She should have just been upfront and said she couldn't do it or didn't want to be involved. I would have had respect for that. But she initially wanted to be part of it but basically only on her terms. Then got buttmad when Null took the initiative and peaced out. She rewrote her own history when she didn't get the attention she wanted. If she just owned up to initially trying to be part of the cool kids club then I wouldn't think of her as much of a twat. She won't admit she used to come into #sonichu trying to get asspats with ~super secret information and rewrote her narrative of how regretful she is over her Crazy Pacer story. Like nah, you got into the fun of it but got upset when you realized the internet is not very nice.
I think Ana is disgusting. She obviously thinks she had a hand in Chris' e-fame, and her attempts to cash out on asspats or cash have been futile. She's like what, 1 out of a dozen or so women Chris has a history with. At least the other women that Chris has been inappropriate with have had to foresight to cut off contact.
Ironically the women who are more famous never wanted to be known because of that dipshit. Megan and Wallflower really stick out. Chris basically brought them to the attention of a bunch of assholes for reasons they had no idea nor wanted to be.
What actually happened to Chris going to the local gay club and having a social life there? He seemed to be doing okay at that place and then just stopped. We know there was some kind of incident involving the phrase "itty bitty tittie committee", via Chris's garbled retelling, but the details never came out.
No, the itty bitty titty committee thing was overblown. Chris kept going back there after that and he was fine. Chris seeks out social interactions IRL (and generally does just fine) when he feels lonely. Chris doesn't feel lonely when he's got internet friends. But internet friends are not real friends. I think the only thing Chris should get from the internet is money. If he wants to socialize, he needs to do it IRL. I hate people trying to befriend Chris online, because it displaces his need to go outside and socialize. And he does do it. For example, after Bob died, Chris started going out and finding things to do in Charlottesville. He's got a few IRL friends and he goes to the gay club sometimes. But he stops when dipshits like Cherry message him trying to be "friends".
Didn't some lesbians there make fun of him for not being a real woman, leading him to cutting open his taint? Also no one fucked him so why go?
All Anna has to do is show Chris her titties and he'll be in her pocket forever. I mean, he'll sexually harass and stalk the shit out of her, but that happens to every woman Chris associates with that's around his age.
Yeah, he really did it up right at EOG, if it hadn't been for the "trolls" or the screaming matches he had with Barb on the telephone. Or maybe it was staring at the Christian lady's tits.
There is no fucking way he got made fun of for being trans at a gay club. That's one of the dumbest rumors I've ever heard.
"Trans".Also, never underestimate how catty lesbians can be. I'd like to see some sources on this though. What?