2018-08-05 - Anna's GambitAnna McLerran's attempt to seize Chris's attention for herself

Discussion in 'Christian Weston Chandler' started by The American Hedgehog, Sunday at 4:50 PM.

  1. She probably loiters in the remnants of the Pac-Sun to relive the good old days.
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    RJ MacReady

    RJ MacReady cheating bitch
    True & Honest Fan

  2. Null is the new greedy fireman.
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    Someone in a Tree

    Someone in a Tree Renowned robot bear conductor

  3. With Chris you only have to wrangle one tard, not four.
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  4. with dota 2 i'm the tard

    download (2).png
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  5. That Pac-Sun was in Charlottesville. She lives in Mormonland now.
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    The Captain

    The Captain You and The Captain.. make it happen!
    True & Honest Fan Christorical Figure

  6. With Null/Marvin/Captain and co or with Anna? Which part do you believe is unethical?

    MakeItRain taste the waste
    True & Honest Fan

  7. All of it; I know that people like Marvin and Null are trying to do good, but it seems like the never-ending control/influence of a poor, exceptional man. I don't think Null and Marvin are trying to steer Chris in the wrong direction, but the situation can turn sour with Chris. Just like this last thing with Anna, he was ready to turn on Null and Kiwifarms because Anna got in his ear. It doesn't even take someone's influence, Chris could act up at any time and blame Null or Marvin.
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    Mariposa Electrique

    Mariposa Electrique In 2021, Chris will leave 14 BC.
    True & Honest Fan

  8. If you're gonna help someone like Chris, then that's a risk you'll simply have to run. Anna was running the same this for years with no problems.

    There's no control involved here imo, you are essentially giving Chris an imaginary key to an imaginary jail cell he created for himself so he can be free (he had help decorating said cell, but still).

    I'm every path in life, there are people who succeed, and people who hate those who succeed, Anna is one of the latter. She resents the fact that others are proving to be successful at what she's failed at for so long (while actually boasting about it and feeling good about herself for said failures).

    Chris is a weak-willed idiot, but he's a weak-willed idiot that knows what he wants, and he's autistically stubborn about it too.

    @Null @The Captain @Marvin Prepare yourselves for Anna trying again through Barb/Rocky, that's what I'd do if I was in her shoes.
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    neural Judgement is Coming
    True & Honest Fan

  9. Actually, Chris is free to do as he pleases. Null and I made it very clear to him today that if he no longer wants our help or advice that we're gone. He quickly changed his tune.
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    The Captain

    The Captain You and The Captain.. make it happen!
    True & Honest Fan Christorical Figure

  10. So any progress on getting his case noticed by the police? Did he speak to his therapist about it?
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  11. Yes.
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  12. nuh-uh. If this is to go anywhere, somebody will have to talk to a lawyer/prosecutor with adequate knowledge and power.
    Nobody will do that. Not Anna, not Rocky, not a therapist, not the local sheriff, not Chris himself. Nobody.
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    True & Honest Fan

  13. Calling it now, @AnOminous will get recruited by Null. "Lolcow & Lolcow LLP" will become more than just a subforum. They protect Chris pro bono.
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  14. Chris and Negotiation.

    I'm reminded of the parable of the Good Samaritan, only in this version the victim expects an apology from the Samaritan on behalf of the priest and Levite who left him for dead.
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    Ted_Breakfast What'll it be, boys?

  15. What irony. Chris has become a white knight for his own (failed) white knights and in turn fails at that when he realizes his benefactors won't bow to his ingrate demands.

    He's such a weak-willed pushover that he'll let his faux-white knight make him turn on the only people helping him, but also too much of a pussy to even follow through with that when it might be an inconvenience.

    Kudos to the extraordinary patience Null and co are exercising in dealing with this ingrate. Must burn Anna up to know Chris won't do as he's told and considers kiwis to be too valuable an asset to set aside and placate Anna's butthurt.
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  16. Anna doesn't give a shit about Chris. The only reason she associates with him is because of the attention she gets from being "part of Christory" and so she can point at him, pat herself on the back and say "See? See what a good person I am? I'm friends with a tard. I'm just so nice and caring and generous! Only good people are friends with tards. Aren't I just the best for being a tard's friend?"

    Let's not forget that Anna was one of the first people to be cruel to Chris with her "Tale of the Crazy Pacer" blog mocking Chris for his behavior in the mall and asking her out. And her "Queen of the Trolls" move by attempting to gatekeep content about Chris in an attempt to gain attention for herself. So her motives have never been altruistic or friendly in regards to Chris.

    If Chris were more intelligent, capable of self-reflection, and not so desperate for any friendship, good or bad, that he can find, he would realize that Anna has been a token friend at best, and a terrible friend and user at worst. And the geographic difference is no excuse. Anna has done fuck-all for Chris. What did she do for Chris when his house burned down? Where was she during his legal troubles (a side from making a "don't drop the soap" crack)? What has she done for Chris as he's slipped further away from sanity into pseudo-Schizophrenic delusions? What is she doing to get Chris' $6000 back to him or bring the assholes who took advantage of him to justice?

    Chris really needs to realize that Anna is not a real friend and only wants to control him for her own narcissistic agenda. She's acting like a spoiled child who goes home to pout because she didn't get to be team captain.
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    #56 The Dude, Monday at 3:09 AM
    Last edited: Yesterday at 5:52 AM
    The Dude

    The Dude When you're down here, with us, YOU'LL SPERG TOO!
    True & Honest Fan

  17. You shouldn’t take this laying down, you’ve put a lot on the line for Chris and Anna needs to learn that she can’t just barge in and take what’s rightfully yours. Organize a no-holds-barred scragfight behind The GAMe PLACe; whoever manages to strip the other down to bra and panties first is crowned the winner, the other must publically denounce their relationship with Chris in front of The Leonard Bearstein Symphony Orchestra the following day.

    If you need any tips on slutfighting there’s lots of Chinese videos on Liveleak that are a great starting point.
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    Cuntster Bastard Congoid of the Jungle.
    True & Honest Fan

  18. lol. So first time in Chris's life that he isn't acting like everyone is obliged to bail him out of his fuck-ups, so now we're doing it on his behalf?

    Snuckening Do it faggot

  19. [​IMG]

    I know he deleted it, and I don't know if I ever talked shit about them here (probably I did), but just in case: NO

    As a matter of fact: Fuck them both, specially Anna.
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    Chrus Chundlur

    Chrus Chundlur Shaved bonobo

  20. I'd actually have more respect for her if she showed us those Mormon Milkers she apparently has. I mean it's less whorish.

    Hell we're our own worst enemies.

    No, her motives are bullshit. She started off making fun of Chris because IRL before all this shit kicked off, he was pacing back and forth in the mall where she worked. You can tell by her little blog post that she's always been an attention whore.

    How much do you think she'd charge Chris? Only way he gets laid if he hires someone.

    This so much. Essentially Chris learns the "What's in it for me" mentality from those around him. Toxic environment and people will do that to stronger people than him.

    Oh that is soooo asking to get Baker Acted (involuntary committed for psych assessment) but I have a feeling the local cops are very familiar with Chris and he's essentially the town drunk of that dystopian Mayberry.

    She could at least show us her tits. It'd at least make her less of an attention whore. The reaction from Chris shows he's pretty much a natural at codepency bordering on BPD.

    Didn't they go out of business like 90% of the stuff in malls (which themselves are set to be torn down and made into condos the way the trends are going) already have?
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    #60 Maxliam, Monday at 6:24 AM
    Last edited: Monday at 6:38 AM
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