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- Black Market Girl, Red Star World
- [f4m] [scifi] [prostitution] [communism]
- A girl selling black market goods on a communist world is desperate to get money off an offworlder. But she’s running out of things to offer him.
- Hey, mister. You’re from offplanet, aren’t you? You’re trying to dress like a local, just like the guidebooks all tell you, but I can tell. You look a little different. You walk differently. I can tell you’re not used to our feeble red sunlight, either. It makes everything look dark and dingy. Well, it is, but the sunlight doesn’t help.
- You’re definitely not used to being someplace where the police carry assault weapons, and people disappear all the time. I’m guessing you’re a businessman. No one ever comes here for pleasure.
- You’ve probably got a place to stay already, at one of those fancy hotels by the spaceport. But all the food there is bland stuff they serve to the offworlders and tell them is genuine. I can take you to a restaurant that has the kind of food we actually eat everyday. Well, at least when the stores have any food. And honest alcohol, strong enough to fuel a starship with. This wouldn’t be the glorified water they ship offworld.
- Or maybe you’d like to exchange some hard currency? I can give you four times what the bank offers. They just make up whatever rate they want, but I’ll give you what it’s worth. Minus a small fee for me, of course.
- Or maybe you want some souvenirs? I can get you real stuff, and not the pretty baubles they sell at the hotel or spaceport. I’ve got some real hand-carved bone and wooden crafts. The stuff in the stores is all machine made, and it will fall apart before you get home. I can even get you some really nice jewelry, with real gems in it, and not the pretty rocks you’ll see in the government run shops. Maybe you’d like a nice necklace, or bracelet, or even a ring for that special girl back home?
- <laugh> So, a handsome man like you doesn’t have a girl, huh? There’s nothing wrong with that. You’re young, like me. When you spend your time traveling to backwater police state planets like this, you probably don’t have much time for a woman. At least not an ongoing thing.
- Brothels are illegal on our world. Pretty much anything fun is. But the police look the other way, if the right bribes are paid. I know one right around the corner here which has the most beautiful girls on the planet. They come from all over just to make some hard currency from people like you. They can make more on their backs in one night than they could on the feet in a month in the factories. Maybe on your world girls dream of being princesses. On ours, they dream of being prostitutes. But it’s hard to get into a good brothel. You need to be very pretty, and even then you need connections. Then the madames take most of your money. But even what’s left is good money for the average person here.
- Stop! Don’t go yet. Um, maybe a painted-up working girl isn’t what you’re looking for? Perhaps you’d prefer an amateur? A girl of good, strong, peasant stock, but still attractive in a tomboyish kind of way, no? Maybe someone like me? I’m no virgin, but I’m not as experienced as the brothel girls. I think maybe, for some men, that can be a good thing. I’d be more like a girlfriend than they could be.
- Except we’d have to go to your hotel, or get a room somewhere. I can’t let the madames know. And my place… well, my parents and sisters are there. My grandmother, too.
- I’d kind of like to see your hotel anyway. I’ve heard that offworlders get air conditioning, and clean, hot water twenty-six hours a day.
- No, put your money away. Not here. You won’t get robbed. No one worries about getting robbed in a police state. But we’d get swarmed by more black-marketeers before we got more than a few meters from here. We can talk money later. I’ll be cheaper than the brothels, because we’ll be cutting out the madames and all of their overhead. I trust that we’ll work out a fair price. We’re both businesspeople, aren’t we? Now let’s go.
- <pause>
- Wow… I wasn’t expecting this hotel. And I get the impression this isn’t a standard room, either. Your company doesn’t go cheap on it’s employees. Although on our planet, I suppose even a room like this isn’t all that expensive. But this room… it’s bigger than my apartment. And the air… it’s so cool and clean. They filter out the pollution, and the other smells.
- I’ll put my bag over here. Maybe afterwards, when sex is out of your mind, you’ll be interested in souvenirs. Perhaps some things for your family, or people you work with. Or maybe something for yourself, to remember our world by, and the black market girl who came back with you to your room.
- I’ll take off my clothes, now. Don’t laugh at what I’m wearing under this shirt and pants. I didn’t expect to be doing this today. Not ever, actually. Even if I did, I don’t have the fancy things the girls at the brothel wear. But if you pay me enough, maybe I’ll buy myself something nice to wear.
- Now that I’m naked, I’m maybe not that different from the working girls. Perhaps not as tall, or as skinny. But my body is nice, yes? It’s more genuine than theirs would be.
- Now you get undressed too, while I get your bed ready for us. Working in a hotel such as this, as a maid or something like that is another job my people would love to have, but it’s so hard to get. You need to have connections and-
- <gasp> Oh, these sheets. They’re so, so soft under my hands. As soft as anything the girls at the brothel would wear. These must be from off-world. Well, I’m suddenly much more eager to get into bed with you, even if it seems a shame to mess these sheets up.
- Mmm… but I don’t regret how they feel against my body now. Soft, and almost slippery. <laugh> I could almost slide off of this bed if you fuck me too hard.
- I think I want to keep these sheets caressing my back, and my ass, and the back of my legs while we have sex. You can lie on top of me. I may not be as soft as the sheets, but I will do more than just be soft and silky for you. You cannot fuck bedsheets. Although I kind of would like to try with these…
- Mmm… yes. Push me down into these sheets, and this mattress. I feel myself sinking so far down into it… but now you can sink into me, and we can get lost in the sheets and the mattress together...
- <moan as entered>
- My pussy is silky and slippery, just like the sheets, isn’t it? Maybe I look and act a little tough as a the black market girl trying to sell you stuff, but now I am soft and warm around your cock. It doesn’t matter that I’m not all makeup and long hair and even longer legs, like the professional girls.
- <moan> Maybe they know some tricks in bed… things to go with their bodies. But inside they are like the machines in the factories. You want a lively girl, without as much experience as them. They have more men each day than I’ve had in my entire life…
- <moan> You… you are actually only my second man. I had a boyfriend… a boy I grew up with. We were lovers for a year, before they came for him in the night. So I gave up on the love thing. But this is okay. This is business. This is okay for me, I think.
- <moan> More than okay. It is very, very good. You are like him. Handsome. Strong, but gentle in bed. You are tender with me, even though you’re paying to use me. You could take me any way you wish. But you fuck me so carefully, like you care that I enjoy it. Maybe the girls at the brothel could resist what you are doing, with all their practice, but a simple girl like me… you are beginning to drive me wild… you’re making me work hard because I want you to feel the same thing.
- Another advantage of me not being a brothel girl… I never learned to fake an orgasm like they do. So I will just have to cum for real. But it is just to make you happy, so you maybe pay me more when we are done, okay? Don’t think I am falling for you, Mister Handsome Offworlder who maybe has some money too. Because you will be gone soon, and I will still be stuck here.
- <moan> Which is maybe why I can be less tough with you. You will take the secret of what a silly little girl I am with you when you go, and no one on the street here will... ever... know…
- <orgasm>
- <pause>
- <sigh> I was good, wasn’t I? We both came so hard… you needed a good fucking like that, from a regular girl, and not some professional whore. But I think I needed it, too.
- Oh, yes. Money. I almost forgot, but you are the one to remind me. At least one of us is thinking clearly.
- <gasp> No, really. I can’t believe I am saying this, but that is way too much money. That is far more than even the best brothel girls get. Are… are you sure?
- I won’t turn it down. This much money will feed my family for months, and buy dresses for my sisters. Maybe even some soft and pretty things for me to wear under my boyish clothes.
- For that much money, you can have the best things I have in my bag. Some nice jewelry, and the best crafts my people make. And I have some bottles of really good local booze.
- We can drink one of those together right now. You can have me all night for what you paid, to drink with, and fuck. If you want me at least. Or I can just leave, if that’s what you wish. But I’d kind of like to stay, to give you your money’s worth. I can even be here other nights, if you are here for more than one night. Or even if you come back to our world again. I can be your special girl here.
- But be careful. Maybe you’ll get used to me. Then you might have to bribe the government to let me and my family off of this world. I could be waiting at home for you in your bed, wearing soft things you buy for me on your trips.
- <laugh> Sorry, I am teasing you. I do not expect you to fall for a girl like me after one night.
- I think it will take at least three.
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