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Swedish TV channel 4 - "The Bombman".  NEW INFO HERE

7 January 1998
[ explanations in brackets ]

"Sweden - Scene of crime".

A series showing the big classic crimes in Sweden's history.
The intention is to show a portrait of the face of evil and to try to
answer the question:
Who makes crimes, and why?

In 1982 the villa of the Swedish prosecutor Denckert was bombed and his son-in-law get killed.

In 1983 several floors in the big taxbuilding in Stockholm were blown out from a bomb.

Later in 1983 the building of the Enforcement service was bombed.

In December 1983, one of the main-suspects, the Scientologist Hannu Hyttinen was killed
by a bomb in his apartment in Stockholm. He had been arrested for the bombings but had been released as there was not enough evidence to convict him.

The GO [Gaurdians Office - now called OSA - Office of Special Affairs of the cult called Scientology ] in Stockholm visited him after the arrest and asked him questions on the Scientology E-meter. This happened in cooperation with a policeman who later was suspended from the force.

Hyttinen was working for the GO as well as CCHR [ Citizens Commission for Human Rights - A Scientology front group ] and was taking training at Scientology. Hyttinens’ friend a client of CCHR, one Lars Tingström was jailed for the crimes but denied them to his death in April 1993.

Tingström maintained that is was Scientologist Hyttinen who had made the bombs. Tingström told in his in his last recorded statement to his lawyer that he did know who killed the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme in 1986. Tingström and Hyttinen were both friends to the main-suspect for the Palme murder, Christer Pettersson.

The Palme case has recently been reopened against Christer Pettersson.

As reported by Birgitta (Dagnell) Harrington, Ex-Scientologist, edited to make grammer more US style by Arnie Lerma

Here is previously unpublished diary noted from Birgitta Harrington outside of Malmo Sweden


This dirty story is a write-up made by my deceased husband Joe
Harrington last year. There is more details to be filled in as Joe
didn't get the time to finish it fully. It is based on his debrief on
me, my diary and newspaper clippings. I have been very much in doubt
about posting it, but I feel now that it must be told.

I didn't really understand how much I knew and that CofS could feel
threatened about my memories and diary until I looked back on this
written record of events. The Hyttinen letter to his mother written a
couple of days before he was killed, will be posted separately.



In March 1980 the Chief prosecutor of Sweden, Erik Osterberg led a
serie of police raids of the Scientology church of Malmoe, because of
suspected tax evasion. The "Treasury Secretary", B. Wiberg, was
arrested. During a conversation within the GO it was said that he
confessed some things to the police and that he was shaken. Daily
reports from his confessions made their way to the GO in Malmoe. A few
days later the media reported that a security guard within the police
department, P. Duttlinger, was a Scientologist.

In response to the confessions of Wiberg, the GO created false
receipts of incoming money, showing "religious services". The GO
Offices in Malmoe and Stockholm had "safe rooms" for collecting
sensitive files that could potentially get into the hands of the
police. As a result of the tax evasion investigation the "Church of
Scientology of Sweden" filed bankruptcy in 1986, after back taxes for
three consecutive years were demanded by the Tax Office.

In 1981, Hannu Hyttinen sought help from the CCHR-chapter in
Stockholm. He had been a patient in a mental clinic in Finland and
also in the Karsudden-hospital, in the city of Katrineholm, Sweden. It
is not clear what his initial purpose was, but he offered to help CCHR
in their operations against Karsudden. Karsudden is mainly a hospital
for the more severe cases, like psychopaths.

Hyttinen told Birgitta that 1981/1982 he had bugged a chair during a
meeting in Karsudden. He had done that while being present there as an
CCHR agent, doing an official investigation.
During the time Birgitta knew Hyttinen, he was very hostile towards
any kind of psychology, psychiatry, social work or any type of
goverment institution.

R. Sjogren, was at that time the head of the CCHR-chapter. He was
posted within the GO Stockholm, PR-branch.

Hyttinen was considered dangerous by Sjogren, and he once warned
Birgitta to stay at his place, when Hyttinen offered her his
appartment to stay overnight. During that time he had another man
living there. Sjogren didn't say why he considered Hyttinen as
dangerous to Birgitta.

Lars Tingstrom was also an activist for CCHR, both friend and employee
of Hyttinen, who had a small repair company. It is possible that he
was the man, who stayed with him in the apartment.
The CCHR-Stockholm was mainly composed of Sjogren and M. Nyman, who is
OSA-staff today. They recruited interested people like Hyttinen and R.
Wersocki-Lind, who had been Scientologist for a long time before. He
had a locksmith-company, worked for the Flag Service Consultant Office
as well as for the GO. Before he joined Scientology he had been
convicted for bank robbery. In a statement to Birgitta, he meant, that
he was sentenced for probation in the trial, because he had said he
had changed through Scientology.

In 1983 a private investigators office, "Detecta Info Consult", was
opened by L. Nordstrom and B.
Strandman in Stockholm. Both were kicked out off the Guardian's Office
in 1982, but continued their work for the GO, and later for OSA from
their company. The company is still operating today. They also opened
a company "Inventor Trading", specializing in electronic equipment.

The main activities of CCHR concentrated towards the closing of
psychiatric hospitals, doing investigations and exposing abuses done
by the psychiatrists. The GO program's name was "Psychs Behind Bars".
While Birgitta was doing other PR-actions, Sjogren concentrated
mainly on his CCHR-campaigns.

During that year the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme elected a
committee composed of scientific experts that was supposed to look
into the usage of high doses of vitamins and the "Purification

In July 1982 the villa of the Swedish prosecutor Denckert was bombed
and his son-in-law got killed.

In December 1982 it happened that many staff of the Guardian's Office
in Stockholm, Malmoe and Gothenburg were thrown out by an
"ethics"-mission. Before that a meeting in the Nordland-hotel in
Copenhagen took place, where all the GO-staff had been ordered to
attend. Guillaume Lesevre, Jesse Prince and Ray Mithoff were some of
the missionaires. The GO had been told that they were out-ethics and
that most of the GO-staff had to leave their positions. After this
meeting just four staff were left in the GO's of Sweden: Sjogren
(Stockholm), Birgitta (Malmoe), A. Dysholm (Gothenburg) and M. Persson
(Narconon Malmoe).

In February 1983 several floors in the big tax office building in
Stockholm were blown out from a bomb. Shortly before the explosion
Hyttinen and an electronic educated Scientologist were seen in the

During that time the Guardian's Offices in Europe were closed down by
CMO missions.

82 of the GO-staff members were put on the DPF in Copenhagen. Birgitta
graduated in March and was assigned to the new "Office of External
Affairs" for Europe in Malmoe, after she had signed the Sea Org
contract. As she refused to be responsible for all Europe matters of
the new office, Birthe Held was soon elected to be the new chief of
Europe. Birgitta was now mainly concerned with re-establishing the
Swedish org in Malmo, which had been nearly collapsed, after an
"ethics"-mission was sent to the org and had driven out the staff and
public Scientologists.

Also around that time the tax office sent two agents to Malmoe org to
look into the finance records. Sjogren came from Stockholm to assist

In April Birgitta was sent to Los Angeles to brief the "Special Unit"
composed of Scientology-executives. Present were also lawyers of the
Church. Among them were Alan Cartwright and Henning Heldt. Birgitta
briefed them about the Palme-Committee and opponents to Scientologists
in Sweden. After doing some PR-work in the Guardian's Office and for
the lawyers she was then sent back to Malmoe.

In August 1983 the building of the Tax Enforcement Office in Nacka
near Stockholm was bombed.

Shortly after, on September 13th, Hyttinen got arrested for the
bombings. The arrest was taken seriously by Sjogren, who was concerned
about a possible threat for Scientology, as the police suspected
Hyttinen for two of the bombings. In his function as a case officer
Sjogren had recruited an police officer named Oberg within the
Stockholm police. With his help he could manage to visit Hyttinen in
his cell and "sec-check" him with his e-meter. Sjogren told Birgitta
later, that the e-meter had shown, that Hyttinen was clean on the

At the same time Kerry Gleeson, the resigned former International
Executive Director of Church of Scientology was in Stockholm. Birgitta
was supposed to "handle" him, but not to get in direct contact with
him. Despite the order she met with him in a cafe and had a
conversation with him, about an alleged ethics program he was on, and
about the new management and the new "squirrel groups" in the United
States. Due to the unauthorized meeting with Gleeson, Birgitta got an
ethics hearing, was suspended from post and had later a Board of
Investigation on her.

Approximately two weeks after his arrest Hyttinen was set free, as the
police couldn't prove his involvement in the bombings. Birgitta didn't
appear in the org at that time, but was forced to appear on night-long
ethics hearings at the "FOLO" in Copenhagen. She became ill, returned
to Malmoe and moved to the hospital for three days. Missionaires from
the Sea Org were sent to their home, demanding her to return to the
FOLO. Birgitta refused. When her husband was pressured to separate
from her, she finally gave in and went back to the FOLO on December
18th. She had hearings during the nights, was constantly guarded and
all her possession was confiscated. At 4 am on December 22nd, the
hearings were finished and after she was pressured to sign an
affidavit, in which she stated, "that she was warning about squirrel
groups". She was also ordered to stay away from the Church.

In December 23rd, 1983 Hannu Hyttinen was killed by a bomb in his
apartment in Stockholm. In a letter sent to his mother few days before
he died, he mentioned that he "was part of the Scientology terror
group". He also said that he feared about his life, as the Swedish
Police was corrupt. Shortly after his death, Lars Tingstrom, his
friend was arrested and stayed in jail until summer 1984. In a press
article from July 6th, 1988, Sjogren admitted to have been at the
apartment after the explosion, on the same day.

In April 1984 Sjogren, who was at that time working for OSA in
Stockholm and for the RTC, asked Birgitta for an appointment. That
took place at the central station in Stockholm on 3rd and 4th of
April. Sjogren said that various agents were placed within the
"squirrel"-groups, and that the GO-actions were nothing in comparison
with the OSA-activities. He had been visited by someone from RTC, who
urged him to report squirrels and cooperate with the police. He asked
Birgitta to become one of his agents, so he could tell RTC she would
cooperate with the Church. Birgitta refused the offer.

On April 10th, a so-called "squirrel" Stefan Sahlvall was arrested by
the police at the Arlanda Airport in Stockholm, when he returned from
the US. This took place on behalf of Sjogren, who made a deal with a
policeman, to whom he delivered pieces of the pc-folder of Sahlvall as
evidence for laundering money in exchange for allegedly stolen
OT-material, which hadn't been found at him at the arrest.

One day later, Todde Sahlen of Gothenburg, another "squirrel" starts
to write a series of letters to the police and various newspapers,
stating that he feels threatened by Sjogren.

During another meeting with Birgitta, Sjogren stated that he could
kill Sahlen and that the end justifies the means. He told her not to
tell anybody anything.

Due to a rumor of being the target of a tax investigation, Birgitta
contacted the police in May 1984 and at a meeting was shown a letter
where A. Dysholm of Gothenburg alleges her to be responsible for the
finances of the Malmoe organization, due to an annual meeting. At that
time the organization was threatened to get bankrupt if 96.000 SEK
(9.600 USD) weren't paid within a few days to the Tax Office. Birgitta
was found to be not guilty of the false accusations and that the
record of the annual meeting was falsified.

June 12th, 1984: Todde Sahlen was prohibited to go to work, by
Sjogren, Wersocki-Lind and Nyman, who placed their cars in front of
his. When the Gothenburg police was called, Sjogren alarmed the police
of Stockholm with his walkie-talkie. They arrived within minutes and
took over. Without authorization they moved into the house, searched
the place and took belongings. Sahlen was taken to his company, where
the police confiscated all his money and different papers. Later he
got arrested on behalf of District Attorney Stettler from Stockholm.

During the night of the same day Britt-Marie Mossberg was searched by
OSA Stockholm. For that purpose they went to her mother, and found out
that she is visiting Marie-Lousie Krusell.

Sjogren, Wersocki-Lind and Nyman went to Krusell's place and tried to
get into the apartment. After calling the Gothenburg police, the three
men and other Scientologists from the org were forced to leave the
place. They returned at 1 or 2 am, screaming on the street with
Wersocki-Lind holding a Magnum revolver. The police was again called
and they made certain that they left the city.

During the next day, Sahlen's wife, Renee, was called for a police
interview. Together with her friend Chia she appeared at the police
station in Gothenburg. The interview was led by prosecutor Stettler
and policeman Oberg. During the interview Oberg was heard to call
Sjogren, who had returned to Stockholm, and saying to him in a mild
and friendly tone, that he should stop the harassment while the
police investigation was on-going. After he hang up, he told Renee,
that she shouldn't suspect, he would act on behalf of the church or
would cooperate with them. The next day Todde Sahlen was set free. He
later was found not guilty regarding the accusations.

Birgitta never returned to the org after December 1983 and in July
1984 Birgitta received her SP-declare.

On August 23rd a journalist told Birgitta that he knew about two
Scientologists who were involved in drug trafficking. One of them was
Julek Wersocki, the brother of Roger Wersocki-Lind. They would use a
Scientology-company called "Pro-Life" for it. A few days later he
mentioned that a member of the Palme-commission, Jan-Ove Hansen was
also involved in this.

On August 30, while being at her mother in Stockholm, Birgitta called
her daughter in Helsingborg to find out how she was doing. Her
daughter told her that Sjogren had previously called her. Birgitta
phoned back to Sjogren in his office. He denied calling her daughter
and said it was Leif Nordstrom from the private agency "Detecta".
Sjogren gave the telephone number of Nordstrom to Birgitta, who called
then the agency. Nordstrom explained to Birgitta , that it was easy to
get her secret number and address, also due to the fact that he had
contacts within the phone company. He asked her twice, if she didn't
care about her life. Birgitta felt threatened and reported the matter
to the police.

A police investigation into the infiltration of the Scientology agents
began in September. They found out that Sjogren was equipped with two
walkie-talkies, that he had gotten from the police. It became known
that the cooperation between the police and the Scientologists started
in the year 1980, after the raid. The policeman Oberg was fired from
the police.

On February 28th, 1986 Prime Minister Olof Palme was shot to death
with a Magnum 357 in Stockholm, after he had gone to a movie together
with his wife and his son.

In July 1986 Sjogren stated to Birgitta that he had changed his last

In April 1986 Marie-Louise Krusell stated to Birgitta that she knew
who had killed Palme. 12 years later Birgitta learned that Krusell had
died. Date of death is unknown.

In November of 1986 the attorney Pelle Svensson of Lars Tingstrom was
the subject of repeated harassment from OSA International, who
reported him on several legal abuses to the bar of lawyers. He was
designed as a program "to be handled", and due to his sayings there is
a connection between the bombings, the Palme murder and Scientology.

In July 1987 Sjogren contacted and told Birgitta that he had left
Scientology and the Sea Org in March 1987, due to "out-ethics"
(financial irregularities and out-2D). He had been posted either in
Spain or Italy, and prior to that he was sent from his office in
Stockholm to Flag.

Tingstrom maintained his statement until his cancer death in 1993 that
is was Scientologist Hyttinen who had made the bombs.

The Palme case was planned to be reopened in late 1997. An
investigation regarding the Magnum is still ongoing.

One of the suspects for the murder, Wersocki-Lind, had fled to the
United States.

Another one is B. Strandman, from "Detecta".

The third one, Christer Petersson, happened to be a friend to Hyttinen
and Tingstrom.

You may contact Birgitta here

Finnish newspaper:

"Kouvolan Sanomat"
24th December 1983

Did he try to make a bomb?

A man dies in Stockholm in a bomb explosion

Stockholm, (STT - TT)

A Finnish-born 39-years old man was killed in a bomb explosion on
Thursday morning in his flat in a residential area at Tensta in Stockholm. The
police suspect that he was making a bomb in his flat and that the bomb
exploded accidently. He had been under arrest because it was suspected that he
had been responsible for the bomb attack against The Tax Enforcement
Office in Nacka nearby Stockholm in August this year (1983).

The explosion caused wide material damage to his house as well as
houses nearby. The deceased man's flat was destroyed completely and at least
three other flats damaged so badly that the residents had to go elsewhere
for several days. The explosion happened just before half past five on
Thursday morning.

The man who was killed had prior experience with explosives. "We are
convinced that he was involved in the Nacka bomb attack and we suspect
that he was making plans for other sabotages in the near future", said
Chief Inspector Lennart Thorin, the head of the police arson squad.

During the fall, the same man threatened both authorities and private
citizens with bomb attacks.

The police kept an eye on him and prepared to take action against him
when the explosion that ended his life occured.

Even though the police were certain that the man was involved in the
explosion in Nacka, the city court of Nacka disagreed. After 14 days
of arrest the man was let free because there was not enough evidence
against him according to the court and thus the court had to release him.

The bomb destroyed the whole floor of the Enforcement Office in Nacka.
The explosives were inside of a cool bag, and was discovered when staff in
the office heard the ticking. The police were called and they evacuated
the entire building.

When explosive-specialists shot the cool bag, the contents of the cool
bag exploded and the whole fourth floor became destroyed in the explosion.

The police also suspect that this is the same man who bombed the tax
building of Stockholm in February in which a female employee got

picture on right: Explosion caused wide material damages in house and
nearby houses.

Timeline summary by Joe Cisar:

From: "roger gonnet" <>
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Subject: Re: Palme assassination update
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 17:25:56 +0100
Lines: 566
Message-ID: <9rjvu2$1vre$>
References: <Pine.LNX.3.96.1011029072734.114A-100000@darkstar.zippy>
X-Trace: 1004372738 65390 (29 Oct 2001 16:25:38 GMT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: 29 Oct 2001 16:25:38 GMT
X-Priority: 3
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X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200
Xref: alt.religion.scientology:64484

German_Scn_News <> a écrit dans le message :
> This page contains three entries:

so, the summary is clear: a high OSA agent decided that Prime Minister Palme
was to be killed, he made a bomb, and found a murderer to get it done. Fine
people, these scienos from OSA.


> 1. Exonerated man admits murdering Olof Palme
> Stockholm, Sweden
> October 29, 2001
> TagesAnzeiger
> 2. Bid Harrington's May 5, 2001 post to a.r.s.
> 3. A man died in a bomb explosion in Sweden
> Stockholm, Sweden
> December 24, 1983
> Kouvolan Sanomat
> Exonerated man admits murdering Olof Palme
> Stockholm, Sweden
> October 29, 2001
> TagesAnzeiger
> Stockholm. - Christer Pettersson, a Swedish man
> who was convicted of the murder of Olof Palme
> and then later let free, has now stated that he
> committed the murder of the Swedish Minister
> President in 1986. "I did the shooting," said the
> man, who is 54 years old today. "But they'll never
> convict me. The weapon is gone," stated the
> drug-addicted alcoholic. Last week Lisbet Palme
> made her first public statement ever about the
> assassination. She said she had been sure that
> Pettersson was correctly identified in the line-up,
> even though the Swedish court did not believe her,
> said the widow of the popular Social Democrat.
> [...]
> "Hyttinen worked for the GO as well as for CCHR
> [Citizens Commission for Human Rights - a
> Scientology front group] and took Scientology
> courses. Hyttinen's friend in CCHR, Lars
> Tingstroem, had been sentenced to prison for this
> crime, but he disputed any participation in it up to
> his death in April 1993. Tingstroem asserted that it
> was the Scientologist Hyttinen who made the
> bombs. In his last statement by by his attorney,
> Tingstroem said that he also knew who had
> murdered the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme
> in 1986. Tingstroem and Hyttinen were both
> friends of the main suspect for Palme's murder,
> Christer Pettersson."
> (...)
> Pettersson is referred to as Petersson in the below
> statement.
> ---
> From: Birgitta
> Subject: Correction "Debrief"
> Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
> Date: 2001-05-01 15:25:53 PST
> For authenticity sake, I found that Joe did not
> write most of this text which I thought when I
> found it in his file. Originally it was three of us who
> made this work together. It was me, Joe and
> someone else.
> Later on, Joe added a lot of more details into it
> after he had asked me more questions. So the
> background, my diary and words are the same,
> but it has mainly another author.
> Bid
> On Mon, 30 Apr 2001 16:01:59 +0200, Birgitta
> wrote:
> This dirty story is a write-up made by my
> deceased husband Joe Harrington last year. There
> is more details to be filled in as Joe didn't get the
> time to finish it fully. It is based on his debrief on
> me, my diary and newspaper clippings. I have
> been very much in doubt about posting it, but I feel
> now that it must be told.
> I didn't really understand how much I knew and
> that CofS could feel threatened about my
> memories and diary until I looked back on this
> written record of events. The Hyttinen letter to his
> mother written a couple of days before he was
> killed, will be posted separately.
> Bid
> "Debrief"
> In March 1980 the Chief prosecutor of Sweden,
> Erik Osterberg led a serie of police raids of the
> Scientology church of Malmoe, because of
> suspected tax evasion. The "Treasury Secretary",
> B. Wiberg, was arrested. During a conversation
> within the GO it was said that he confessed some
> things to the police and that he was shaken. Daily
> reports from his confessions made their way to the
> GO in Malmoe. A few days later the media
> reported that a security guard within the police
> department, P. Duttlinger, was a Scientologist.
> In response to the confessions of Wiberg, the GO
> created false receipts of incoming money, showing
> "religious services". The GO Offices in Malmoe
> and Stockholm had "safe rooms" for collecting
> sensitive files that could potentially get into the
> hands of the police. As a result of the tax evasion
> investigation the "Church of Scientology of
> Sweden" filed bankruptcy in 1986, after back
> taxes for three consecutive years were demanded
> by the Tax Office.
> In 1981, Hannu Hyttinen sought help from the
> CCHR-chapter in Stockholm. He had been a
> patient in a mental clinic in Finland and also in the
> Karsudden-hospital, in the city of Katrineholm,
> Sweden. It is not clear what his initial purpose
> was, but he offered to help CCHR in their
> operations against Karsudden. Karsudden is
> mainly a hospital for the more severe cases, like
> psychopaths.
> Hyttinen told Birgitta that 1981/1982 he had
> bugged a chair during a meeting in Karsudden. He
> had done that while being present there as an
> CCHR agent, doing an official investigation. During
> the time Birgitta knew Hyttinen, he was very
> hostile towards any kind of psychology,
> psychiatry, social work or any type of goverment
> institution.
> R. Sjogren, was at that time the head of the
> CCHR-chapter. He was posted within the GO
> Stockholm, PR-branch.
> Hyttinen was considered dangerous by Sjogren,
> and he once warned Birgitta to stay at his place,
> when Hyttinen offered her his appartment to stay
> overnight. During that time he had another man
> living there. Sjogren didn't say why he considered
> Hyttinen as dangerous to Birgitta.
> Lars Tingstrom was also an activist for CCHR,
> both friend and employee of Hyttinen, who had a
> small repair company. It is possible that he was the
> man, who stayed with him in the apartment. The
> CCHR-Stockholm was mainly composed of
> Sjogren and M. Nyman, who is OSA-staff today.
> They recruited interested people like Hyttinen and
> R. Wersocki-Lind, who had been Scientologist for
> a long time before. He had a locksmith-company,
> worked for the Flag Service Consultant Office as
> well as for the GO. Before he joined Scientology
> he had been convicted for bank robbery. In a
> statement to Birgitta, he meant, that he was
> sentenced for probation in the trial, because he had
> said he had changed through Scientology.
> In 1983 a private investigators office, "Detecta
> Info Consult", was opened by L. Nordstrom and
> B. Strandman in Stockholm. Both were kicked out
> off the Guardian's Office in 1982, but continued
> their work for the GO, and later for OSA from
> their company. The company is still operating
> today. They also opened a company "Inventor
> Trading", specializing in electronic equipment.
> The main activities of CCHR concentrated
> towards the closing of psychiatric hospitals, doing
> investigations and exposing abuses done by the
> psychiatrists. The GO program's name was
> "Psychs Behind Bars". While Birgitta was doing
> other PR-actions, Sjogren concentrated mainly on
> his CCHR-campaigns.
> During that year the Swedish Prime Minister Olof
> Palme elected a committee composed of scientific
> experts that was supposed to look into the usage
> of high doses of vitamins and the "Purification
> Rundown".
> In July 1982 the villa of the Swedish prosecutor
> Denckert was bombed and his son-in-law got
> killed.
> In December 1982 it happened that many staff of
> the Guardian's Office in Stockholm, Malmoe and
> Gothenburg were thrown out by an
> "ethics"-mission. Before that a meeting in the
> Nordland-hotel in Copenhagen took place, where
> all the GO-staff had been ordered to attend.
> Guillaume Lesevre, Jesse Prince and Ray Mithoff
> were some of the missionaires. The GO had been
> told that they were out-ethics and that most of the
> GO-staff had to leave their positions. After this
> meeting just four staff were left in the GO's of
> Sweden: Sjogren (Stockholm), Birgitta (Malmoe),
> A. Dysholm (Gothenburg) and M. Persson
> (Narconon Malmoe).
> In February 1983 several floors in the big tax
> office building in Stockholm were blown out from
> a bomb. Shortly before the explosion Hyttinen and
> an electronic educated Scientologist were seen in
> the building.
> During that time the Guardian's Offices in Europe
> were closed down by CMO missions.
> 82 of the GO-staff members were put on the DPF
> in Copenhagen. Birgitta graduated in March and
> was assigned to the new "Office of External
> Affairs" for Europe in Malmoe, after she had
> signed the Sea Org contract. As she refused to be
> responsible for all Europe matters of the new
> office, Birthe Held was soon elected to be the new
> chief of Europe. Birgitta was now mainly
> concerned with re-establishing the Swedish org in
> Malmo, which had been nearly collapsed, after an
> "ethics"-mission was sent to the org and had driven
> out the staff and public Scientologists.
> Also around that time the tax office sent two
> agents to Malmoe org to look into the finance
> records. Sjogren came from Stockholm to assist
> them.
> In April Birgitta was sent to Los Angeles to brief
> the "Special Unit" composed of
> Scientology-executives. Present were also lawyers
> of the Church. Among them were Alan Cartwright
> and Henning Heldt. Birgitta briefed them about the
> Palme-Committee and opponents to Scientologists
> in Sweden. After doing some PR-work in the
> Guardian's Office and for the lawyers she was then
> sent back to Malmoe.
> In August 1983 the building of the Tax
> Enforcement Office in Nacka near Stockholm was
> bombed.
> Shortly after, on September 13th, Hyttinen got
> arrested for the bombings. The arrest was taken
> seriously by Sjogren, who was concerned about a
> possible threat for Scientology, as the police
> suspected Hyttinen for two of the bombings. In his
> function as a case officer Sjogren had recruited an
> police officer named Oberg within the Stockholm
> police. With his help he could manage to visit
> Hyttinen in his cell and "sec-check" him with his
> e-meter. Sjogren told Birgitta later, that the
> e-meter had shown, that Hyttinen was clean on the
> bombings.
> At the same time Kerry Gleeson, the resigned
> former International Executive Director of Church
> of Scientology was in Stockholm. Birgitta was
> supposed to "handle" him, but not to get in direct
> contact with him. Despite the order she met with
> him in a cafe and had a conversation with him,
> about an alleged ethics program he was on, and
> about the new management and the new "squirrel
> groups" in the United States. Due to the
> unauthorized meeting with Gleeson, Birgitta got an
> ethics hearing, was suspended from post and had
> later a Board of Investigation on her.
> Approximately two weeks after his arrest Hyttinen
> was set free, as the police couldn't prove his
> involvement in the bombings. Birgitta didn't appear
> in the org at that time, but was forced to appear on
> night-long ethics hearings at the "FOLO" in
> Copenhagen. She became ill, returned to Malmoe
> and moved to the hospital for three days.
> Missionaires from the Sea Org were sent to their
> home, demanding her to return to the FOLO.
> Birgitta refused. When her husband was pressured
> to separate from her, she finally gave in and went
> back to the FOLO on December 18th. She had
> hearings during the nights, was constantly guarded
> and all her possession was confiscated. At 4 am
> on December 22nd, the hearings were finished and
> after she was pressured to sign an affidavit, in
> which she stated, "that she was warning about
> squirrel groups". She was also ordered to stay
> away from the Church.
> In December 23rd, 1983 Hannu Hyttinen was
> killed by a bomb in his apartment in Stockholm. In
> a letter sent to his mother few days before he died,
> he mentioned that he "was part of the Scientology
> terror group". He also said that he feared about his
> life, as the Swedish Police was corrupt. Shortly
> after his death, Lars Tingstrom, his friend was
> arrested and stayed in jail until summer 1984. In a
> press article from July 6th, 1988, Sjogren admitted
> to have been at the apartment after the explosion,
> on the same day.
> In April 1984 Sjogren, who was at that time
> working for OSA in Stockholm and for the RTC,
> asked Birgitta for an appointment. That took place
> at the central station in Stockholm on 3rd and 4th
> of April. Sjogren said that various agents were
> placed within the "squirrel"-groups, and that the
> GO-actions were nothing in comparison with the
> OSA-activities. He had been visited by someone
> from RTC, who urged him to report squirrels and
> cooperate with the police. He asked Birgitta to
> become one of his agents, so he could tell RTC
> she would cooperate with the Church. Birgitta
> refused the offer.
> On April 10th, a so-called "squirrel" Stefan
> Sahlvall was arrested by the police at the Arlanda
> Airport in Stockholm, when he returned from the
> US. This took place on behalf of Sjogren, who
> made a deal with a policeman, to whom he
> delivered pieces of the pc-folder of Sahlvall as
> evidence for laundering money in exchange for
> allegedly stolen OT-material, which hadn't been
> found at him at the arrest.
> One day later, Todde Sahlen of Gothenburg,
> another "squirrel" starts to write a series of letters
> to the police and various newspapers, stating that
> he feels threatened by Sjogren.
> During another meeting with Birgitta, Sjogren
> stated that he could kill Sahlen and that the end
> justifies the means. He told her not to tell anybody
> anything.
> Due to a rumor of being the target of a tax
> investigation, Birgitta contacted the police in May
> 1984 and at a meeting was shown a letter where
> A. Dysholm of Gothenburg alleges her to be
> responsible for the finances of the Malmoe
> organization, due to an annual meeting. At that time
> the organization was threatened to get bankrupt if
> 96.000 SEK (9.600 USD) weren't paid within a
> few days to the Tax Office. Birgitta was found to
> be not guilty of the false accusations and that the
> record of the annual meeting was falsified.
> June 12th, 1984: Todde Sahlen was prohibited to
> go to work, by Sjogren, Wersocki-Lind and
> Nyman, who placed their cars in front of his.
> When the Gothenburg police was called, Sjogren
> alarmed the police of Stockholm with his
> walkie-talkie. They arrived within minutes and
> took over. Without authorization they moved into
> the house, searched the place and took belongings.
> Sahlen was taken to his company, where the
> police confiscated all his money and different
> papers. Later he got arrested on behalf of District
> Attorney Stettler from Stockholm.
> During the night of the same day Britt-Marie
> Mossberg was searched by OSA Stockholm. For
> that purpose they went to her mother, and found
> out that she is visiting Marie-Lousie Krusell.
> Sjogren, Wersocki-Lind and Nyman went to
> Krusell's place and tried to get into the apartment.
> After calling the Gothenburg police, the three men
> and other Scientologists from the org were forced
> to leave the place. They returned at 1 or 2 am,
> screaming on the street with Wersocki-Lind
> holding a Magnum revolver. The police was again
> called and they made certain that they left the city.
> During the next day, Sahlen's wife, Renee, was
> called for a police interview. Together with her
> friend Chia she appeared at the police station in
> Gothenburg. The interview was led by prosecutor
> Stettler and policeman Oberg. During the interview
> Oberg was heard to call Sjogren, who had
> returned to Stockholm, and saying to him in a mild
> and friendly tone, that he should stop the
> harassment while the police investigation was
> on-going. After he hang up, he told Renee, that she
> shouldn't suspect, he would act on behalf of the
> church or would cooperate with them. The next
> day Todde Sahlen was set free. He later was
> found not guilty regarding the accusations.
> Birgitta never returned to the org after December
> 1983 and in July 1984 Birgitta received her
> SP-declare.
> On August 23rd a journalist told Birgitta that he
> knew about two Scientologists who were involved
> in drug trafficking. One of them was Julek
> Wersocki, the brother of Roger Wersocki-Lind.
> They would use a Scientology-company called
> "Pro-Life" for it. A few days later he mentioned
> that a member of the Palme-commission, Jan-Ove
> Hansen was also involved in this.
> On August 30, while being at her mother in
> Stockholm, Birgitta called her daughter in
> Helsingborg to find out how she was doing. Her
> daughter told her that Sjogren had previously
> called her. Birgitta phoned back to Sjogren in his
> office. He denied calling her daughter and said it
> was Leif Nordstrom from the private agency
> "Detecta". Sjogren gave the telephone number of
> Nordstrom to Birgitta, who called then the agency.
> Nordstrom explained to Birgitta , that it was easy
> to get her secret number and address, also due to
> the fact that he had contacts within the phone
> company. He asked her twice, if she didn't care
> about her life. Birgitta felt threatened and reported
> the matter to the police.
> A police investigation into the infiltration of the
> Scientology agents began in September. They
> found out that Sjogren was equipped with two
> walkie-talkies, that he had gotten from the police.
> It became known that the cooperation between the
> police and the Scientologists started in the year
> 1980, after the raid. The policeman Oberg was
> fired from the police.
> On February 28th, 1986 Prime Minister Olof
> Palme was shot to death with a Magnum 357 in
> Stockholm, after he had gone to a movie together
> with his wife and his son.
> In July 1986 Sjogren stated to Birgitta that he had
> changed his last name.
> In April 1986 Marie-Louise Krusell stated to
> Birgitta that she knew who had killed Palme. 12
> years later Birgitta learned that Krusell had died.
> Date of death is unknown.
> In November of 1986 the attorney Pelle Svensson
> of Lars Tingstrom was the subject of repeated
> harassment from OSA International, who
> reported him on several legal abuses to the bar of
> lawyers. He was designed as a program "to be
> handled", and due to his sayings there is a
> connection between the bombings, the Palme
> murder and Scientology.
> In July 1987 Sjogren contacted and told Birgitta
> that he had left Scientology and the Sea Org in
> March 1987, due to "out-ethics" (financial
> irregularities and out-2D). He had been posted
> either in Spain or Italy, and prior to that he was
> sent from his office in Stockholm to Flag.
> Tingstrom maintained his statement until his cancer
> death in 1993 that is was Scientologist Hyttinen
> who had made the bombs.
> The Palme case was planned to be reopened in
> late 1997. An investigation regarding the Magnum
> is still ongoing.
> One of the suspects for the murder,
> Wersocki-Lind, had fled to the United States.
> Another one is B. Strandman, from "Detecta".
> The third one, Christer Petersson, happened to be
> a friend to Hyttinen and Tingstrom.
> ---
> Did he try to make a bomb?
> A man died in a bomb explosion in Sweden
> Stockhold, Sweden
> December 24, 1983
> Kouvolan Sanomat
> Stockholm, (STT - TT)
> A 39-year-old man, a native Finn, was killed on
> Thursday morning in his apartment in a residential
> district of Tensta in Sweden by a bomb explosion.
> The police suspect that he was making a bomb
> that accidentally exploded in his apartment. He had
> been in custody for suspicion of the bomb attacks
> on the income tax offices in Nacka near Sweden in
> August of this year [1983]
> The explosion caused great material damage to the
> building, as well as to nearby buildings. The
> apartment of the deceased was completely
> destroyed and at least three other residences were
> so badly damaged that their residents are going to
> have to live someplace else. The explosion
> occurred on Thursday morning shortly after 5:30
> a.m.
> The dead man has had prior experience with
> explosive materials. "We are convinced that he
> took part in the bomb attack in Nacka and we
> suspect that he also had plans for future acts of
> sabotage," said chief inspector Lennart Thorin, the
> head of the police arson department.
> In the course of the fall the same man threatened
> government and private offices with bomb attacks.
> The police had him under surveillance and were
> preparing an operation against him when the
> explosion that ended his life occurred.
> Even though the police were certain that the man
> took part in the explosion at Nacka, the municipal
> court of Nacka disagreed. After 14 days in jail the
> man was let free because, according to the court,
> there was not enough evidence against him and
> therefore he had to be let go.
> The bomb destroyed an entire floor of the income
> tax agency in Nacka. The explosive material was
> in an ice chest and it was discovered because
> office staff heard the ticking. The police were
> called and the entire building was evacuated.
> When explosive experts shot the ice chest, its
> contents exploded and the entire fourth floor was
> destroyed by the explosion.
> The police also suspect that this was the same man
> who perpetrated a bomb attack on the Stockholm
> tax offices in which a female employee lost her life.
> ---
> Personal German Scientology News Informative
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