What an ominous post this ended up being. Re-reading the pre-kick posts gives a whole new perspective to them.
It would more likely be a straight guy as a joke. Fags have entire systems created purely to finding sexual partners so they no longer have to fool around with guys like Chris. There is no dearth of willing right now partners. Chris is not even in consideration. This is not to say that someone would not have sex with him, but the number of people who want him as first choice is tiny tiny tiny even among sex crazed faggots. Chris is lowest tier for every group because he looks dirty and is in terrible shape. If you want a tranny with a 5-7 inch ugly growth, you can still do better than Christine. The Chris of old (young version before tranny) was was a big-titted blob. This board is 90% fagetry. How many of them want Chris to like their duck? Other than null, who has taken quite an interest in Chris since he came out as bisexual and starting offering blowies for a quarter.
Cheating on Barb isn't very gentlemanly. Actually, it's very uncouth... Unless it ends in a threesome, that is. There's always hope.
Spoiler: fine print Please don't be mad for me necro-ing. I know there's other threads, but the main TMG one seemed to be he best to post this. What's one of my favorite expressions besides "Extreme"? Its the idea that eventually "Hindsight has become that." Well, enough time has past, summer is nearly over, and the Youtuber community is just about to unload itself and its opinions. Many were at TMG this year, and are only now reflecting on it now that the busy summer season is over. You see guys, despite Stone Cutter-like people constantly insisting that there's nothing left to do with Chris, and the insistence that no one "Touches the poo", the fact is that there's going to be more exposure to Chris-Chan than ever. I don't even need to post any videos to show what I'm talking about. Just look up "Too Many Games 2018." Many Youtubers have gotten their own footage of Hedgehog Chris tumbled onto the ground, picking up random comments of other people, and all these professional money makers are doing is walking past, filming their common "Convention Walkthrough" videos. The potential references to Chris's altercation are gonna start, and halfway already has. I swear The Game Chasers referenced it in episode 70, filmed in Philadelphia just after Too Many Games. Jay makes a very, very, very minor reference of "Something may show up." Very minor, but my headcannon says he's talking about Chris. And then, there's Justin Silverman, who's perhaps one of the most professional people in the video game community Chris has associated with. I just found out that Silverman is a cast member of Cinemassacre. My big rule on the internet/Youtube community is that if you work for James Rolfe, you are the real deal. Even the slightest reference Justin Silverman could make regarding Chris on a Cinemassacre show will literally give birth to a whole new generation of Chris-Chan discoverers and watchers. Guys, really. We've gotta get ready. Because Chriiis, will always be there.