Popular Special Interest Boards

Board Topics Msgs Last Post
  Hot: Can't stand with car alarms blaring throughout the neighborhood...
10.4K 165K 28 minutes ago28m
Anime and Manga - Gundam
  Hot: Gunpla General Chat Topic X *NO WISHLISTS ALLOWED*
4.68K 82.9K 38 minutes ago38m
Anime and Manga - Naruto
  Hot: Kakashi and his terrible portrayals in fanfiction
30.3K 665K 28 minutes ago28m
Anime and Manga - Other Titles
  Hot: Smartest things you've seen...(Spoilers for potentially any anime/manga)
139K 2.94M 2 minutes ago2m
Books and Literature
  Hot: Kira's Oathbringer readthrough topic #2 (ongoing spoilers)
9.59K 122K 7 minutes ago7m
Cartoons and Animation
  Hot: So... Disenchantment released today on Netflix.
18.9K 371K 1 hour ago1h
Comics and Graphic Novels
  Hot: VOTE: One must live, one must die forever... Keep Marvel comics or the MCU?
68.2K 1.31M 8 minutes ago8m
Dragon Ball - General
  Hot: Now that Roshi>Krillin has been confirmed, where does Krillin go from here?
50.1K 999K 30 minutes ago30m
Fighting Games
  Hot: Tira will be a pre-order bonus for SC6.
9.44K 175K 4 minutes ago4m
  Hot: Favorite condiment combo?
9.74K 154K 26 minutes ago26m
Movies: At the Theater
  Hot: Moviepass, AMC A-List, etc. Topic v3
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Movies: Home Media
  Hot: Any cool artsy film?
28.7K 366K 14 minutes ago14m
Music: Rock
  Hot: marylin manson is almost dead
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Nonstop Gaming - Social
  Hot: Asia Argento, accuser of Harvey Weinstein (#metoo), pays off her own accuser.
20.3K 382K 1 hour ago1h
Paranormal / Conspiracy
  Hot: I seem to experience Deja Vu a lot.
3.69K 66.9K 21 minutes ago21m
  Hot: Violent liberal mob topples confederate monument at UNC Chapel Hill. Justified?
124K 3.44M 6 minutes ago6m
Pro Wrestling: Other Federations
  Hot: Best and Worst Matches of 2018 so far Part II
13.5K 245K 5 minutes ago5m
RPGs - Role Playing Games
  Hot: Grandia I & II Coming to Switch Winter 2018
12.3K 396K 6 minutes ago6m
Science and Technology
  Hot: Asteroid capture - madness or genius?
1.68K 16.5K 56 minutes ago56m
Sports and Racing - Baseball
  Hot: Noooooooooooooo. Okay Pirates officially lost the Rays trade
42.6K 1.05M 31 minutes ago31m
Sports and Racing - NBA
  Hot: Do you think Stephen Marbury has had relations with Asian females?
240K 3.19M 22 minutes ago22m
Sports and Racing - NFL
  Hot: Who retires first?
228K 4.01M 23 minutes ago23m
Star Wars
  Hot: If Plagueis created Anakin, why did Sith lose track of him?
7.16K 124K 26 minutes ago26m
Television: Broadcast TV
  Hot: The 100: MAJOR SPOILERS New Episode
19.7K 469K 59 minutes ago59m
Television: Cable and Satellite
  Hot: Better Call Saul Season 4 Discussion Topic *spoilers*
24.2K 506K 1 hour ago1h

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