It's typical if you think about it. Null gets hated on by everyone no matter what he does, it's only a matter of time his beneficiaries do the same.
If her angle was that she doesn't trust nol because he runs KF, then I could see why she would be in Chris' ear, but nol's comments don't even seem to be to chris, it was comments to the public about how the Wise Guys went down. Chris doesn't really have any business putting nol on blast, even though in some sense it is chris being a loyal friend. It does sorta emphasize how shitty anna is though, that she would be on chris' head about it when chris is only indirectly involved, what nol says appears to be truth, and if anything, anna should be leaving chris out of it because he has enough """"stress"""" to deal with as is.
I think I can understand where Anna is coming from here, as far as she's concerned you are others are from a lolcow/'troll' community so any friendship, help or gifts you give him are going to be suspect.
If she wants to make Chris only talk to her and to push away others. She better compensate the lack of friends/social interaction with some snoo snoo
You are being extremely generous towards Anna and her chump cousin. I remember posting the quoted text back when my membership length here was less than a month (only got spergier since then btw), I think it sums up how Anna and Waterman see their "friendship" with Chris, hell, the part in orange perfectly encapsulates this very situation:
I thought that one of the reasons Wise told Chris Jessica Quinn was some evil CPU being was because he didn't want her driving a wedge between him and Chris. He wanted complete control and her white-knighting/trolling (whatever you want to call it) was a threat to that. Anna doesn't give a shit about Chris. She's just like Barb, an enabling ass patter and a narcissist who only pays attention to Chris when she can get something out of it. She is pissed that someone else has Chris' ear and gets the recognition for helping him when she couldn't be arsed to--it makes her look bad. Which is kind of funny because she obviously didn't give a shit when someone was actively extorting him. And now she wants to step between Chris and the people helping him and gate keep him again so she can get all that attention and recognition for herself.
So the big issue with what Anna's trying to do here is that she's not saying "reeee, get out trolls, I can do it better than you". No, she's saying "reeeee, get out trolls, oh, you got out? Ok Chris bbl, talk to you in a month or two". Also, the context of this is important. She was initially ok with working with us. She changed her mind when we rightfully criticized her limp response to Chris being extorted. There is no good reason for her to do this, other than her ego being stung. Anna is buttmad and wanting to crash this plane with no survivors.
This was before Josh Wise. It was during the "relationship" phase. And she was definitely trolling Chris at that point. Basically this. She views her "friendship" with Chris as some defining characteristic that makes her special, like it gives her life worth (it doesn't). She had no problem cracking prison rape jokes at Chris when he was arrested in 2015, and she stood by for a long time during the idea guy shit, mainly because Josh Wise didn't really interfere with her relationship with Chris. You know what's the biggest contributor to this mess? For the last 10 years, every person in Chris's circle either helped him out for the wrong reasons, or are incredibly incompetent at it: Anna and Waterman only stick around for the attention, and they clearly see Chris like a normal person sees a sports car or an expensive watch: As an affirmation that they are good at something (they're not) and their lives don't suck (they do). Barb only really puts up with him for the tugboat, you can tell that she's been unsubscribed from Chris's life feed for at least 5 years. Kengle.. I honestly have no idea what he wants from Chris, but whatever it is, it isn't good for Chris. Rocky has more altruistic reasons than most of the above, but she's clearly out of her league and should have sought better help for him. Barring Null & co, The only person who competently helped Chris out with zero strings attached was Bob, and even that can be debatable at times.
Oh, that's going to go well. "I want you to arrest this guy, because he threatened to torture my imaginary friend, who doesn't actually exist...."
All this crap is so unethical. I don't wanna be rude, but I feel like something deeper is going on. The only person who's going to wind up paying for this is an autistic man legally named Christine.
Anna's only validation in life is hanging onto the fandom of an autistic idiot nearly 15 years after meeting him. This speaks for itself. She's been using Chris to soothe her own insecurities for longer than anyone on this entire forum has even been aware of him. And now - nearing her mid-thirties, and a full decade after Chris trolling peaked - she hasn't changed since the days she was happily exploiting her association with him to get extensive personal attention from his trolls and observers. Even the most laughable dipshits of the PVCC were never this possessive of Chris, in the sense that they got over it didn't spend the next decade stubbornly trying to hang onto their influence over him.
Anna hates KF. She wants the site shut down. She hates @Null for running KF. As soon as Null joined @Marvin and I in handling the extortion situation, she bounced. At that point she was as useful as a wet diaper anyway - she kept asking us to hold off on moving with the situation until her finals were over so it was inconsequential. Anna has an ego, however. She watched the Rekieta Law video this morning and flipped when she found out she was (rightfully) being negatively portrayed. Her response was to lash out at Null and I by trying to get into Chris' ear. It sort-of worked for all of five minutes when Chris responded with "Don't insult my BFF!". When we told Chris that if he doesn't want our help we'll be done, it was "I love you guys, I need y'all in my life, please get along." i.e. - business as usual. You failed again, Anna. Just GTFO.