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Malheureusement, c'est très certainement le dernier
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Mr Shelby Retweeted
Mental health of Westminster terror suspect Salih Khater is examined … no electronic evidence of links to 'established terrorist networks or outside influences'. Stopped using social media, answering phone after losing bro & father in same month last year
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Mr Shelby Retweeted
A record 162,000 people have had their say in a government review of how tax could reduce plastic pollution. The high number of responses reflects the public's concern about the impact of plastic on the environment
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Mr Shelby Retweeted
#Egypt-#ISIS report on al-Amaq IED attack that destroyed a military bulldozer near Rafah, Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Mr Shelby Retweeted
Aujourd'hui, un an après la reprise de la ville par les forces irakiennes et alors que plusieurs piscines ont été détruites dans les combats, l'entraîneur Omar Ibrahim et sa douzaine de nageuses âgées de huit à douze ans ont décidé de changer les choses. …
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Comment l'
#extrêmedroite autrichienne et son allié conservateur s'en prennent à leurs services de renseignement à des fins politiques avec pour conséquence un isolement complet du pays en matière de coopération. Lecture importante et inquiétante. …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Mr Shelby Retweeted
A storm in Austria's intelligence community. Ramifications also in Europe as allies now reluctant to share sensitive intel. Not good for cooperation on CT and fight against crime... …
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Mr Shelby Retweeted
Breaking: In new letter, 60 Fmr CIA officers protest Trump on clearances: “We believe equally strongly that former govt officials have the right to express their unclassified views on what they see as critical national security issues without fear of being punished for doing so”
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Mr Shelby Retweeted
#Syrie un attentat aurait eu lieu à proximité de la mosquée al-Nour à#Raqqa « au passage d’une délégation américaine » Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Mr Shelby Retweeted
#Iran Nay says that coastal and sea testing of the short range defense Kamand system (locally dubbed the Iranian Phalanx) were concluded "successfully"@FauteuilColbert@MarkoA_Ramius@towersight …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
L'abus de propagande de l'
#EI peut nuire à votre santé mentale. Analyste qui a décidé de mixer des extraits de vidéos de l'#EI avec des pubs pour des grands marques automobiles …
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Mr Shelby Retweeted
Un excellent bilan sur les changements climatiques avec la vice-secrétaire générale de l'OMM interviewée par
@frederickoller …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Mr Shelby Retweeted
@ICSR_Centre colleague,@rajanbasra on@BBCNewsnight tonight discussing the far-right. …0:59Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Mr Shelby Retweeted
PAPADOPOULOS lied more than a dozen times on multiple occasions and didn’t tell the FBI about a cell phone he used to communicate with a Russia-linked professor, Mueller’s team said today. They are NOT satisfied with his cooperation and are asking for 0-6 months in jail>>>>
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Mr Shelby Retweeted
Conflit syrien : Washington retire des fonds mais relance ses efforts de paix
#USA#Syrie Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Mr Shelby Retweeted
18 août 2008 Uzbin Afghanistan
Ne jamais les
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Mr Shelby Retweeted
Maldives ..."Elections next month will probably cement the power of the nation’s dictator and consolidate the control of China and Saudi Arabia over this strategic island chain. India is already deeply concerned about the implications"
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Mr Shelby Retweeted
President Erdoğan blames the turmoil in Turkish financial markets on a foreign conspiracy. His critics say the root causes can be found in his management of the economy and the erosion of the country’s institutions. Weekend big read: …
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Attaque de
#Westminster. Les enquêteurs n'ont pour l'instant trouvé aucune preuve permettant de relier l'acte de#SalihKhater à une motivation liée au terrorisme djihadiste et étudient d'autres pistes. …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Mr Shelby Retweeted
So just over a year ago, we were raising funds for Kris who was paralysed in the Westminster attack... now he’s jumping out of a plane to raise money for hospital equipment- some ppl astound me!
#hero pls RT and give if you can@MrNickKnowles …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Mr Shelby Retweeted
"For the first time since the Second World War we have a domestic, proscribed terrorist group. It's right-wing, it's neo-Nazi, it's proudly white supremacist." The Met's former counter-terrorism chief says Britain hasn't "woken up" to the extreme right-wing Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
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