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- Hi there,
- First of all, I want to say that I've really enjoyed the platform - Quizlet has been extremely helpful in my studies and plenty of my friends have found it beneficial to their learning. Recently, though, I became aware that you guys don't have publicly available backups of sets. This would be very helpful for several reasons (being able to utilize the wealth of information Quizlet provides at some point in the future or offline & having the ability to ensure that the data will always have a place for students to utilize it).
- As part of trying to achieve this, me and a few other people at the ArchiveTeam ( started working on backing up and saving the sets using the Quizlet API. However, we have noticed that we might have annoyed the sysadmin's while doing this, and as such have been experiencing 429 rate limiting through Cloudflare as well as our API client ID's getting banned.
- I figured it would probably be best to reach out and at least ask if you could agree to help us out in exchange for us not hammering the servers. If you could provide either a SQL DB (without user info or private sets, just the publicly available sets) or some other download method - or even just let us make the backup if we agree to limit the requests to 1/sec or something, that would be really helpful and we would be very grateful.
- Thanks so much,
- adinbied,
- ArchiveTeam
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