduly delayed a settlement; and in the meantime they have intensified the economic and political pressure to compel thereby Our Empire to submission. This trend of affairs, would, if left unchecked, not only nullify Our Empire's efforts of many years for the sake of the stabilization of East Asia, but also endanger the very existence of Our nation. The situation being such as it is, Our Empire, for its existence and self-defense has no other recourse but to appeal to arms and to crush every obstacle in its path.
>The hallowed spirits of Our Imperial Ancestors guarding Us from above, We rely upon the loyalty and courage of Our subjects in Our confident expectation that the task bequeathed by Our forefathers will be carried forward and that the sources of evil will be speedily eradicated and an enduring peace immutably established in East Asia, preserving thereby the glory of Our Empire.
>In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hand and caused the Grand Seal of the Empire to be affixed at the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, this seventh day of the 12th month of the 15th year of Shōwa, corresponding to the 2,602nd year from the accession to the throne of Emperor Jimmu.
▶ d87a99 (9) No.12036868
Is that you running on all four?
▶ 840d77 (1) No.12036874
Sauce on the fat guy? What game?
▶ d87a99 (9) No.12036883
So where is your genetic record?
▶ 56c530 (15) No.12036898>>12036900 >>12036905
>My grandfather fought on the losing side
▶ f6889c (15) No.12036900
>implying the (((allies))) actually won
The only winning side was Israel. And they didn't even have to send out a single soldier to do it.
▶ 52c0f6 (10) No.12036903>>12036914 >>12037380
I'm not a big fan of how many white Europeans the Nazis killed, and planned to kill. The Nazis were just German supremascists.
inb4 slavs aren't white
▶ f7a986 (8) No.12036905>>12036934
>muh wrong side of history
▶ f7a986 (8) No.12036914>>12036944
Nice filename cuckchan civnigger.
▶ 929d1d (1) No.12036923
>>12036411 (OP)
>those pics
Wow! It's personally Trump's fault AND it's personally the fault of the American people!
>not the kikes
▶ 56c530 (15) No.12036934>>12036938 >>12036948
>Nazi Germany didn't lose the war
▶ f6889c (15) No.12036938
>False dichotomy
▶ 52c0f6 (10) No.12036944>>12036948 >>12036952
>you're civnat if you don't want to wipe out the slav population
▶ f7a986 (8) No.12036948>>12036974
Why isn't Trump deporting spics?
▶ b97381 (8) No.12036952>>12036971
No one here, nor the historical Germans wanted to wipe out the slav population. Half the slav lands were on Germany's side for fucks sake, alongside multiple Slav SS foreign divisions.
▶ 537e05 (1) No.12036965>>12036981
>fight for your country
<REEE bolshevic
<good Slav you’re the one who get ethnic cleansed next year to make space for German colonists
Just admit that Barbarossa was retarded, only who gained were Americans.
▶ 52c0f6 (10) No.12036971>>12036974 >>12036981
Most whites in the present day are fighting for commies and kikes in one way or another.
Come on, you autists. We all know that Hitler and the NSDAP wanted to wipe out the Slavs. He certainly intended to kill scores of the "subhumans". That's why Soviet POW were starved to death and treated like animals.
▶ f7a986 (8) No.12036974>>12036988
▶ b97381 (8) No.12036981
Nope lol
▶ 661b4f (6) No.12036987
▶ 52c0f6 (10) No.12036988
I never mentioned Spics, but he's not doing it because he doesn't want to.
>there are people in this thread right now that make excuses for the murder of Russian qts
▶ c83a25 (1) No.12036990>>12036999
Trump and his Jew spawn get the rope too.
▶ 661b4f (6) No.12036993
>>12036411 (OP)
WOW! Those war criminals REALLY need to pay for their CRIMES. That 95 year is gonna get it! Thanks, Trump!
▶ 7dbee8 (1) No.12036994
No he wasn't legally a citizen because his green card was basically revoked. Only reason he was still in the US was because Germany refused to take him.
▶ c6c221 (2) No.12037000>>12037004
▶ 52c0f6 (10) No.12037001>>12037025
I'm no fan of commies, but most of the whites in the Soviet Union had been indoctrinated for decades. It's not like with the commies in this country. Russians had never encountered another perspective. Still, they fought first and foremost for their country and for survival, and not for Marxism. They didn't deserve it.
▶ c6c221 (2) No.12037004
▶ 661b4f (6) No.12037008
>>12036411 (OP)
Looks like he'll be strangled in prison like Hess.
▶ 52c0f6 (10) No.12037011
lol Couldn't find a picture of Olga in my folders, so Katya had to do. She's damn cute, though.
▶ 52c0f6 (10) No.12037017
>thinking that the majority here wants to murder all Slavs
Take your pills, man.
▶ 52c0f6 (10) No.12037020>>12037024 >>12037029
That was 3 decades prior to the war, lad.
▶ 52c0f6 (10) No.12037024
▶ b97381 (8) No.12037025>>12037055
The women and children of Dresden didn't deserve it either, but wars tough shit. Its not look the USSR was in a fucking vacuum lol, ask the Finnish if the Russians were peace loving innocents at the time.
▶ 70e2bf (6) No.12037031
▶ 661b4f (6) No.12037039
Did the super old 95 year old man even have a lawyer to fight extradition? Or was he arrested with no due process? How quickly those Jews work!
▶ 70e2bf (6) No.12037042
Also I miss when kikes like (((OP))) had to at least try to be sublte when posting here.
▶ 51229f (3) No.12037049
>Better Trump, as long as he builds the wall and deports spic, than Hillary or Jeb!
Did you forget quote marks from that or are you genuinelly a Zogbot useful idiot?
▶ 70e2bf (6) No.12037053
t. enraged nonwhite
▶ 52c0f6 (10) No.12037055>>12037068
Yeah, I wouldn't have minded if the Germans were just out to conquer the SU and treat the civilan population fairly. That would have been great. If successful, it would have been the death of Marxism. But Hitler wanted to exterminate, and that was both evil and stupid.
▶ 70e2bf (6) No.12037056
▶ b97381 (8) No.12037068>>12037096
Well the Soviets wanted to exterminate the Finnish people for their "Vorovstvo" they beat, raped, starved, and tortured millions of innocent little finns. I don't need to provide any evidence for this.
▶ 70e2bf (6) No.12037072
>If I act autistic about Hitler I'll fit in on /pol/
No, shitskin. You and your kike masters will be killed.
▶ 77fc15 (2) No.12037079>>12037085
According to this thread Trump put on an ICE uniform and went to the guy's house and deported him himself.
▶ 2c0eb3 (2) No.12037083
>>white guy shouldn't be sent back
>>but the Mexican should
>Rules for thee but not for me
No retard, that is exactly what we advocate. Whites only. White only USA. Mexicans can piss off back to mexico and be incas or some shit.
▶ 052fec (6) No.12037096>>12037100
wheres the poofs for that claim?
▶ 128db6 (3) No.12037097>>12037558
"Richard Grenell, the U.S. ambassador who arrived in Germany earlier this year, said President Donald Trump — who is from New York — instructed him to make it a priority."
▶ b97381 (8) No.12037100
You silly little autist! we all know Stalin wanted to kill 9 million finns!
▶ 128db6 (3) No.12037104
"Trump is headed to the White House. Did we just elect our first Jewish president?"
"When he bought his Florida home and turned it into a popular and exclusive country club, he specifically opened the membership up to Jews. Mar-a-Lago was the first club that ever allowed Jews in Palm Beach. Donald changed the customs of the most-wealthy, WASP-y town in America to favor Jews."
–Ivana Trump–
Ivana Zelnícková (Ivana Trump) was born in the Moravian town of Zlín , Czechoslovakia, the daughter of Miloš Zelnícek, who was Czech, and Marie Francová. Moravia and Zlin have a long history of Jews. If you drop the second e in Zelnicek you get the Jewish Zelnick
Ivana Trumps marriage to Trump was her second marriage Her first was to an Alfred Winklemeier, who was a real estate businessman
Trump has four adult children three from Ivana Trump and one from Marla Maples Three out of four are married to Jews and Tiffany Trump is dating a Jew
Ivanka Trump is married to Jared Kusher both of whose parents are Jewish. Jareds father Charles Kushner is a convicted criminal and possibly a Mossad asset
–Donald Jr.–
Donald Trump Jnr is married to Vanessa Haydon, 38, who is a designer and the mother of five children Vanessa’s mother is Danish and her late father Charles Haydon was Jewish. Charles Haydons original name was Charles Hochberg and he was a lawyer
–Eric Trump–
Eric Trump is married to Lara Yunaska who has two Jewish parents
–Tiffany Trump–
Tiffany Trump is dating Ross Carpenter both of whose parents are Jewish
Four Generations of the Trumps beginning from Freidrich Trump (real name Drumph) have had close business and personal associations with Jews
ALL four of Donald Trumps adult children have married /are dating Jews That is no mere coincidence its a cohencidence
When the Presidential Election Process begun no one gave Trump any chance of becoming President Yet there were the Jewish controlled networks giving Trump incessant coverage which seemed to be more than all the other candidates combined
Trump Family Has 50-Year History of Donating to Jewish, Israeli Causes
Israeli media have reported several important donations made in years past by both the late Fred Trump and his son, now President Elect Donald Trump.
Some 50 years ago, real estate developer Fredrick Trump donated the land for the Talmud Torah of the Beach Haven Jewish Center at 723 Ave. Z in Flatbush, NY, as can be seen from a promotional image released by that institution. The center is open and active to this day, offering programs for youth and the elderly, as well as an active synagogue.
Fred Trump at the groundbreaking of the Talmud Torah center (Screenshot/Kikar Hashabbat)
And Fred’s son, as reported by Yediot Ahronot, donated heavily on both occasions when Israelis who had been expelled from their homes by their own government needed assistance to resettle.
Donald Trump donated in the 1980s to help build new infrastructure for the Israelis removed from the northern Sinai by the Begin government, which returned the peninsula to Egypt as part of the peace agreement. Then, in 2005, Trump gave again, to help resettle the Jews of Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip, exiled by the Ariel Sharon government.
Effie Stenzler, former chairman of the Jewish National Fund, told Yediot that JNF approached Trump, among other wealthy supporters of Israel, for funds to build an infrastructure in new communities established for the exiled, and the real estate magnate gave generously.
President Donald J. Trump Proclaims May 2018 as Jewish American Heritage Month
▶ 128db6 (3) No.12037114>>12037125 >>12037129 >>12037150 >>12037267
Yes because living in a fascist state where people could be slaughtered with impunity is a dream world...
▶ f7a986 (8) No.12037125
What are you even talking about?
▶ b97381 (8) No.12037129>>12037452
Living in a Burger King world where niggers can eat all they want is the real dream world.
▶ 77fc15 (2) No.12037150
Fascism is the only moment where Whites have been able to truly live in peace they weren't going to be slaughtered by some mud that threw a temper tantrum. Only kikes, degenerates and muds had to fear.
▶ 05da76 (1) No.12037153
Fuck off kike. Only non whites get deported.
Only Israel gets open borders.
▶ 5d401d (2) No.12037180
Antifa was right! Abolish ICE! Abolish ICE! Abolish ICE! Abolish ICE! Abolish ICE! Abolish ICE! Abolish ICE! Abolish ICE! Abolish ICE! Abolish ICE! Abolish ICE! Abolish ICE! Abolish ICE!
▶ 17fb61 (3) No.12037197
America is a rotting nation. I hate this place so much and that picture exemplifies why this place just makes me sick. I used to think there was a possibility of a reasonable outcome for us here. Now I see stories like this and it all just reinforces the sad reality that every choice we make was calculated before it was placed before us. It's like we're living in some sort of sick, painful, simulation where we're the test rats that can see reality. At this point I feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, it's all too predictable and it's all so tiresome.
▶ b5780c (5) No.12037204>>12037219
>soon mutts won't exist
>posts mutts
You wot m8? Mutts thrive in America.
▶ f9e13e (1) No.12037205
▶ 000000 (3) No.12037209
You see now the folly of AmeriZOG politics? You're better off letting gommies and lolbergs collapse society.
▶ 17fb61 (3) No.12037219>>12037251
>You wot m8? Mutts thrive in America.
I believe he was referring, ineloquently, to the fact that "you" the white man won't exist in future Muttmerica.
▶ 5d401d (2) No.12037228
>>12036411 (OP)
>German prosecutors have previously said it does not appear that there’s enough evidence to charge Palij with wartime crimes.
>Palij would be taken to a care facility in the town of Ahlen.
▶ d32452 (1) No.12037244
>tfw Little Rock is now a shithole
▶ b5780c (5) No.12037251>>12037262
If all Americans are mutts and there are no white men, then how can a white American exist in the first place?
▶ 17fb61 (3) No.12037262>>12037279
Not sure where your logic went off the rails there, but the implication of the previous statements is that it will cease to exist in the future, not the past.
▶ b5780c (5) No.12037267>>12037301
>buying into the "people were slaughtered" kike narrative
This is like spot the jew 101.
▶ b5780c (5) No.12037279
The common assumption with threads like these and the ugly American memeing is that there are no white Americans. All are mutts. So going by that assumption, claiming "I just fucking hate mutts, but soon you wont exist" doesn't work when the concept is: America is entirely mutts.
▶ 1a50d8 (1) No.12037293
Yeah, hwites getting the outage is legit. Im hwite, its a shame, for those who arent. Way I see it, we did it all, good ride, onto better things. Hwites mastered this realm, when they all gone you get whats left. Imagine only shitskins everywhere, just a planet of apes, beautiful. In real end maybe hwites won.
▶ 56c530 (15) No.12037301>>12037306
>Nazi Germany didn't kill lots of people with impunity
▶ 9dd9bf (1) No.12037302
>>12036411 (OP)
▶ 9e2bcb (1) No.12037305
>all of this hate for america
>because of some clown with orange skin that pretty much everyone on /pol/ agrees is fucking up
>largest white population in the world
hmmm really makes you think….
▶ b5780c (5) No.12037306
No they didn't, kike. You don't belong here.
▶ 4c6016 (1) No.12037310
>>12036411 (OP)
> If I hurt the right wing, they'll just complain
> if I hurt the left wing, they'll kill me
What would we honestly expect to happen? The world's ruled by violence and the threat of violence and as the 20th century so obviously proved, the Left is far more capable and supportive of committing mass slaughter and genocide than the Right ever could be.
▶ 8bff11 (1) No.12037319
Wasn't someone Trump appointed involved with the John Demjanjuk sham? I think the second trial?
>One remarkable event involved a star witness for the prosecution, Eliyahu Rosenberg. Asked by the prosecution if he recognized Demjanjuk, Rosenberg asked that the defendant remove his glasses "so I can see his eyes." Rosenberg approached and peered closely at Demjanjuk's face. When Demjanjuk smiled and offered his hand, Rosenberg recoiled and shouted "Grozny!" meaning "Terrible" in Polish and Russian. "Ivan", Rosenberg said. "I say it unhesitatingly, without the slightest shadow of a doubt. It is Ivan from Treblinka, from the gas chambers, the man I am looking at now." "I saw his eyes, I saw those murderous eyes", Rosenberg told the court, glaring at Demjanjuk. Rosenberg then exclaimed directly to Demjanjuk: "How dare you put out your hand, murderer that you are!"[48] It was later revealed with great embarrassment for the prosecution that Eliyahu Rosenberg had previously testified in a 1947 deposition that "Ivan the Terrible" had been killed during a prisoner uprising.
▶ 42a00b (3) No.12037380>>12037476
>I'm not a big fan of how many white Europeans the Nazis killed, and planned to kill. The Nazis were just German supremascists.
>inb4 slavs aren't white
kill yourself you fucking retard, the NSDAP literally classed half of Europe as Germanic. What are you some sort of faggotnigger who thinks generalplan ost was real?
>Germany declared war on The US first, what were we supposed to do, not go to war with them?
kill yourself you fucking lying ZOGbot
▶ 3ded09 (1) No.12037394>>12037411
>>12036411 (OP)
Yes let's get more of this! We want diverse children and families in our country nor racist old white men
▶ f7a986 (8) No.12037411
my fellow pede
▶ 12203c (3) No.12037412
What are the kikes going to do once they last 'nazi collaborators' are gone? Dig them out of their graves and prosecute them posthumously?
▶ 644987 (1) No.12037424>>12037468
He's not been in court yet, that will happen when he's in Germany I assume. Illegal immigrants don't get trials because a trial is a right of the citizens, so they just get deported.
▶ 0f814b (4) No.12037442
The war could've been prevented.
▶ c80f6a (1) No.12037446
double standards is literally how power works.
Get used to it faggot.
▶ 0f814b (4) No.12037452
▶ 70e2bf (6) No.12037453
You're right goyim we should abolish ICE and vote for Democrats next election! That'll show that stupid Drumbpf!
▶ 12203c (3) No.12037468
The bizarre thing is that he is not even german. I guess they ran out of germans to prosecute.
▶ fd3625 (4) No.12037473
That 95 year old prison guard probably wanted to go back to the home country before he died and Trump paid for the flights 😂😂😂
Fuck Trump is a genius, if you faggots can't figure it out chances are the kikes can't either, masterful.
▶ a18c9d (1) No.12037476>>12037489 >>12037530
>only Germanics are white
▶ 12203c (3) No.12037477
>The Trump administration released a statement after Pajil landed in Germany early Tuesday, saying: “President Trump commends his administration’s comprehensive actions, especially ICE’s actions, in removing this war criminal from United States soil.”
That's his greatest 33D checkers move in a while.
▶ fadcaf (1) No.12037478
>>12036411 (OP)
▶ fd3625 (4) No.12037481>>12037484
Must really burn your ass knowing you hook nosed parasites are getting outkiked by a goyim.
We are going to dance on your graves parasite.
▶ 42a00b (3) No.12037484>>12037500
alright cool but drumpfstein aint gonna do shit, fag
▶ 0f814b (4) No.12037489
>Germs aren't even most Germanic
cuckoldry the ideology
▶ 513f67 (1) No.12037491
Deporting war heroes is pretty despicable. A black mark on his legacy. Hopefully his son Barron will rectify these mistakes.
▶ 8c1946 (3) No.12037497
▶ fd3625 (4) No.12037500>>12037525
You sheeny cocksuckers are probably sitting in a call centre in Tel Aviv right now rocking back and forth telling yourselves that in between oy veys haha
Trump is gonna bury you parasites, it's a thing of beauty to behold.
▶ 8c1946 (3) No.12037505>>12037508 >>12037530
As much of a homo as Kampfy was, he DID get rid of the le smug anime grill posters and that was nice. I miss that part. I don't miss the fact that he'd ban OP on sight, but I do miss not having avatarcancer.
▶ 0f814b (4) No.12037508>>12037510 >>12037513
He was the avatarfag smh.
▶ bfd907 (1) No.12037510
filthy rach poster
▶ 8c1946 (3) No.12037513
Okay, well yeah, other than the maddowposting. He never lifted a finger to get rid of that, because he was doing that. I guess I meant the rest.
▶ d5652c (1) No.12037522
Well, that's it for me and Trump………. Done. Fuck 2020. Get your meme war from the Jews and boot lickers who can barely make a fucking Star Wars film.
▶ 26079f (1) No.12037525>>12037544
I knew no Trumpblattberg shills came from here
▶ 42a00b (3) No.12037530
are you rarted? he spammed le smuggo animu face 24/7 while screeching about goons.
did I say that nigger? he said they were german supremacists, my point was thats bs when they classed half of europe as germanic
▶ 9d57db (1) No.12037539
Yeah, but it's still disgusting that he would make an effort to remove this guy, and unlike MS-13 he never made a lampshade out of a man in real life.
▶ fd3625 (4) No.12037544
I'm phone posting and accidentally copied a link before pressing the button, big deal kike
▶ 4fa017 (1) No.12037545
>how do you do fellow white people.
▶ 7dc5e2 (1) No.12037553