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  1. “We are poor, so they told my daughter they would give her money and clothes,” the mother of a 13-year-old girl said. Though she told her daughter not to enlist, she did and has been missing for a month, the mother said. "But we know nothing about her, only her salary.”

  2. Retweeted

    - U.S State Department says Pompeo and Cavusoglu in meeting in Singapore 'agreed to continue to try to resolve the issues' between two countries via

  3. No one has been hold accountable for the ‘humanitarian disaster’ as the KDP forces retreat was ordered by Masrour Barzani, the son of the then president of Kurdistan Masoud Barzani.

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  4. 4th anniversary of the fall of Sinjar, following the abrupt retreat of the KDP militias in the region without a fight against ISIS; it led to the death of around 5000 Yazidis and 1000s of Yazidi women were enslaved and children were forcedly taken to ISIS training camps.

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    Key question re collapse of Brunson deal "Unclear whether Turkey wanted Halkbank fine under negotiation to be scrapped altogether or was seeking guarantees there be no further investigation leading to further arrests/fining of Turkish citizens/entities"

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    A leading pro-AKP columnist says his source who is involved w negotiations of Brunson case, told diplomatic attempts to solve the stand off continues. Seems Ankara wants to get this crisis over with rather than escalating w sanctions on US officials/persons as widely expected.

  7. Retweeted

    Turkey's Minimum wage value falls 80$ in 4 months as TL plummets: April 2018-1600 TL=$400 August 2018-1600 TL=$320 Remember in 2010 it was 646TL=then worth $430 W/inflation loss is much more: From 6/2017-6/2018 transportation up 24%, food 18%, housing 12%+price hikes continuing.

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    23 hours ago

    's journalists aren't just being jailed. Many - especially Kurdish journalists - are also being denied the right to appear in court due to a flawed & overused prison-to-courtroom video link called SEGBİS. Attorney Veysel Ok of explains.

  9. Retweeted
    Aug 1

    Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu on killing of mother and baby in Hakkari: "From now on, no-one can say a word against any of our operations, or the trials in our courts. Nor can anyone say we bargained with anyone. This (the PKK) is what they (America) have fed and raised."

  10. Deloitte supposed to have auditing for the KRG oil exports and revenues, but it ended up having a 'review' of it which basically means waste of money because the issue from the start was with the numbers KRG provides.

  11. Aug 2

    Important thread: The issue of Christian missionaries in Turkey has a much longer history than Brunson‘s and has been there much before AKP’s rule.

  12. Aug 2
  13. Retweeted
    Aug 1

    Kurdish refugee Caucher Birkar wins the Fields medal – the biggest prize in maths

  14. Aug 1

    They know the whole Abadi coalition is based on him becoming PM again, if he fails (which is very likely), the coalition will fall apart and many of it's members will join Fatah-SoL block.

  15. Retweeted
    Aug 1

    YPG-PKK have the most to gain from a rupture in US-Turkish ties. It’s the only scenario under which Rojava secures wide international support, similar to Kosovo. Otherwise Rojava will become a Russian- and Assad regime-occupied pariah entity, not much different than Transnistria

  16. Retweeted
    Aug 1

    Fields medal: UK refugee wins 'biggest maths prize'

  17. Retweeted
    Aug 1

    Bloomberg reporting that there was a deal on Brunson - US would keep a fine on HalkBank manageable, & hand back Hakan Attilla - but then Brunson didn't get out on time.

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  18. Retweeted
    Jul 31

    A PKK Mine on the road in Yuksekova kills a Turkish soldier’s wife and baby who were returning home after a visit

  19. Retweeted
    Aug 1

    JUST IN: A senior /n diplomat working on just told me there would be no offensive on . , negotiated some "compromise." Details to follow in my take

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  20. Retweeted
    Aug 1

    BREAKING: US Sanctions over Pastor Brunson Detention. Serious escalation, unprecedented even during 2003 Iraq rift

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