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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Apr 29

    Mes publications de 2001 prochainement traduites de l'italien en anglais & français Version italienne dispo à la BU de Lettres & LVE Université-Caen Voyage au cœur d'une , Pays à forte émigration touchée à son tour par l'immigration face à une qui "botte en touche"

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  2. . Cooperazione europea concreta sull', su iniziativa franco-maltese. Ringrazio Malta del suo gesto umanitario e le assicuro la totale della . Non ci sono alternative alla cooperazione.

  3. . con il popolo italiano in lutto. Pensieri per le vittime e i loro familiari. pronta, come l'ha detto il Presidente , a dare il proprio sostegno alle autorità italiane.

  4. . "E' con un'immensa emozione che ho saputo della catastrofe che ha colpito e che ha fatto numerose vittime. I miei pensieri vanno ai loro familiari e alle loro famiglie, e a tutte le persone ferite".

  5. I nostri pensieri vanno alle vittime, ai loro familiari e a tutto il popolo italiano. La Francia è vicina all’Italia in questa tragedia e rimane pronta ad apportare tutto il sostegno necessario.

  6. Israeli PM 's claims about my actions and words are false. What deserves unequivocal condemnation is the killing of over 160 Palestinian protesters in Gaza by Israeli forces since March, including dozens of children.

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  7. Aug 12

    For the first time since 13 years, Hezbollah releases footage of its ‘Special Force’ unit led by commander Mohammad Qansu (Sajed Doueir), infiltrating into the Israeli-Occupied Palestinian village al-Ghajar and taking positions between Israeli settlers’ vehicles and houses.

  8. Aug 13

    According to the MSM these people are antisemitic. Just think about that

  9. 41 minutes ago
  10. 42 minutes ago
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  11. 42 minutes ago

    ", This Is Not Who We Are Orthodoxy should be respected, but we cannot allow the politics of a radical minority to alienate millions of Jews worldwide."

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  12. 2 hours ago

    Today celebrates "How Hezbollah Defeated Israel" 12 years ago by Christian Singer Honors Hezbollah in Stunning Concert Performance: look at the crowd via

  13. 44 minutes ago

    U.S. sanctions on Iran hit an unintended target: ordinary Iraqis Via

  14. 2 hours ago

    As the war stumbles toward a close, Syrian refugees are drawn into politics and face pressure to return. Some want to, some don't, some can't, and many look desperately for clues—will it be safe, can you make a living, who can you trust? :

  15. 3 hours ago

    Part two of 's Syria piece, visiting recaptured Waer and meeting military officers, SSNP:ers at the Reconciliation Ministry, and UN officials.

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  16. OMG. An aeral view of the tragedy in , where a major motorway bridge has collapsed. This is appalling. via

  17. 4 hours ago

    ++ Crollo ponte: soccorritori, qui c'è l'inferno ++ (Ansa)

  18. Crollo di ponte Morandi i vigili del fuoco tra le macerie e le vittime intrappolate nelle auto

  19. 5 hours ago

    : “Look at Trump.…He does not even let us visit his country. Do you think we could expect such a fool to save us from a bunch of other fools?” asks a teacher in , about rising US pressure A very informative reading by

  20. 8 hours ago

    Enfants tués sur une plage de Gaza en 2014 : un rapport dévoile la tragique série d’erreurs de l’armée israélienne via

  21. 7 hours ago

    annonce que la va boycotter les appareils-ménagers américains. Alors qu'on croyait qu'ils étaient tous produits en Chine...


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