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Syrian cities are being reshaped in mid-war by a new law that cuts through decades of complex property conflicts to eliminate slum housing. The government says it's necessary to rebuild ruined suburbs—the opposition says it's a land grab. Read more: …
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Erdonomics: turns out you can't eat flags. … this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Zoltan Pall on how the Salafis of Ihya al-Turath benefited from Kuwaiti royal patronage to displace the Muslim Brotherhood, and how it had ripple effects as far away as Cambodia. …
@sultan_utrecht Shorter version with@BeirutCalling: Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Aron Lund Retweeted
Greece is throwing a slender economic lifeline to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad by reviving phosphate imports from mines near the ancient city of Palmyra
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Searching for Othman:
@annieslem returns to Iraq to try to find a wounded little boy she saw two years ago among the survivors of a massacre near Fallujah—and eventually, she does. This is fantastic writing, but so, so sad: … Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Aron Lund Retweeted
"For Saudi Arabia, [Canada's tweets] were unacceptable 'foreign interference'. If anyone is qualified to opine on meddling abroad, it is the Saudis." …
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What's next in Idleb, Syria?
@ThomasPierret,@Hadeel_Saidawi,@Charles_Lister, and@AleksKhlebnikov: …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
With its allies ascendant, Russia eyes a bigger role in Lebanon, writes
@Nour_Samaha. …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Syria’s first lady starts breast cancer treatment: Damascus …
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@CherylRofer explains the chemistry of sarin to Russia Today’s dynamic alt-science duo, Professor Postol and the Partisan Girl. …Show this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Bit of public diplomacy around the edges of the Syrian state: the SDF says it is willing to give up IS prisoners in order to free the Druze taken by IS in Sweida, prompting Hekmat al-Hajari—one of the three Druze sheikhs al-aql—to profusely praise the SDF. …
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@AliTahmizian on the Saudi-Canadian spat and what seems to be driving it: Mohammed bin Salman's efforts to harness Saudi populist nationalism for purposes both internal and external. …Show this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Aron Lund Retweeted
Abadi's statement that Iraq now needs $75 brent ($67 Iraqi oil) to cover operational costs - I quote it here - is the most significant thing he's said lately. That's a break-even price that doesn't include any CapX, just operational spending to keep the state clunking along.
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New U.S. sanctions on Iran will sting… …
@samraphelson …and Iran is already in quite a bit of economic pain. …@kcalamurThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
On how U.S.-backed Saudi- and Emirati forces fighting Yemen's Houthis work to co-opt fighters from jihadi-tribal networks run by al-Qaeda, while the United States bombs those same networks and curses under its breath. …
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On Khaled al-Ahmad, Syrian government fixer, by
@RaniaKhalek. …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
The Urgency of Idlib: The Impending Regime Offensive and the Delicate Balance in Syria’s Northwest, by
@Charles_Lister. …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Sweden had a similar experience in 2015, after the Swedish foreign minister criticized the whipping of a Saudi dissident. The government strutted around mightily at first, then chickened out and sent the Swedish king to apologize. For lack of kings, let's hope Canada has a spine.
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The government of Saudi Arabia goes insane after Canada asks it not to jail peaceful female activists, and proceeds, in a fit of weird self-harm behavior, to punish Saudis enrolled in Canadian universities or receiving Canadian medical care. …
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