• ”brouhaha”

2018-08-05 - Anna's GambitAnna McLerran's attempt to seize Chris's attention for herself

Discussion in 'Christian Weston Chandler' started by The American Hedgehog, Sunday at 4:50 PM.

  1. It's 50/50, Chris looks more bizarre and is significantly more socially awkward than the average trans patron so it's not a huge stretch that he might have received some negative attention.
    • Agree Agree x 8
  2. Agreed. Hey Anna: tits or GTFO.
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    drtoboggan Please, call me Mantis.

  3. Don't forget washing dishes with her tits hanging out, posting a pic of it on the internet, then whining whenever it's posted.
    • Agree Agree x 6

    Echo_Ender Doggo

  4. Anna should have just taken Chris's advances waaaay back in 2005. The timeline could have been so different. No Hannah to break his heart level. No mass trolling of 2008-2010.

    And since she is a mormon, maybe there would have been some sort of visitation by Joseph Smith, who'd give Chris the powers to make CWCville a reality.

    But dumbass Chris blew it when he grossed her out with the pink-eye story.
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    TrippinKahlua Seductively secretly sexy
    True & Honest Fan

  5. yeah for once I think you have a point

    the only way anna's attention-whoring ass is going to get the level of control over chris that she wants is to stop being a pussy and marry him

    and submit to his lesbian sexual fantasies
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    Mr. 0

    Mr. 0 god im not good at computer how did this get here

  6. I didn’t know Anna was so old. I mean I knew but the college thing threw me. She better be careful, she’s getting to the age when the eggs go bad and she might end up with her own lil Chris.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 2
    Chan the Wizard

    Chan the Wizard My Gemsona is autistic

  7. Null has a butterface though. Notice me SENPAI!! BAKA!!!!

    I don't believe she's an actual dyke. I think that's a bullshit excuse to keep Chrissy at bay.

    Yep, classic Attention whore shit. I've dealt with dumb bitches who've snuck into pool areas after hours, start skinny dipping and me being security telling them to get dressed when we invariably catch them. They're like "Don't look!" nope, sorry, I have to make sure you aren't crazy enough to attack me. And you also got naked, dumb ass. If you're hot this is just a nice bonus.

    She's a butterface, that's what you're thinking of. She's got a pretty nice body and a rockin' set of tits but that face looks like a little boy's.

    Well, it was about that time that I noticed this Kiwi Farmer was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the Paleozoic era!

    To be fair, some people do go to college later on in life. My mom did that in her 30's because she had kids to take care of. Now she has a master's and her own counseling practice. I had a biology professor who didn't get his degree until his early 40's. Like he said, life happens.

    Her problem is she seems like she's a child. Those two examples were purpose-driven adults who knew what they wanted and weren't interested in being e-famous for some exceptional tranny like Chris.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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    • Dumb Dumb x 1
    #87 Maxliam, Monday at 8:02 PM
    Last edited: Monday at 8:14 PM
  8. [​IMG]
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  9. Anna is honestly the most pathetic of Chris' hangers-on. With Watermelon and Kengle, you at least know they're autistic tards. What's Anna's excuse? She's just a sad, broken person who's desperate for attention. Attention is like a drug to her--look at her in #sonichu back in the day, when Nicole Ritchie posted a pic of Chris in Barb's underwear, etc. It's all about that and being able to feel good about herself because (A) someone is worse off than her, and (B) she must be a super duper great, caring person for befriending a re-re.

    ...Wasn't someone on here in group therapy with Anna a few years ago? IIRC, they pretty much confirmed everything that's fucked up with her.
    • Agree Agree x 7
  10. I've heard there is (or was) a skirmish between the lesbians and mtf trans.

    Why? Because the lesbians didn't want to fuck someone with a penis so the trans started calling these women transphobic. Then the lesbians fired back by calling them a bunch of rapists who think they're entitled to sex.
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    CoolGuyHitler Hollacaust

  11. I've got to say, control over the one and only CWC is a pretty shit reward when it requires scissoring troon taint-gash.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. yeah that was @The Dude and she even referenced it on Chris's facebook months later when he was going on about troll conspiracies or some shit
    To be fair that's probably all the action she will ever get. Chris would more likely see an escort behind her back because it'd be less annoying.
    Mr. 0

    Mr. 0 god im not good at computer how did this get here

  13. #metoo
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    The Captain

    The Captain You and The Captain.. make it happen!
    True & Honest Fan Christorical Figure

  14. Hey, at least we're posting them because they're nice. If we were posting a non-flattering picture to mock her she'd have a reason to complain, but the way I see it, it's a compliment.

    You're welcome, Anna.
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    #94 Manly-Chicken, Monday at 10:34 PM
    Last edited: Monday at 10:40 PM
  15. @Null's deprogramming only worked because Wise and Boyd were JERK MALES. When you point out to him that girls are less than perfect, Chris seals his ears shut.
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    Positron Features built-in shockproof bullshit detector
    True & Honest Fan

  16. Nuh-uh, Josh is super dreamy. Chris can't resist.
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    Mariposa Electrique

    Mariposa Electrique In 2021, Chris will leave 14 BC.
    True & Honest Fan

  17. The battle for Chris's trans-lesbian-sonichu-pony-CPU soul has begun!
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 2
  18. TFW you remember that Chris is autistic and therefore has no soul
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    Mr. 0

    Mr. 0 god im not good at computer how did this get here

  19. Anna has been harassing Chris for 2 full days and it's getting to him. I was pretty sure this wouldn't result in anything but Chris is so distressed now it might. I've actually never seen such abusive and selfish behavior in my life, and I run this fucking website.
    • Feels Feels x 24
    • Informative Informative x 20
  20. So she truly is the second coming of Barb.
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    Mariposa Electrique

    Mariposa Electrique In 2021, Chris will leave 14 BC.
    True & Honest Fan

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