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  1. Trump team shrugs it off but "if it assisted in [Saudi-led] airstrike that killed [40 boys, age 6 to 16, it] complicit in a probable war crime. And [that] was not an isolated incident. Previous airstrikes have hit weddings, funerals and food markets."

  2. 2 hours ago

    Too many global leaders rationalize indifference to the one million Uighur Muslims detained in China's "reeducation" camps because there's money to be made trading with China.

  3. 4 hours ago

    Not liking the Pottery Barn rule (he broke it, he pays), Putin wants Merkel to pay for Syria's reconstruction, arguing it'll ease refugee return, but few refugees will risk return for fear of Assad's torture and execution chambers. Close them first.

  4. Retweeted
  5. 4 hours ago

    Refusing to touch someone of the opposite sex is a statement not of equality but of religious belief. People may have objectionable views on inequality but they are not logically connected to touching. Refusing to accept that harmless belief disrespects people of another faith.

  6. 5 hours ago

    Is Switzerland really so insecure about its culture that it cannot accommodate respect for Muslims who (harmlessly) do not want to shake hands with people of the opposite sex?

  7. 6 hours ago

    Iran imposes new charges on human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh because of her rights work, after arresting her to serve previously unrevealed prison sentence--all illustrative of Iran's criminalization of human rights activism.

  8. 7 hours ago

    Strong defense of the duty not to attack health care, but it somehow forgets to say WHO is doing it. The attackers will keep on attacking if they pay no reputational price for flouting this basic principle of international humanitarian law. needs more courage than that.

  9. 8 hours ago

    So it turns out that China's rounding up one million Uighur Muslims to detain and disappear them endlessly in "reeducation camps" is really just for "vocational" training. Right. No better justification than that?

  10. 10 hours ago

    Mozambique suffers the consequences of secret loans guaranteed by the government. The money disappears, and the people are left holding the bag. Transparency and public debate for all loans are the best antidote.

  11. 11 hours ago

    Turkey kills PKK leader who played a leading role in saving the Yazidis from ISIS attack while others did nothing.

  12. 13 hours ago

    Indonesian security forces reportedly kill dozens of petty criminal suspects in crackdown in advance of Asian Games.

  13. 15 hours ago

    Latest Myanmar "independent commission of inquiry" of atrocities against Rohingya is another delaying-technique sham, as one member denies ethnic cleansing occurred and chairwoman admits there'll be "no blaming of anybody, no finger pointing of anybody."

  14. 17 hours ago

    The Dominican Republic refuses to let undocumented immigrants register their children, even if born in the country. As a result, 10,000s of Dominicans of Haitian descent, mostly poor, have been stripped of citizen rights, making many effectively stateless.

  15. 19 hours ago

    US government wants to say it's ok to torture someone for days, bring in a "clean team" to interrogate him as if nothing happened, and then admit the resulting statements with only limited probing by defense attorneys. Fortunately, the judge disagrees.

  16. 20 hours ago

    Canada owes no apology to Saudi Arabia. Canada stood up for human rights principles that the Saudis are flouting. It's the Saudi crown prince who should bow his head in shame.

  17. 21 hours ago

    The subterfuges Trump uses to decimate US refugee program: 1. It's just like development (no, it's about protecting people from governments, not working w/ governments to develop). 2. Immigration authorities can handle it (no, they mainly keep people out).

  18. Retweeted

    “Prefiero errar por haber hablado, que quedarme en silencio” Este video resume el contundente legado de Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein como Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos. Deja una vara alta para su sucesora .

  19. 22 hours ago

    For a while the US government sent an official to try to instruct the Saudi-led bombers to kill fewer civilians, but that made the US fear it could no longer claim to have no role in Saudi Arabia's deadly targeting decisions, so it withdrew him.

  20. 24 hours ago

    China is deploying drones that are virtually indistinguishable from birds to monitor its people, especially Muslims.


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