Demo 1. Try editing me below1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 st=>start: Start:>[blank] e=>end:> op1=>operation: My Operation sub1=>subroutine: My Subroutine cond=>condition: Yes or No?:> io=>inputoutput: catch something... para=>parallel: parallel tasks st->op1->cond cond(yes)->io->e cond(no)->para para(path1, bottom)->sub1(right)->op1 para(path2, top)->op1 |
Conditions can also be redirected like cond(yes, bottom) or cond(yes, right)
... and the other symbols too... like sub1(right)
flowchart.js depends on Raphaël
To use include the following:
<script src="raphael-min.js">< <script src="flowchart-latest.js"></script>
You can parse the text:
<div id="diagram"></div> <script> var diagram = flowchart.parse("the code definition"); diagram.drawSVG('diagram'); // you can also try to pass options: diagram.drawSVG('diagram', { 'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'line-width': 3, 'line-length': 50, 'text-margin': 10, 'font-size': 14, 'font-color': 'black', 'line-color': 'black', 'element-color': 'black', 'fill': 'white', 'yes-text': 'yes', 'no-text': 'no', 'arrow-end': 'block', 'scale': 1, // style symbol types 'symbols': { 'start': { 'font-color': 'red', 'element-color': 'green', 'fill': 'yellow' }, 'end':{ 'class': 'end-element' } }, // even flowstate support ;-) 'flowstate' : { 'past' : { 'fill' : '#CCCCCC', 'font-size' : 12}, 'current' : {'fill' : 'yellow', 'font-color' : 'red', 'font-weight' : 'bold'}, 'future' : { 'fill' : '#FFFF99'}, 'request' : { 'fill' : 'blue'}, 'invalid': {'fill' : '#444444'}, 'approved' : { 'fill' : '#58C4A3', 'font-size' : 12, 'yes-text' : 'APPROVED', 'no-text' : 'n/a' }, 'rejected' : { 'fill' : '#C45879', 'font-size' : 12, 'yes-text' : 'n/a', 'no-text' : 'REJECTED' } } }); </script>
Demo 2 with color coding (flowstate). Try editing me below1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 st=>start: Start|past:>[blank] e=>end: End|future:> op1=>operation: My Operation|past op2=>operation: Stuff|current sub1=>subroutine: My Subroutine|invalid cond=>condition: Yes or No?|approved:> c2=>condition: Good idea|rejected io=>inputoutput: catch something...|future st->op1(right)->cond cond(yes, right)->c2 cond(no)->sub1(left)->op1 c2(yes)->io->e c2(no)->op2->e |
Demo 3 tribute to locize1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 st=>start: Improve your l10n process! e=>end: Continue to have fun!:>[blank] op1=>operation: Go to>[blank] sub1=>subroutine: Read the awesomeness cond(align-next=no)=>condition: Interested to getting started? io=>inputoutput: Register:>[blank] sub2=>subroutine: Read about improving your localization workflow or another source:>[blank] op2=>operation: Login:>[blank] cond2=>condition: valid password? cond3=>condition: reset password? op3=>operation: send email sub3=>subroutine: Create a demo project sub4=>subroutine: Start your real project io2=>inputoutput: Subscribe st->op1->sub1->cond cond(yes)->io->op2->cond2 cond2(no)->cond3 cond3(no,bottom)->op2 cond3(yes)->op3 op3(right)->op2 cond2(yes)->sub3 sub3->sub4->io2->e cond(no)->sub2(right)->op1 st@>op1({"stroke":"Red"})@>sub1({"stroke":"Red"})@>cond({"stroke":"Red"})@>io({"stroke":"Red"})@>op2({"stroke":"Red"})@>cond2({"stroke":"Red"})@>sub3({"stroke":"Red"})@>sub4({"stroke":"Red"})@>io2({"stroke":"Red"})@>e({"stroke":"Red","stroke-width":6,"arrow-end":"classic-wide-long"}) |
If you want to emphasize a specific path in your flowchart, you can additionally define it like shown above.
Use cond(align-next=no) to disable vertical align of symbols below as shown above.