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Latest News

Your Benefits

  • State of the Art +

    We are a highly specialized team of developers with a focus on practical state of the art malware analysis systems.
  • Focus on Usability +

  • Easy Integration +

  • Enterprise Deployment +

  • Developer Support +

Free Demo

A free community version of our sandbox technology is available for free use at hybrid-analysis.com. It always runs the latest stable version with streamlined guest VMs. Go ahead and submit your executable files, documents, scripts, etc. for an in-depth analysis.

Simple Installation

Did you know that installing VxStream Sandbox is very easy? Check out this video:

Obtain a License

If you are interested in licensing the full version of VxStream Sandbox (includes the webservice, API, runtime monitors, load balancing controller, hybrid analysis technology, report generator, all indicators, signatures, scripts, etc.) or have any questions, please use our contact form and get in touch. We have a very simple licensing structure. If you are interested in a demo, try out our sandbox technology for free malware analysis at hybrid-analysis.com or inquire about a free evaluation account.

Company Blog

Every now and then we write about new features, technologies or sample reports at our IT-Security blog. Go have a visit if you like!