Welcome to Achille Public Schools
Where Eagles Soar!!!!!!
Achille Schools will be dismissing classes on Monday and Tuesday (August 13th and 14th ). Classes Will reconvene on Wednesday (August 15th ). Thank you.
Our Campus:

Achille Schools, District I-003, Achille, Bryan County, Oklahoma, are located in rural southeastern Oklahoma. The District encompasses an area of 167 square miles and currently has approximately 396 students enrolled at its Achille Elementary Site (grades Pre-K through 8) and Achille High School (grades 9 through 12).
Philosophy of Education
The philosophy of the Achille Public School System is based on the concept that the school should exist for individual students at all socio-economic levels. It should concentrate on providing, through teaching and counseling, equal and adequate opportunities for all students to develop physically, intellectually, socially, and vocationally in order that they might make a contribution to society; that they might be capable of enjoying a cultural, moral, and spiritual life; and that they might recognize and accept their responsibilities in preserving the democracy which has provided for these opportunities.
The home is the greatest single influence upon students. It is here that they establish their first habits, ideas, and attitudes. The school is not a substitute for a good home. It is only through cooperation on the part of the school, parent, and community that the child will receive the greatest benefits.
Achille Public Schools
P.O. Box 280
Achille, OK 74720-0280
Superintendent of Schools
Rick Beene
High School Principal
Terry Conder
Middle School Principal
Dana Beene
Elementary Principal
Lora Stanglin
Superintendent's Office - (580) 283-3775
Fax - (580) 283-3787
Achille High School - (580) 283-3775
Fax - (580) 283-3524
Achille Elementary - (580) 283-3775
Fax - (580) 283-3765