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Parking Brake Needs Service

Discussion in 'Model 3' started by K-MTG, Dec 30, 2017.

  1. K-MTG

    K-MTG Sunshade Captain of TMC

    Oct 24, 2015
    Irvine, CA
    So it begins....

    IMG_1283.JPG went away after I shifted to drive so I am pretty sure it is just a software bug. If it comes back again...I will contact my SC.
    • Informative x 3
  2. MrBilly

    MrBilly Member

    Dec 29, 2017
    Exact same thing happened to me 2 days ago Thursday morning. Hasn't happened since. Plan to report it when I take it in for service. Was a little worried about parking on hills after that, careful to turn the wheels to roll into the curb. Feeling better that it's just a software glitch not a real parking brake hardware issue now that I see I'm not alone.
    • Informative x 1
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  3. Supertester777

    Sep 18, 2017
    Sacramento, CA
    I have the same problem. Saw the "Parking brake Needs Service" message and decided to remind myself to call Tesla on my way back to schedule an appointment. However, I must have gone barely a mile and saw several other warnings and the car stopped right in the middle of the road. Messages such as "Cruise Control Failed", etc started popping up. A suggestion to power cycle also flashed. Since I was in the middle of the road on the leftmost lane, I had my emergency flasher on. I followed instructions and turned the car off. The flasher sound (I believe its simulated relay sound) stopped - however I am not sure if the lights actually stopped flashing at that time. When the car restarted, the error remained. Another message flashed - something like "Exiting and re-entering the car may resolve the problem". I carefully exited in the middle of the road with cars zipping by and re-entered the car. It did not work. I called Tesla roadside service and they quickly got a tech support engr on the line. He asked me to power cycle it again. The car seemed to like that and decided to move when I switched to Drive. I went around to a nearby friends place and parked there. The original parking brake message popped again. I was sure I did not want to drive it another 15 miles to my home and called tech support again. This time they wanted to send a towing truck to get the car to a service center. The truck took 2 hours to arrive (it appears that Tesla is very selective about towing companies and we dont have a lot of them in the Sacramento area.). I drove with the tow truck driver and he told me that Tesla's are keeping them busy and they get a ton of towing jobs from them - especially Model 3!!! Keeping fingers crossed.

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