Using Google Pub/Sub from bash

10 months ago


Several of our customers want their Electric Imp agents to be able to talk to Google’s APIs, in particular Google Pub/Sub.

As part of that, I’m implementing RS256 signing for Electric Imp agents, so that agents can generate and sign JSON Web Tokens (JWT).

Disclaimer: any discussion of Electric Imp features, roadmap, etc. is basically rumour and hearsay, is totally unofficial and unsanctioned, and shouldn’t be relied on.

Rather than just dive in and knock out some C++ (and Squirrel) code, I thought I’d explore how it all works first.

Using bash, because that’s how I roll.

Google Pub/Sub Topics and Subscriptions

To use Pub/Sub, you’ll need an overall project, at least one pub/sub topic, and at least one subscription.

Go to and either create a new project or select an existing project.

Google will generate a unique ID for your project. For example, it might call it “bamboo-analyst-182014”.

From the “hamburger” menu, choose the “Pub/Sub” entry, and then choose “Topics”. Then click on “Create Topic” and enter a suitable name. I called mine “friday” (because it was Friday at the time).

Then click on your topic and click the “Create Subscription” button. Enter a suitable name for your subscription.

Creating your subscriptions via the console isn’t particularly scalable. In a real application, you’d probably do this in code.

Service Account

To access Pub/Sub, you’ll need to create a service account.

Go to and click “Create Service Account”. Enter a suitable name and select the appropriate roles. At this point, I wasn’t sure which ones I wanted, so I granted all of the Pub/Sub roles. You can fix that later in the “IAM” tab.

You’ll need a public/private keypair for your service account. You can create this when you initially create the service account, or you can create a new keypair later. A service account can have multiple keys, if necessary.

The console will download the private key (as JSON, by default) to your PC. You need to keep this key somewhere safe, because it’s (a) the only copy; (b) intended to be private.

Creating a JSON Web Token (JWT) in bash

To access the Google Pub/Sub API, we need an access token. To get an access token, we need to present a JWT token.

Install jq

Install jq; see

base64url helper function

You’ll need this:

base64url() {
    base64 -w 0 | tr '+/' '-_' | tr -d '='

Service Account Email / Private Key

You’ll need to deal with the JSON file you just downloaded:

service_account_email=$(jq -r '.client_email' < $PRIVATE_KEY_JSON_PATH)
jq -r '.private_key' < $PRIVATE_KEY_JSON_PATH > my.key

JWT Header

You need a header:

jwt_header=$(echo -n '{"alg":"RS256","typ":"JWT"}' | base64url)

Don’t forget the -n.

Obviously, the input is a constant, so the output will always be the following:


JWT Claims

# The 'jq -Mc' uses jq to validate the JSON, and removes the whitespace (and colour).
jwt_claims=$(cat <<EOF |
  "exp":$(date +%s --date="+600 seconds"),
  "iat":$(date +%s)
jq -Mc '.' | base64url)

JWT Signature

jwt_signature=$(echo -n "${jwt_header}.${jwt_claims}" | \
    openssl dgst -sha256 -sign my.key | base64url)



Exchange the JWT for an access token

token_json=$(curl -s -X POST \ \
    --data-urlencode \
        "grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer" \
    --data-urlencode \
access_token=$(echo $token_json | jq -r '.access_token')


# set these appropriately

curl -s -X POST \$subscription:pull \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"maxMessages":10}'

Note that you must specify the content type, or you’ll get a confusing error about “Invalid JSON payload received.”. You also have to specify a value for maxMessages.

When you run the curl pull command, it will block, waiting for messages to be published.


You can publish a message from the Pub/Sub page in the Google Cloud Console. Select the relevant topic and click the “Publish Message” button.

A message has a body and can have zero or more key/value pairs (both strings).

Receiving a message

When you publish the message, your curl pull command should complete (if it hasn’t already timed out); it will print out something like the following:

  "receivedMessages": [
      "ackId": "QV5A...LLD5-PT5F",
      "message": {
        "data": "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh",
        "attributes": {
          "foo": "12"
        "messageId": "151442302373991",
        "publishTime": "2017-10-05T15:37:04.514Z"

You can see the attributes, and you can see the message. It’s base64-encoded, so you’ll need to decode it:

$ base64 -d <<< "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh"
Hello World!

Acknowledging a message

If you run the curl pull command again, you’ll get the same message again. This is because you didn’t acknowledge the message.

To do this, take the ackId field from the message and run the following:

acknowledge='{"ackIds": ["QV5A...LLD5-PT5F"]}'
curl -s -X POST \$subscription:acknowledge \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d $acknowledge

Note that you have to do this before the ack deadline expires. The deadline is per-subscription, and defaults to 10 seconds.

Publishing a message

# set these appropriately


cat <<EOF |
  "messages": [
      "data": "$(echo -n "Hello World!" | base64)"
jq -Mc '.' |
curl -s -X POST \$topic:publish \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d @-

Message Ordering

You might notice that, when you pull messages from your subscription (and particularly if you’re not acknowledging them), you don’t always get the complete list of messages, and they’re not always in a consistent order.

You might then ask “are messages guaranteed to be delivered in order?”. Google answers that question here: Message Ordering. (tl;dr: no).
