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  1. 50 seconds ago

    Turkey's steelmakers plunge after Donald Trump tweets about fresh sanctions, while the lira is close to a record low at 6.3 to the dollar. Follow our coverage:

  2. 1 minute ago

    Greek lenders face higher financing costs after the ECB said it will stop accepting the country’s government debt as collateral

  3. 3 minutes ago

    UBS and Nomura strategists tell they aren't impressed by President Erdogan's speech, as Turkey's lira hits another new low

  4. 3 minutes ago

    The U.K.’s second quarter growth figures underlined why Bank of England officials felt compelled to act this month

  5. 6 minutes ago

    Generic drugmakers struggle despite a U.S. push for more copycats

  6. 9 minutes ago

    How to build a better polling system

  7. 9 minutes ago

    Why Donald Trump's tweet on Turkey tariffs is so significant

  8. Retweeted

    this isn't yearly, monthly, weekly, this is an intraday chart

  9. Retweeted

    Stocks follow suit. Down 4.5%

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  10. Retweeted

    The U.S. and Turkey have two ways to mend the rift in their relationship, but there is no going back to the way things were

  11. 11 minutes ago

    Is blockchain technology the future of voting?

  12. 14 minutes ago

    BREAKING: Lira plunges to a new low after Donald Trump steps up tariffs on Turkey

  13. 16 minutes ago

    China state researcher predicts end to child birth restrictions

  14. Retweeted

    Canada’s jobless rate returns to four-decade lows

  15. 19 minutes ago

    The probability that Jet Airways will default in the next 12 months is near the highest since October 2015

  16. 24 minutes ago

    In times of trade war, companies get creative to avoid tariffs

  17. 26 minutes ago

    Templeton favors options to ride Asia's best stock market swings

  18. 31 minutes ago

    CEOs on both sides of Brexit finally agree on something: it's a joke

  19. 34 minutes ago

    President Erdogan's speech fails to reassure investors that Turkey's economic problems won't spill over into the euro area and emerging markets

  20. 35 minutes ago

    U.S. consumer prices rose in July, with a gauge excluding food and fuel costs posting the biggest annual gain since 2008


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